//returns the minlen of the contiguous subarray which sum is greater than or equal to the num
function minSubArrayLen(arr, num){
//define variables
let total = 0;
let start = 0;
let end = 0;
let minLen = Infinity;
while (start < arr.length){
//when total is less then the num increase end and add it to the total
if (total < num && end < arr.length){
total += arr[end];
//when total is larger than the num start looping from the next start and subtract the previous start from the total
} else if (total >= num){
minLen = Math.min(minLen, (end - start));
total -= arr[start];
//need to break because
} else {
return minLen === Infinity ? 0: minLen;
console.log(minSubArrayLen([1,2,3,4,5], 200));
console.log(minSubArrayLen([5,2,3,1,6], 7));
console.log(minSubArrayLen([1,2,20,4,10], 20));
对于第一组输入,你的 total
根据输入的情况,你的循环只进入了第一个条件的内部,而且只进入了 end
不改变,因为 total
永远不大于或等于 num
你的while循环取决于 start
从不在if块中修改,所以重复while循环的条件总是评价为true。一旦 if
条件对第一组参数不为真,则 else if
条件也不成立,所以如果没有 else { break; }
你可以通过改进进入 while 循环的测试来解决这个问题,使它依赖于在循环中修改的变量。