Xamarin - 创建模拟器时出错

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我下载了 Xamarin 来开始学习一些应用程序开发。当我去创建一个 Android 模拟器时,它完成了下载,但是当下载达到 100% 时我不断收到此错误:

Device could not be created. Please file an issue by choosing "Report a Problem" in the Help menu, and attach your logs. 
Error summary: avdmanager has returned non-zero exit code: -2147467259. Please check logs for more information.

我还附上了屏幕截图。我尝试搜索任何类似的错误,但没有运气。任何建议将不胜感激。 使用: VisualStudio 2019、Win 10 Student、启用 Hyper-V、第 8 代 Intel i7,带 16GB RAM error

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