我需要运行 2-3 次才能删除所有列。
Sub DeleteSpecifcColumn()
Dim xFNum, xFFNum, xCount As Integer
Dim xStr As String
Dim xArrName As Variant
Dim MR, xRg As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set MR = Range("A1:N1")
xArrName = Array("textBox25", "textBox4", "textBox6", "textBox8", "textBox19", "textBox9", "textBox10", "textBox11", "textBox22", "textBox12", "textBox23", "textBox5", "textBox7", "textBox24", "textBox1", "textBox3", "textBox14", "textBox8", "textBox19", "textBox9", "textBox10", "textBox11", "textBox22", "textBox12", "textBox23")
xCount = MR.Count
xStr = xArrName(xFNum)
For xFFNum = xCount To 1 Step -1
Set xRg = MR(1, xFFNum)
For xFNum = 0 To UBound(xArrName)
xStr = xArrName(xFNum)
If xRg.Value = xStr Then xRg.EntireColumn.Delete
Next xFNum
End Sub
Sub change_header_2()
Cells(1, "A").Value = "Shift"
Cells(1, "B").Value = "Clock In Time"
Cells(1, "C").Value = "First Task"
Cells(1, "D").Value = "Last Task"
Cells(1, "E").Value = "Clock Out"
Cells(1, "F").Value = "User"
Cells(1, "G").Value = "Name"
End Sub
Sub DeleteMatchingColumns()
Const HEADER_RANGE As String = "A1:N1"
Dim LookupHeaders(): LookupHeaders = Array( _
"textBox1", "textBox3", "textBox4", "textBox5", "textBox6", _
"1textBox7", "textBox8", "textBox9", "textBox10", "textBox11", _
"textBox12", "textBox14", "textBox19", "textBox22", "textBox23", _
"textBox24", "textBox25")
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet ' improve!
Dim hrg As Range: Set hrg = ws.Range(HEADER_RANGE).Rows(1) ' ensure one row
Dim hcCount As Long: hcCount = hrg.Columns.Count
' In this case, 'hcIndexes' will return a 1D one-based array
' containing the indexes of matches or error values if not matching.
Dim hcIndexes()
If hcCount = 1 Then ' one column of headers
ReDim hcIndexes(1 To 1)
hcIndexes(1) = Application.Match(CStr(hrg.Value), LookupHeaders, 0)
Else ' multiple columns of headers
hcIndexes = Application.Match(hrg, LookupHeaders, 0)
End If
Dim hurg As Range, hc As Long
For hc = 1 To hcCount
If IsNumeric(hcIndexes(hc)) Then ' it's a match
' Combine the matching cells into a range.
If hurg Is Nothing Then
Set hurg = hrg.Cells(hc)
Set hurg = Union(hurg, hrg.Cells(hc))
End If
'Else ' it's not a match; do nothing
End If
Next hc
If hurg Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No matches found.", vbExclamation
' Delete all matching columns in one go.
