我正在尝试处理 Excel 工作表中包含大约 50k 行的列。该列包含需要评估的文本值,如果匹配正确,则需要提取该字符串的一部分。下面的代码适用于 3000 行,但超出此范围就不起作用。
`Function getManagerRating(EmpID As String)
row_number = 2
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.EnableEvents = False
Do While row_number < 4000
cellValue = Sheets("Master").Range("AA" & row_number)
ID = Left$(cellValue, 8)
If ID = EmpID Then
If InStr(cellValue, "Overall Rating By Manager") > 0 Then
Position = Len(cellValue) - InStr(cellValue, "@")
reqValue = Right$(cellValue, Position)
End If
End If
row_number = row_number + 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.EnableEvents = True
getManagerRating = reqValue
End Function `
Function getManagerRating(EmpID As String)
Dim row_number As Long
' Adjust If you've got more rows
' or determine the number of filled rows
row_number = 50000
' reading all cells into an arry
' it will be a 2D array
Dim vdat As Variant
vdat = Sheets("Master").Range("AA1:AA" & row_number)
' Declare all variable. That is good practise
Dim i As Long, cellValue As Variant, ID As String, Position As Long, reqValue As String
'Instead of a do loop one can use a for loop
' using the lower and upper bound of the array
For i = LBound(vdat) To UBound(vdat)
'cellValue = Sheets("Master").Range("AA" & row_number)
cellValue = vdat(i, 1)
ID = Left$(cellValue, 8)
If ID = EmpID Then
If InStr(cellValue, "Overall Rating By Manager") > 0 Then
Position = Len(cellValue) - InStr(cellValue, "@")
reqValue = Right$(cellValue, Position)
' ?? It seems that EmpID is unique
' i.e. you can leave the loop here
Exit For
End If
End If
Next i
getManagerRating = reqValue
End Function