Function cnvtDta()
Data1 = Range("data").Value
Dim rslt As String
rslt = Data1
Set myrng = Range("data")
Dim wot, sowot
'Find decimal place in cell
dot = myrng.Find(".", myrng)
If dot = True Then
'if decimal place strip remainders and decimal point
Dim pos, res
pos = InStr(1, rslt, ".")
res = Left(rslt, pos)
sowot = Len(res)
End If
Debug.Print res
Debug.Print sowot
Debug.Print pos
'Return specific formats to cell
'thank you kindly to anyone who can spare the time to genuinely help
End Function
Function DoesCellContainDecimals(inputRange As Range) As Boolean
Dim tolerance As Double
tolerance = 0.0001
If Not IsNumeric(inputRange.Value2) Then
'invalid argument
CellValueLenghtWithoutDecimal = False
Exit Function
End If
If (Abs(Fix(inputRange.Value2) - inputRange.Value2) < tolerance) Then
'value does not have meaningful decimals
CellValueLenghtWithoutDecimal = False
'value has meaningful decimals
CellValueLenghtWithoutDecimal = True
End If
End Function
Int(6.5) '6
Fix(6.5) '6
Int(-6.5) '-7
Fix(-6.5) '-6
Format(6500000,"# ### ###") '6 500 000
Range("A1").NumberFormat = "# ### ##0" 'same effect as above but only when displaying in that cell.