
问题描述 投票:30回答:5

假设我有一个数字S = [6,2,1,7,4,3,9,5,3,1]的数组。我想分成三个数组。数组的顺序和这些数组中的项目数无关紧要。


f(x) = ( SUM(A1) - SUM(S) / 3 )^2 / 3 +
       ( SUM(A2) - SUM(S) / 3 )^2 / 3 +
       ( SUM(A3) - SUM(S) / 3 )^2 / 3
  • 我不需要最佳解决方案;我只需要足够好的解决方案。
  • 我不想要一个太慢的算法。我可以用一些速度换取更好的结果,但我不能交易太多。
  • S的长度约为10至30。



Enter image description here



s = [6, 2, 1, 7, 4, 3, 9, 5, 3, 1]
s = sorted(s, reverse=True)

a = [[], [], []]
sum_a = [0, 0, 0]

for x in s:
    i = sum_a.index(min(sum_a))
    sum_a[i] += x

python algorithm

正如你所说,你不介意非最佳解决方案,我想我会重新使用你的初始函数,并添加一种方法来为你的初始列表找到一个好的起始安排qazxsw poi




def pigeon_hole(s):
    a = [[], [], []]
    sum_a = [0, 0, 0]
    for x in s:
        i = sum_a.index(min(sum_a))
        sum_a[i] += x
    return map(sum, a)

虽然这可以进一步优化,但是对于20个数字来说它很快就需要0.0013秒。使用def rotate(l): l = sorted(l) lr = l[::-1] rotation = [np.roll(l, i) for i in range(len(l))] + [np.roll(lr, i) for i in range(len(l))] blocks = [pigeon_hole(i) for i in rotation] return rotation[np.argmin(np.std(blocks, axis=1))] # the best rotation import random print pigeon_hole(rotate([random.randint(0, 20) for i in range(20)])) # Testing with some random numbers, these are the sums of the three sub lists >>> [64, 63, 63] 快速比较@Mo Tao的答案

a = rotate(range(1, 30))

在许多情况下,这种方法似乎也找到了最佳解决方案,尽管这可能不适用于所有情况。使用30个数字列表对Mo Tao的答案进行500次测试,并比较子列表总和是否相同:

# This method
a = rotate(range(1, 30))
>>> [[29, 24, 23, 18, 17, 12, 11, 6, 5], [28, 25, 22, 19, 16, 13, 10, 7, 4, 1], [27, 26, 21, 20, 15, 14, 9, 8, 3, 2]]
map(sum, a)
# Sum's to [145, 145, 145] in 0.002s

# Mo Tao's method
>>> [[25, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [29, 26, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16], [28, 27, 24, 23, 22, 21]]
# Sum's to [145, 145, 145] in 1.095s


c = 0
for i in range(500):
    r = [random.randint(1, 10) for j in range(30)]
    res = pigeon_hole(rotate(r))
    d, e = sorted(res), sorted(tao(r))  # Comparing this to the optimal solution by Mo Tao
    if all([k == kk] for k, kk in zip(d, e)):
        c += 1
    memory = {}
    best_f = pow(sum(s), 3)
    best_state = None

>>> 500 # (they do)


def rotate2(l):
    # Calculate an acceptable minimum stdev of the pigeon holed list
    if sum(l) % 3 == 0:
        std = 0
        std = np.std([0, 0, 1])

    l = sorted(l, reverse=True)
    best_rotation = None
    best_std = 100

    for i in range(len(l)):
        rotation = np.roll(l, i)
        sd = np.std(pigeon_hole(rotation))

        if sd == std:  
            return rotation  # If a min stdev if found 

        elif sd < best_std:
            best_std = sd
            best_rotation = rotation

    return best_rotation

导致大幅加速。在我目前的计算机上,print timeit.timeit("rotate2([random.randint(1, 10) for i in range(30)])", "from __main__ import rotate2, random", number=1000) / 1000. 需要大约1.84ms而rotate需要大约0.13ms,所以大约需要14倍的加速。为了比较,我的机器上的实现大约需要0.99ms。