hurg.EntireColumn.Delete xlShiftToLeft
MsgBox "Columns deleted.", vbInformation
End If
End Sub
#1 - 循环范围和数组
'declare Worksheet variable to hold the exact sheet - ActiveSheet
is a quite random value
Dim ws As Worksheet
' declare and fill array
Dim xArrName As Variant
xArrName = Array("textBox25", "textBox4", "textBox6", "textBox8", "textBox19", "textBox9", "textBox10", "textBox11", "textBox22", "textBox12", "textBox23", "textBox5", "textBox7", "textBox24", "textBox1", "textBox3", "textBox14", "textBox8", "textBox19", "textBox9", "textBox10", "textBox11", "textBox22", "textBox12", "textBox23")
' declare a range to search values in
Dim workRange As Range
' assign a specific sheet to variable, you may need to change the sheet name
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
' declare iteration variable for columns - it's a good practice to
' grant variables with explanatory names
Dim columnIterator As Integer
'same for array iterator
Dim arrayIterator As Integer
' in case you want to loop through both array and range
' looping through range
For columnIterator = 14 To 1 Step -1
' looping through array
For arrayIterator = LBound(xArrName) To UBound(xArrName)
If ws.Cells(1, columnIterator).Value = xArrName(arrayIterator) Then
ws.Cells(1, columnIterator).EntireColumn.Delete
End If
' do other stuff
#2 - 使用“.Find()”方法
'declare Worksheet variable to hold the exact sheet - ActiveSheet is a quite random value
Dim ws As Worksheet
' declare and fill array
Dim xArrName As Variant
xArrName = Array("textBox25", "textBox4", "textBox6", "textBox8", "textBox19", "textBox9", "textBox10", "textBox11", "textBox22", "textBox12", "textBox23", "textBox5", "textBox7", "textBox24", "textBox1", "textBox3", "textBox14", "textBox8", "textBox19", "textBox9", "textBox10", "textBox11", "textBox22", "textBox12", "textBox23")
' declare a range to search values in
Dim workRange As Range
' assign a specific sheet to variable, you may need to change the sheet name
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
' assign a range with binding to specific sheet
Set workRange = Range(ws.Cells(1, 1), ws.Cells(1, 14))
' that's just for looping through array
' like Nick.McDermaid suggestet
For arrayIterator = LBound(xArrName) To UBound(xArrName)
' in this case I DO know that if there
' will be no matches on .Find() function
' I will get an
' Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set
' error and can live with that for now
' so I use On Error Resume Next statement to ignore it
On Error Resume Next
' reset error handler after the loop
' do other stuff
Sub change_header_2()
'declare Worksheet variable to hold the exact sheet - ActiveSheet is a
quite random value
Dim ws As Worksheet
' assign a specific sheet to variable, you may need to change the sheet name
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
' this construction will add values
' to specific cells on a specific sheet
With ws
.Cells(1, "A").Value = "Shift"
.Cells(1, "B").Value = "Clock In Time"
.Cells(1, "C").Value = "First Task"
.Cells(1, "D").Value = "Last Task"
.Cells(1, "E").Value = "Clock Out"
.Cells(1, "F").Value = "User"
.Cells(1, "G").Value = "Name"
End With
End Sub
我不包含任何代码,因为您的代码可以工作,但仅在特殊情况下有效。 这些是。
1. Placed in a sheet's code: Refers to the sheet where it is placed
2. Placed in ThisWorkbook or Module: Refers to the ActiveSheet.
With Defined object 限定符指的是定义的对象。
在带有 Me 关键字的代码中,您可以到达运行代码的工作表,但要小心它,因为 Microsoft 没有明确定义它。欲了解更多信息 请参阅 来自 Microsoft
这里似乎发生了一些事情。 我感兴趣的是为什么您需要多次运行代码才能删除所有列。 在我看来,你的
Set MR = Range("A1:N1")
可能与此有关。 该范围包含 14 个成员,但您正在尝试检测要删除的 25 个列标题。
另外,声明多个相同类型的变量时,仍然需要声明它们的类型。 例如,
Dim MR, xRg As Range
不会将这两个声明为 Ranges
,而是将 xRg
声明为 Range
,并将 MR
声明为 Variant
,这是 VBA 在未指定其他数据类型时使用的数据类型。 您想要的是这里Dim MR As Range, xRg As Range
Private Sub DeleteColumns()
' Range of cells to look through
Dim HeaderRange As Range
Set HeaderRange = Range("A1:N1")
' Column names we want to delete
Dim BadNames As Variant
BadNames = Array("textBox3", "textBox5")
' Iterate through our range of cells, looking at column names
Dim ii As Long, jj As Long
For ii = HeaderRange.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
' For each cell in the range, compare its name to the Bad names
For jj = LBound(BadNames) To UBound(BadNames)
' If the name is one of the Bad names, delete the column
If HeaderRange(ii).Value = BadNames(jj) Then
' We can exit the "jj" loop now, because we've already
' deleted the column
Exit For
End If
Next jj
Next ii
End Sub
这应该足以指导您。 如果这是您希望定期执行的任务,您还可以考虑将其转换为