如何根据本文使用 Netlogo 编写分层网络?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试按照 Erzsebet Ravasz 和 Albert-Laszlo Barabasi 的论文“复杂网络中的分层组织”(2003 年)使用 NetLogo 编写分层网络。

我首先想在第二部分(分层网络模型)中构建模型,然后在第三部分(真实网络中的分层组织)中构建模型,但由于 NetLogo 中缺乏面向对象编程,我很难找到实现它的方法。


globals [ dist help generation-count ]

turtles-own [

to setup
  set dist 1.2
   crt num [
    create-links-with other turtles
    set shape "dot"
    set size 1.5
  let c 0
  repeat (num - 1)[
    ask one-of turtles with [xcor = 0 and ycor = 0][
      set heading 360 / (num - 1) * c fd dist
    set c c + 1
  ask turtles [
    ifelse ( xcor = 0 and ycor = 0 ) [ set center-node? true ][ set center-node? false ]
    set color      red
    set generation 1
    set model?     true
  set generation-count 1
 ; repeat x [ recreate ]

to recreate
  set generation-count generation-count + 1
  let c 0
  set help count turtles
  loop [
    ask turtles with [ model? = true ][
      hatch 1 [
        set generation generation-count
        repeat generation - 1 [
          set heading 0
          set heading (heading + 360 / (num - 1) * c)
          fd generation * dist
        set model? false
    finish-member ( turtles with [ count link-neighbors = 0 ] )
    set c c + 1
    ask turtles with [ center-node? = false and generation = generation-count ][ create-links-with other turtles with [ center-node? = true and generation = 1 ] ]
    if ( count turtles = help * num ) [ stop ]

to finish-member [ people ]
  ask people [ create-links-with other people ]

to layout
  ;; the number 3 here is arbitrary; more repetitions slows down the
  ;; model, but too few gives poor layouts
  repeat 100 [
    ;; Refactoring the link lengths (MODIFY DENSITY HERE?)
    ;; the more turtles we have to fit into the same amount of space,
    ;; the smaller the inputs to layout-spring we'll need to use
    let factor ((sqrt count turtles) / 3) ;; Here SF-density-mod influences the distance factor across the network - will impact search function...
                                          ;; numbers here are arbitrarily chosen for pleasing appearance
    layout-spring turtles links (1 / factor) (7 / factor) (1 / factor)
    display  ;; for smooth animation
  ;;; Centering network ;;;
  ;; don't bump the edges of the world
  let x-offset max [xcor] of turtles + min [xcor] of turtles
  let y-offset max [ycor] of turtles + min [ycor] of turtles
  ;; big jumps look funny, so only adjust a little each time
  set x-offset limit-magnitude x-offset 0.1
  set y-offset limit-magnitude y-offset 0.1
  ask turtles [ setxy (xcor - x-offset / 2) (ycor - y-offset / 2) ]

to-report limit-magnitude [ number limit ]
  if number > limit [ report limit ]
  if number < (- limit) [ report (- limit) ]
  report number

我无法像在论文中那样定位它们,所以我求助于 NetLogo“布局”程序,但后来我意识到它们的链接方式也是不正确的;外围外部节点未正确链接到外围中心节点。

预计 enter image description here

我的模特 enter image description here

附图是n = 2时的情况,这是不正确的。


recursion netlogo hierarchy

我没有在 NetLogo 上实现它,但如果它对你或其他人将来查看这篇文章仍然有用,我上传了用于构建网络的 Python 代码:

def iter_if(n, nodo):
  elementos = nodo.split("_") #Convertimos a los elementos del nodo en una lista, eliminando los "_"
  elementos = [int(_) for _ in elementos] #Los convertimos a enteros

  res = []
  for i in range(1,n+1):
    if elementos[-i] == 0:

  return all(res)

def RavaszBarabasi(n):

  G = nx.Graph() #Crear una red vacía para unir las graficas ahí
  if n == 0:
      return nx.complete_graph(5) #Creamos el bloque base de este fractal, un K5

  for i in range(5):  #Creamos cuatro copias del paso anterior
      H = RavaszBarabasi(n - 1)
      mapping = {node: f"{i}_{node}" for node in H.nodes()} #Renombrar los nodos de H para hacerlos disjuntos
      G = nx.compose(G, nx.relabel_nodes(H, mapping)) #Unimos las H_i a G con los nodos renombrados para que sean disjuntos

  #Creamos esta lista pues vamos a iterar y cambiar a la vez los nodos de G, si usamos directo G, da error el for
  nodes_to_connect = list(G.nodes())
  for node in nodes_to_connect[1:]: #Al iniciar en 1, eliminamos el origen y evitamos comparaciones innecesarias
    if n < 2:
      if node[-1] != "0": #Como solo 4 de cada 5 nodos de una K5 se tienen que unir al "0_0", lo hacemos para todos menos los que terminen en 0
        G.add_edge(nodes_to_connect[0], node)
      if iter_if(n, node) == True:
        G.add_edge(nodes_to_connect[0], node)
  return G

node_color = ["#b31237", "#f03813", "#ff8826", "#ffb914", "#2c9fa3"]
colorcin = [node_color[i % len(node_color)] for i in range(len(G_RB.nodes()))]

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
pos = nx.spring_layout(G_RB)  
nx.draw(G_RB, pos, node_size=40, node_color=colorcin, edge_color='grey')

注释是西班牙语的,但使用翻译应该足以澄清每一行的作用:) 希望有帮助

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