正如我在问题的评论中提到的,这是直接的动态编程方法。 rotate2只需不到1秒钟,并提供优化的解决方案。

如果你知道s = range(1, 30),我认为代码是自我解释的。




s = range(1, 30)
# s = [6, 2, 1, 7, 4, 3, 9, 5, 3, 1]
n = len(s)

memory = {}
best_f = pow(sum(s), 3)
best_state = None

def search(state, pre_state):
    global memory, best_f, best_state    
    s1, s2, s3, i = state
    f = s1 * s1 + s2 * s2 + s3 * s3
    if state in memory or f >= best_f:
    memory[state] = pre_state
    if i == n:
        best_f = f
        best_state = state
        search((s1 + s[i], s2, s3, i + 1), state)
        search((s1, s2 + s[i], s3, i + 1), state)
        search((s1, s2, s3 + s[i], i + 1), state)

search((0, 0, 0, 0), None)

a = [[], [], []]
state = best_state
while state[3] > 0:
    pre_state = memory[state]
    for j in range(3):
        if state[j] != pre_state[j]:
    state = pre_state

print a
print best_f, best_state, map(sum, a)

有趣的是,即使我们从任意from copy import deepcopy s = [6, 2, 1, 7, 4, 3, 9, 5, 3, 1] s = sorted(s, reverse=True) a = [[], [], []] sum_a = [0, 0, 0] for x in s: i = sum_a.index(min(sum_a)) sum_a[i] += x a[i].append(x) def f(a): return ((sum(a[0]) - sum(s) / 3.0)**2 + (sum(a[1]) - sum(s) / 3.0)**2 + (sum(a[2]) - sum(s) / 3.0)**2) / 3 fa = f(a) while True: modified = False # placing for i_from, i_to in [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1)]: for j in range(len(a[i_from])): a_new = deepcopy(a) a_new[i_to].append(a_new[i_from][j]) del a_new[i_from][j] fa_new = f(a_new) if fa_new < fa: a = a_new fa = fa_new modified = True break if modified: break # replacing for i_from, i_to in [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1)]: for j_from in range(len(a[i_from])): for j_to in range(len(a[i_to])): a_new = deepcopy(a) a_new[i_to].append(a_new[i_from][j_from]) a_new[i_from].append(a_new[i_to][j_to]) del a_new[i_from][j_from] del a_new[i_to][j_to] fa_new = f(a_new) if fa_new < fa: a = a_new fa = fa_new modified = True break if modified: break if modified: break if not modified: break print(a, f(a)) # [[9, 3, 1, 1], [7, 4, 3], [6, 5, 2]] 0.2222222222222222222 开始,这种方法也能很好地工作:





但是,你已经说过你的输入大小是固定的 - from copy import deepcopy s = [6, 2, 1, 7, 4, 3, 9, 5, 3, 1] def f(a): return ((sum(a[0]) - sum(s) / 3.0)**2 + (sum(a[1]) - sum(s) / 3.0)**2 + (sum(a[2]) - sum(s) / 3.0)**2) / 3 a = [s, [], []] fa = f(a) while True: modified = False # placing for i_from, i_to in [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1)]: for j in range(len(a[i_from])): a_new = deepcopy(a) a_new[i_to].append(a_new[i_from][j]) del a_new[i_from][j] fa_new = f(a_new) if fa_new < fa: a = a_new fa = fa_new modified = True break if modified: break # replacing for i_from, i_to in [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1)]: for j_from in range(len(a[i_from])): for j_to in range(len(a[i_to])): a_new = deepcopy(a) a_new[i_to].append(a_new[i_from][j_from]) a_new[i_from].append(a_new[i_to][j_to]) del a_new[i_from][j_from] del a_new[i_to][j_to] fa_new = f(a_new) if fa_new < fa: a = a_new fa = fa_new modified = True break if modified: break if modified: break if not modified: break print(a, f(a)) # [[3, 9, 2], [6, 7], [4, 3, 1, 1, 5]] 0.2222222222222222222 。因此,贪婪的解决方案实际上相当不错。而不是在开始时变得太贪婪。我建议起初变得有点懒,最后变得贪婪。





这是大小与时间的线图 -

def lazy(s): k = (len(s)//3-2)*3 #slice limit s.sort(reverse=True) #Perform limited extended slicing a = [s[1:k:3],s[2:k:3],s[:k:3]] sum_a = list(map(sum,a)) for x in s[k:]: i = sum_a.index(min(sum_a)) sum_a[i] += x a[i].append(x) return a

