
问题描述 投票:0回答:1




Tl; dr




  • 米色块:可用内存。
  • 白块:内存未链接使用。
  • 该图显示了内存使用的进程,直到发生碎片催化剂为止。您可以看到,一旦插入了块,一旦将它们重新签入,就永远不可能合并繁忙的块。
  • 代码:可复制示例:以下内容包括分配器和一个小型测试程序。必须至少使用C99进行编译。

#include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> /*****************************************************************************/ /* SYMBOLIC CONSTANTS */ /*****************************************************************************/ #define NEXT(hp) ((hp)->key.next) #define UNITS(hp) ((hp)->key.units) #define UNIT_SIZE sizeof(Header) #define MIN_UNITS_ALLOC 64 #define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) /*****************************************************************************/ /* TYPE DEFINITIONS */ /*****************************************************************************/ typedef union header { intmax_t align; struct { union header *next; unsigned units; } key; } Header; /*****************************************************************************/ /* GLOBAL VARIABLES */ /*****************************************************************************/ Header base = {.key = { NULL, 0 }}; Header *list; /*****************************************************************************/ /* PROTOTYPES */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Allocates a 'bytes' size block of memory. On success, returns pointer to * the block. On error, NULL is returned. */ void *alloc (size_t bytes); /* Returns a 'bytes' size block of allocated memory for reuse */ void release (void *bytes); /* Attempts to reserve memory from the operating system via a system call */ static Header *reserve (unsigned units); /*****************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION IMPLEMENTATIONS */ /*****************************************************************************/ void *alloc (size_t bytes) { size_t units, diff; Header *block, *lastBlock, *best, *lastBest; if (bytes == 0) { return NULL; } if (list == NULL) { list = base.key.next = &base; } best = lastBest = NULL; units = (bytes + UNIT_SIZE - 1) / UNIT_SIZE + 1; diff = SIZE_MAX; for (lastBlock = list, block = NEXT(list); ; lastBlock = block, block = NEXT(block)) { /* Loop across list, find closest fitting block */ if (UNITS(block) >= units && UNITS(block) - units < diff) { diff = UNITS(block) - units; best = block; lastBest = lastBlock; } /* Upon cycle completion */ if (block == list) { /* If no block available, reserve some. */ if (best == NULL) { if ((lastBest = reserve(units)) == NULL) { return NULL; } else { fprintf(stderr, "\nalloc: Out of memory, linking new block %lld of size %u.\n\n", (long long)lastBest, UNITS(lastBest)); release((void *)(lastBest + 1)); } /* If block of perfect size, return. Else slice and return */ } else { if (diff == 0) { NEXT(lastBest) = NEXT(best); } else { UNITS(best) = diff; best += diff; UNITS(best) = units; } fprintf(stderr, "alloc: Unlinked block %lld of %u units.\n", (long long)best, UNITS(best)); return (void *)(best + 1); } } } } void release (void *bytes) { Header *p, *block; block = (Header *)bytes - 1; /* Choose p such that: p -> block -> NEXT(p) */ for (p = list; !(p < block && NEXT(p) > block); p = NEXT(p)) { if (p >= NEXT(p) && (block > p || block < NEXT(p))) { break; } } /* Merge block with NEXT(p) if adjacent */ if (block + UNITS(block) == NEXT(p)) { NEXT(block) = NEXT(NEXT(p)); UNITS(block) += UNITS(NEXT(p)); } else { NEXT(block) = NEXT(p); } /* Merge block with p if adjacent */ if (p + UNITS(p) == block) { NEXT(p) = NEXT(block); UNITS(p) += UNITS(block); } else { NEXT(p) = block; } } static Header *reserve (unsigned units) { char *bytes, *sbrk(int); Header *block; units = MAX(units, MIN_UNITS_ALLOC); if ((bytes = sbrk(units)) == (char *)-1) { return NULL; } else { block = (Header *)bytes; UNITS(block) = units; } return block; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* TESTING FUNCTIONS (DELETE) */ /*****************************************************************************/ void printFreeList (unsigned byAddress) { Header *lp = list; if (lp == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "List is NULL\n"); return; } do { fprintf(stdout, "[ %lld ] -> ", (byAddress ? (long long)lp : (long long)UNITS(lp))); lp = NEXT(lp); } while (lp != list); putc('\n', stdout); } void releaseItemAtIndex (int i, int k, long long *p[]) { fprintf(stderr, "Releasing block %d/%d\n", i, k); release(p[i]); for (int j = i; j < k; j++) { if (j + 1 < k) { p[j] = p[j + 1]; } } } #define MAX_TEST_SIZE 5000 int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) { /* Seed PRNG: For removed random deletion (now manual) */ srand(time(NULL)); /* Array of pointers to store allocated blocks, blockSize we want to allocate. */ long long *p[MAX_TEST_SIZE], blockSize = 256; /* Number of blocks we choose to allocate */ int k = 6; /* Allocate said blocks */ for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { p[i] = alloc(blockSize * sizeof(char)); printFreeList(0); printFreeList(1); putchar('\n'); } fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); int idx; while (k > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Delete an index between 0 up to and including %d:\n", k - 1); scanf("%d", &idx); releaseItemAtIndex(idx, k, p); printFreeList(0); printFreeList(1); putchar('\n'); k--; } return 0; }


