Combined1 Combined2 Common_code
Name John ABC123
City NY ABC123
Sex M ABC123
Country USA ABC123
Name John ABC123
City BF ABC123
Sex M ABC123
Country USA ABC123
Name Lucy XYZ456
City CB XYZ456
Sex F XYZ456
Country UK XYZ456
Name City Sex Country Common_code
John NY M USA ABC123
John BF M USA ABC123
Lucy CB F UK XYZ456
我尝试了多种使用 PIVOT、FLATTEN 的方法,但无法解决这个问题。主要条件是我不想按照上面的示例丢失任何记录。 Snowflake 非常感谢任何回应或解决方案。
因此对数据使用 CTE:
with data(Combined1, Combined2, Common_code) as (
select *
from values
('Name', 'John', 'ABC123'),
('City', 'NY', 'ABC123'),
('Sex', 'M', 'ABC123'),
('Country', 'USA', 'ABC123'),
('Name', 'John', 'ABC123'),
('City', 'BF', 'ABC123'),
('Sex', 'M', 'ABC123'),
('Country', 'USA', 'ABC123'),
('Name', 'Lucy', 'XYZ456'),
('City', 'CB', 'XYZ456'),
('Sex', 'F', 'XYZ456'),
('Country', 'UK', 'XYZ456')
因此,这是您想要避免的最有可能的“最佳”聚合版本,尽管如此,您的 common_code 中有重复的值,因此该数据显得可疑。
max(iff(Combined1='Name',Combined2,null)) as Name
,max(iff(Combined1='City',Combined2,null)) as City
,max(iff(Combined1='Sex',Combined2,null)) as Sex
,max(iff(Combined1='Country',Combined2,null)) as Country
from data
group by Common_code
order by Common_code;
select distinct
name.combined2 as name
,city.combined2 as City
,sex.combined2 as Sex
,country.combined2 as Country
from data as name
join data as city
on name.common_code = city.common_code
and city.combined1 = 'City'
join data as sex
on name.common_code = sex.common_code
and sex.combined1 = 'Sex'
join data as country
on name.common_code = country.common_code
and country.combined1 = 'Country'
where name.combined1 = 'Name'
order by name.common_code;
这可以在子选择(或 CTE)中构建,并使 NATURAL JOIN 也像这样做一些工作:
select distinct
from (
select combined2 as name, common_code
from data
where combined1 = 'Name'
) as a
natural join
select combined2 as city, common_code
from data
where combined1 = 'City'
) as b
natural join
select combined2 as sex, common_code
from data
where combined1 = 'Sex'
) as c
natural join
select combined2 as country, common_code
from data
where combined1 = 'Country'
) as d