我有一个Word文档,其中一些段落的格式为“标题2”,这些段落出现在目录中,但不应该出现,所以我编写了一些宏代码来循环查找这些项目并将样式更改为“正常”然后重新应用与“标题 2”相同的格式。一种是客户希望全部大写的超链接。当找到以文本“DESCRIPTION”开头的段落时,循环应停止。我的代码如下,ActiveSource 是当前文档。问题是它没有找到要更改的段落。相反,它似乎只找到零长度字符串。我的代码有什么问题?
Dim AllCaps As Boolean
Set FindRange = ActiveSource.Content
With FindRange.Find
.Style = ActiveSource.Styles("Heading 2")
.Forward = True
.Format = True
End With
Do While FindRange.Find.Execute
With FindRange.Find
If Left(.Text, 11) = "DESCRIPTION" Then GoTo UpdateTOC
AllCaps = .Font.AllCaps
.Style = ActiveSource.Styles("Normal")
.Font.Name = "Arial"
.Font.Size = 12
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Underline = True
If AllCaps Then .Font.AllCaps = True
End With
我相信实现您需要的更好的方法是循环遍历所有段落,而不是使用 Find 对象。
Public Sub FindH2()
Dim ActiveSource As Document
Dim prg As Paragraph
Set ActiveSource = ThisDocument
For Each prg In ActiveSource.Paragraphs
If Left(prg.Range.Text, 11) = "DESCRIPTION" Then
GoTo UpdateTOC
End If
If prg.Style = "Heading 2" Then
prg.Style = "Normal"
prg.Range.Font.Name = "Arial"
prg.Range.Font.Size = 12
prg.Range.Font.Bold = True
prg.Range.Font.Underline = True
prg.Range.Font.AllCaps = True
End If
Next prg
Exit Sub
End Sub