  • 我不知道是否保证堆上的指针比较有效。根据K&R,此标准不能保证。
  • 上下文:我已经写了一个最适合的内存分配器。它分配大块内存,并根据请求将最适合的块提供给程序。如果内存用完了,它会要求...
  • 好吧,我最终在几年后写了这篇文章,看来还不错。奖励:它使用静态内存。


    #if !defined(STATIC_ALLOCATOR_H) #define STATIC_ALLOCATOR_H /* ******************************************************************************* * (C) Copyright 2020 * * Created: 07/04/2020 * * * * Programmer(s): * * - Jillian Oduber * * - Charles Randolph * * * * Description: * * Static first-fit memory allocator * * * ******************************************************************************* */ #include <iostream> #include <cstddef> #include <cstdint> #include "dx_types.h" extern "C" { #include "stddef.h" } /* ******************************************************************************* * Type Definitions * ******************************************************************************* */ // Defines the header block used in the custom allocator typedef union block_h { struct { union block_h *next; size_t size; // Size is in units of sizeof(block_h) } d; max_align_t align; } block_h; /* ******************************************************************************* * Class Definitions * ******************************************************************************* */ class Static_Allocator { public: /*\ * @brief Configures the class with the given static memory capacity * @param memory Pointer to static array (must support address comparison) * @param size Total number of bytes alloted for distribution \*/ Static_Allocator(uint8_t *memory, size_t size); /*\ * @brief Returns a memory block of the desired size * @param size Number of bytes to allocate * @return * - valid pointer if memory is available * - NULL otherwise \*/ uint8_t *alloc (size_t size); /*\ * @brief Releases the allocated block of memory * @param ptr Pointer to allocated block of memory * @return * - STATUS_OK on success * - STATUS_ERR if invalid block * - STATUS_BAD_PARAM on NULL parameter \*/ dx::status_t free (uint8_t *ptr); /*\ * @brief Returns the amount of free memory * @return size_t Bytes (of available free memory) \*/ size_t free_memory_size (); /*\ * @brief Debug utility which shows what is on the free-list * @return None \*/ void show (); /*\ * @brief Debug utility which asserts there is only a single * memory block \*/ bool unified (); private: // Fixed allocator capacity size_t d_capacity; // Fixed memory uint8_t *d_memory; // Pointer to head of the linked list block_h *d_free_list; // Available memory size_t d_free_memory_size; // Unit size static const size_t mem_unit_size = sizeof(block_h); }; #endif


