我从opcua服务器端的ExtensionObject节点读取到的字节串是如何将其转换为十进制,这是根据python中的struct模块解析其中一个字节串的结果。 这显然是错误的,我该怎么办,我得到的数据是这样的 这是我的代码:
import struct
# Example byte string containing double values
byte_string = b'\x84^\x05\x00\x00\xf7\n\x19\n\....'
# Determine the size of a double in bytes
double_size = struct.calcsize('!d')
# Calculate the number of double values in the byte string
num_values = len(byte_string) // double_size
# Loop through the byte string and unpack double values
for i in range(num_values):
# Calculate the offset for the current double value
offset = i * double_size
# Unpack the double value from the byte string
double_value = struct.unpack_from('!d', byte_string, offset)[0]
import struct
byte_string = b'\x84^\x05\x00\x00\xf7\n\x19\n...'
double_size = struct.calcsize('!d')
# Calculate the number of double values in the byte string
num_values = len(byte_string) // double_size
# Loop through the byte string and unpack double values
double_values = []
for i in range(num_values):
# Calculate the offset for the current double value
offset = i * double_size
# Unpack the double value from the byte string
double_value = struct.unpack_from('!d', byte_string, offset)[0]
print("Double Values:", double_values)