VBA len函数未通过长度

问题描述 投票:-2回答:1


Function cnvtDta()
    Data1 = Range("data").Value  
    Dim rslt As String  
    rslt = Data1  
     Set myrng = Range("data")  
     Dim wot, sowot  

   'Find decimal place in cell   
    dot = myrng.Find(".", myrng)  
     If dot = True Then 
   'if decimal place strip remainders and decimal point  
     Dim pos, res  

             pos = InStr(1, rslt, ".")  
             res = Left(rslt, pos)  

               sowot = Len(res)  

   End If  
   Debug.Print res
   Debug.Print sowot
   Debug.Print pos
  'Return specific formats to cell  
   'thank you kindly to anyone who can spare the time to genuinely help
  End Function  
vba parameter-passing


  1. 检查值是否包含小数。这是一种方法(基于值,而不是基于字符串)
Function DoesCellContainDecimals(inputRange As Range) As Boolean
    Dim tolerance As Double
    tolerance = 0.0001
    If Not IsNumeric(inputRange.Value2) Then
        'invalid argument
        CellValueLenghtWithoutDecimal = False
        Exit Function
    End If
    If (Abs(Fix(inputRange.Value2) - inputRange.Value2) < tolerance) Then
        'value does not have meaningful decimals
        CellValueLenghtWithoutDecimal = False
        'value has meaningful decimals
        CellValueLenghtWithoutDecimal = True
    End If
End Function
  1. 获取数字的整数部分。有两个功能。带有负数的相似但不同的行为(请确保值是否先为数字):
Int(6.5)  '6
Fix(6.5)  '6
Int(-6.5) '-7
Fix(-6.5) '-6
  1. 格式化数字。将其转换为字符串或设置Range.NumberFormat属性:
Format(6500000,"# ### ###") '6 500 000
Range("A1").NumberFormat = "# ### ##0" 'same effect as above but only when displaying in that cell.
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