    #include "static_allocator.h" Static_Allocator::Static_Allocator (uint8_t *memory, size_t size): d_capacity(0), d_memory(NULL), d_free_list(NULL), d_free_memory_size(0) { // Assign memory array d_memory = memory; // Trim off two mem_unit_size for head + init-block + spillover d_capacity = size - (size % mem_unit_size) - 2 * mem_unit_size; // Ensure free memory is set to capacity d_free_memory_size = d_capacity; } uint8_t * Static_Allocator::alloc (size_t size) { block_h *last, *curr; // Number of blocks sized units to allocate size_t nblocks = (size + mem_unit_size - 1) / mem_unit_size + 1; // If larger than total capacity or invalid size; immediately return if ((nblocks * sizeof(block_h)) > d_capacity || size == 0) { return NULL; } // If uninitialized, create initial list units if ((last = d_free_list) == NULL) { block_h *head = reinterpret_cast<block_h *>(d_memory); head->d.size = 0; block_h *init = head + 1; init->d.size = d_capacity / sizeof(block_h); init->d.next = d_free_list = last = head; head->d.next = init; } // Problem: You must not be allowed to merge the init block // Look for space - stop if wrapped around for (curr = last->d.next; ; last = curr, curr = curr->d.next) { // If sufficient space available if (curr->d.size >= nblocks) { if (curr->d.size == nblocks) { last->d.next = curr->d.next; } else { curr->d.size -= nblocks; curr += curr->d.size; // Suspect curr->d.size = nblocks; } // Reassign free list head d_free_list = last; // Update amount of free memory available d_free_memory_size -= nblocks * sizeof(block_h); return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(curr + 1); } // Otherwise not sufficient space. If reached // the head of the list again, there is no more // memory left if (curr == d_free_list) { return NULL; } } } dx::status_t Static_Allocator::free (uint8_t *ptr) { block_h *b, *p; // Check if parameter is valid if (ptr == NULL) { std::cerr << "Null pointer!"; return dx::STATUS_BAD_PARAM; } // Check if memory is in range if (!(ptr >= (d_memory + 2 * mem_unit_size) && ptr < (d_memory + d_capacity + 2 * mem_unit_size))) { std::cerr << "Pointer out of range!"; return dx::STATUS_ERR; } // Obtain block header (ptr - sizeof(block_h)) b = reinterpret_cast<block_h *>(ptr) - 1; // Update available memory size d_free_memory_size += b->d.size; // Find insertion location for block for (p = d_free_list; !(b >= p && b < p->d.next); p = p->d.next) { // If the block comes at the end of the list - break if (p >= p->d.next && b > p) { break; } // If at the end of the list, but block comes before next link if (p >= p->d.next && b < p->d.next) { break; } } // [p] <----b----> [p->next] ----- [X] // Check if we can merge forwards if (b + b->d.size == p->d.next) { b->d.size += (p->d.next)->d.size; b->d.next = (p->d.next)->d.next; } else { b->d.next = p->d.next; } // Check if we can merge backwards if (p + p->d.size == b) { p->d.size += b->d.size; p->d.next = b->d.next; } else { p->d.next = b; } d_free_list = p; return dx::STATUS_OK; } size_t Static_Allocator::free_memory_size () { return d_free_memory_size; } void Static_Allocator::show () { std::cout << "Block Size: " << sizeof(block_h) << "\n" << "Capacity: " << d_capacity << "\n" << "Free Size (B): " << d_free_memory_size << "\n"; if (d_free_list == NULL) { std::cout << "<uninitialized>\n"; return; } // Show all blocks block_h *p = d_free_list; do { std::cout << "-------------------------------\n"; std::cout << "Block Address: " << (uint64_t)(p) << "\n"; std::cout << "Blocks (32B): " << p->d.size << "\n"; std::cout << "Next: " << (uint64_t)(p->d.next) << "\n"; std::cout << "{The next block is " << (uint64_t)((p->d.next) - (p)) << " bytes away, but we claim the next " << p->d.size * mem_unit_size << " bytes\n"; p = p->d.next; } while (p != d_free_list); std::cout << "-------------------------------\n\n\n"; } bool Static_Allocator::unified () { if (d_free_list == NULL) { return false; } return ((d_free_list->d.next)->d.next == d_free_list); }

    c pointers memory-management
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