循环浏览 2 个工作表(同一工作簿),比较 2 个标准(农场和批次)。如果条件匹配,则将“编号”中的值相加。样本”单元格并粘贴到“样本总数”
满足两个条件时,前 2 行值将被求和并粘贴到正确的单元格中。但只有前 2 行。所以 Do While 并不是...doing while。否则它有理由跳过单元格或提前退出循环。我怀疑我正在进行太多迭代。正如我发现的那样,Do 循环很容易演变成无限循环。
此外,我的即时窗口显示第 1815 行中的第一次迭代,而不是第 3 行。(s = 源页面中的行号)
New Sum: 190
s, Num Samples: 1815, 95
Sub ProjectDataCalcs()
Dim Src As Worksheet: Set Src = Sheets("Plate Analysis")
Dim Dest As Worksheet: Set Dest = Sheets("Project Analysis")
Dim Sum As Long
Sum = 0
Dim s As Long, d As Long, LR As long, LR2 As Long
LR = Dest.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
LR2 = Src.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
' effectively a SUMIFS loop
For s = 3 To LR2
Sum = Src.Cells(s, "D").Value ' Number of Samples per Plate
Debug.Print "s, Num Samples: " & s & ", " & (Sum)
For d = 3 To LR
'while batch = batch and farm = farm,
'sum cell value (not add row count) number of samples per plate
Do While Src.Cells(s, "H").Value = Dest.Cells(d, "E").Value And _
Src.Cells(s, "I").Value = Dest.Cells(d, "D")
'Add value in cell to existing value;
'add Number of Samples in line to running total of samples
Sum = Sum + Src.Cells(s, "D").Value
Debug.Print "New Sum: " & (Sum)
'Sum to Total Samples cell in col L
Dest.Cells(d, "L").Value = Sum
Exit Do
Next d
Next s
End Sub
Sub ProjectDataCalcs()
Dim Src As Worksheet, Dest As Worksheet
Dim Sum As Long, batch, farm
Dim s As Long, d As Long, LR As Long, LR2 As Long
Set Src = Sheets("Plate Analysis")
Set Dest = Sheets("Project Analysis")
LR = Dest.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
LR2 = Src.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
' effectively a SUMIFS loop
For s = 3 To LR2
batch = Src.Cells(s, "H").Value 'populate these outside the inner loop...
farm = Src.Cells(s, "I").Value
Sum = Src.Cells(s, "D").Value '#Samples per Plate
Debug.Print s, "Batch", batch, "Farm", farm, "#Samples", Sum
For d = 3 To LR
'if batch = batch and farm = farm, add #samples per plate
If batch = Dest.Cells(d, "E").Value And farm = Dest.Cells(d, "D") Then
Sum = Sum + Src.Cells(s, "D").Value
Debug.Print , d, "New Sum: " & (Sum)
Exit For '## if only expecting a single row to match
End If
Next d
Dest.Cells(d, "L").Value = Sum 'only need this once...
Next s
End Sub