和尺寸与准确度 -

Size versus Time


此外,项目值的范围在enter image description here之间,因此如上所述,总和在3-15附近。

这些是测试功能 -


这是完整的def test_accuracy(): rsd = lambda s:round(math.sqrt(sum([(sum(s)//3-y)**2 for y in s])/3),4) sm = lambda s:list(map(sum,s)) N=[i for i in range(10,30)] ST=[] MT=[] for n in N: case = [r(3,15) for x in range(n)] ST.append(rsd(sm(lazy(case)))) MT.append(rsd(sm(pigeon(case)))) strace = go.Scatter(x=N,y=ST,name='Lazy pigeon') mtrace = go.Scatter(x=N,y=MT,name='Pigeon') data = [strace,mtrace] layout = go.Layout( title='Uniform distribution in 3 sublists', xaxis=dict(title='List size',), yaxis=dict(title='Accuracy - Standard deviation',)) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) plotly.offline.plot(fig,filename='N vs A2.html') def test_timings(): N=[i for i in range(10,30)] ST=[] MT=[] for n in N: case = [r(3,15) for x in range(n)] start=time.clock() lazy(case) ST.append(time.clock()-start) start=time.clock() pigeon(case) MT.append(time.clock()-start) strace = go.Scatter(x=N,y=ST,name='Lazy pigeon') mtrace = go.Scatter(x=N,y=MT,name='Pigeon') data = [strace,mtrace] layout = go.Layout( title='Uniform distribution in 3 sublists', xaxis=dict(title='List size',), yaxis=dict(title='Time (seconds)',)) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) plotly.offline.plot(fig,filename='N vs T2.html')

编辑 -



  Lazy Pigeon     Pigeon         Rotation
  1.10668795      1.1573573      0.54776425

在速度的情况下,旋转功能的顺序相当高。但是,10 ^ -3是好的,除非你想重复运行该功能。

  Lazy Pigeon     Pigeon         Rotation
  5.384013e-05    5.930269e-05   0.004980

这是比较所有三个功能的准确性的条形图。 -



剧情的Html文件 - Bar chart of sdversus timeversus accuracy


这是我对Korf'sthe bar chart顺序号码分区(SNP)的坚定实现,但它只使用Karmarkar-Karp而不是完整的Karmarkar-Karp进行双向分区(我已经包含了一个未使用的,有点不满意的1 - 也许某人有一个建议使其更有效率?)。在第一个子集上,它放置下限和上限。请参阅参考文章。我确信可以实现更高效的实现。编辑version of CKK以获得更好的结果与更长的等待:)



from random import randint from collections import Counter from bisect import insort from time import time def KK3(s): s = list(map(lambda x: (x,0,0,[],[],[x]),sorted(s))) while len(s) > 1: large = s.pop() small = s.pop() combined = sorted([large[0] + small[2], large[1] + small[1], large[2] + small[0]],reverse=True) combined = list(map(lambda x: x - combined[2],combined)) combined = combined + sorted((large[3] + small[5], large[4] + small[4], large[5] + small[3]),key = sum) insort(s,tuple(combined)) return s #s = [6, 2, 1, 7, 4, 3, 9, 5, 3, 1] s = [randint(0,100) for r in range(0,30)] # global variables s = sorted(s,reverse=True) sum_s = sum(s) upper_bound = sum_s // 3 lower_bound = sum(KK3(s)[0][3]) best = (sum_s,([],[],[])) iterations = 0 MAX_ITERATIONS = 10000 def partition(i, accum): global lower_bound, best, iterations sum_accum = sum(accum) if sum_accum > upper_bound or iterations > MAX_ITERATIONS: return iterations = iterations + 1 if sum_accum >= lower_bound: rest = KK(diff(s,accum))[0] new_diff = sum(rest[1]) - sum_accum if new_diff < best[0]: best = (new_diff,(accum,rest[1],rest[2])) lower_bound = (sum_s - 2 * new_diff) // 3 print("lower_bound: " + str(lower_bound)) if not best[0] in [0,1] and i < len(s) - 1 and sum(accum) + sum(s[i + 1:]) > lower_bound: _accum = accum[:] partition(i + 1, _accum + [s[i]]) partition(i + 1, accum) def diff(l1,l2): return list((Counter(l1) - Counter(l2)).elements()) def KK(s): s = list(map(lambda x: (x,[x],[]),sorted(s))) while len(s) > 1: large = s.pop() small = s.pop() insort(s,(large[0] - small[0],large[1] + small[2],large[2] + small[1])) return s print(s) start_time = time() partition(0,[]) print(best) print("iterations: " + str(iterations)) print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time() - start_time)) Richard E. Korf,加州大学洛杉矶分校计算机科学系多路数字分区; 1

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