我有一个包含 Samba 4 的域。我使用装有 Windows 10 和 RSAT 的工作站来管理它。
我想创建一个 GPO 来更改 Windows 管理员用户密码。
创建以下脚本。在 Windows 10 计算机上运行它,我能够更改密码。然后我创建了一个GPO在域计算机启动时执行,但它不起作用。
# Save current execution policy
$currentExecutionPolicy = Get-ExecutionPolicy
# Temporarily disable execution policy (make it possible to run scripts)
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
# Set the local Administrator user path
$computer = "."
$adminUser = [ADSI]"WinNT://$computer/Administrator,user"
# Set a new password that will be assigned to the local Administrator user
$newPassword = "mypassword"
# Attempting to change the local Administrator user password
try {
Write-Host "Local Administrator user password has been successfully changed!"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
} catch {
Write-Host "An error occurred while changing the Administrator user password: $_"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
# Restore the original execution policy
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy $currentExecutionPolicy