struct student
long ID; /* 8 bytes in 64-bit */
char name[24];
* list - the starting address of the list of structures to be searched
* count - total number of names in list
* token - name to be searched in the list
long search_by_name (char* list, long count, char* token)
long index = 0;
"movq %1, %%rax;" // list to rax
"movq %2, %%rbx;" // token to rbx
"movq %3, %%rcx;" // count to rcx
"movq 8(%%rax), %%rsi;" // Offset rax by 8 to get to first char in struct
"movq (%%rbx), %%rdi;" // Move memory address rbx into rdi
"cmpq %%rdi, %%rsi;" // Compare the two chars
"je equals;" // Two chars are never equal for some reason
"jmp finish;"
"movq 0(%%rax), %%rax;"
"jmp finish;"
: "=a" (index)
: "r" (list), "r" (token), "r" (count)
return index;
What it's supposed to do in C:
struct student *clist = (struct student*)list;
for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
if ( strcasecmp( clist[index].name, token ) == 0)
return clist[index].ID;
return 0;
。我如何将结构char数组与令牌char *进行比较?
之后,添加"rbx", "rcx", "rsi", "rdi", "cc", "memory"