2025 年 1 月 1 日之后如何通过 Gmail 帐户使用 SMTP 邮件

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我是我的高尔夫俱乐部高级部门的赛程秘书,那里的大量管理工作都是手动完成的。 我正在尝试尽可能地自动化事情,发送电子邮件是一项任务。 我需要一个解决方案,其中 Outlook 不是答案 - 因此尝试使用 Gmail - 因为 6 人委员会中的 4 人只有新的 Outlook 应用程序(不是 Office 的一部分),而且还不支持自动化。

到目前为止,我已经在 Stack Overflow 和 YouTube 上找到了许多关于在 VBA 中使用 Gmail 设置自动电子邮件问题的可行解决方案。 那些能够证明其有效的应用程序均来自 2020 年/之前。其中许多是指让您的 Google 帐户使用不太安全的应用程序。 现在这已被淘汰,不再是一种选择。 我的 Gmail 帐户和电子邮件于 2025 年 1 月 2 日设置。

我已设置激活的 2 阶段验证并生成应用程序密码,并按照本论坛和其他论坛 (fora) 中类似问题的各种回复中所述使用它们。

没有什么能让我克服 SendUsing 配置无效的错误消息。

在错误消息框中,我收到运行时错误'-2147220960 (80040220)“SendUsing”配置无效。

我的代码如下,在参考文献中我已“勾选”Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000 库。 我还没有找到更新版本的 CDO。我在 i7 11700K CPU 和 32Gb RAM 上运行 Windows 11 Pro 24H2。

Option Compare Database
' Global variables
Dim newMail As CDO.Message
Dim newConfiguration As CDO.Configuration
Dim Fields As Variant
Dim msConfigURL As String

' References include Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000 Library

Sub Send_Email()
‘ Create error handler
On Error GoTo errHandle

' Create the new instances of the objects
Set newMail = New CDO.Message
Set newConfiguration = New CDO.Configuration

' Set all the default values
newMail.Configuration.Load -1

' Put in the message info
With newMail
   .Subject = "VBA Test"
   .From = “**********@gmail.com”           ‘ A valid and working Gmail account with email enabled
   .To = “*********@outlook.com”                ‘ An email address that I keep for testing purposes
   .TextBody = "Test message sent using VBA script in Access"

End With

' Set the configuration
msConfigURL = "https://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration"

' Make the Fields
Set Fields = newConfiguration.Fields

With Fields
   .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendusername") = "**********@gmail.com"
   .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendpassword") = "**************"      ‘ I have tried the account password and the generated App Password
   .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpusesssl") = True
   .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpauthenticate") = 1
   .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpserver") = "smtp.gmail.com"
   .Item(msConfigURL & "/smtpserverport") = 465
   .Item(msConfigURL & "/sendusing") = 2

   ' Update the configuration

End With

' Transfer the configuration
newMail.Configuration = newConfiguration

' Send the email

MsgBox "Email has been sent", vbInformation

' Exit lines for routine
   ' Release object from memory
   Set newMail = Nothing
   Set newMessage = Nothing

   Exit Sub

' Error handling
Select Case Err.Number
    Case -2147220973  'Could be because of Internet Connection
        MsgBox "Check your internet connection." & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    Case -2147220975  'Incorrect credentials User ID or password
        MsgBox "Check your login credentials and try again." & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
   Case Else   'Report other errors
       MsgBox "Error encountered while sending email." & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description

End Select

Resume exit_line

End Sub

我错过了什么? 当有人向我指出这一点时,我会感到多么愚蠢?

vba ms-access

GMail 需要 TLS 来进行 SMTP 连接。不幸的是,CDO 不直接支持 TLS。然而,有一个相当不错的解决方法,允许您使用 CDO 通过 GMail 发送电子邮件。首先您需要访问此链接并下载以下三个文件:


使用 VB 编辑器将这些文件导入 Access。

这些文件中的代码是 VB6,需要进行一些小的修改才能使其在 VBA 中工作。我已经包含了参考代码行,以便您可以找到修改代码的正确位置。您需要对 cAsyncSocket 类进行这些代码更改。首先找到以下代码段并添加 GetCurrentThreadID 行,如图所示:

    '--- for Modern Subclassing Thunk (MST)
    Private Const MEM_COMMIT                    As Long = &H1000
    Private Const PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE        As Long = &H40
    Private Const SIGN_BIT                      As Long = &H80000000

    Private Declare Function GetCurrentThreadId Lib "kernel32" () As Long  '<<< ADD THIS LINE

    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)

现在转到同一类模块 (

) 中的函数

    aParams(0) = ObjPtr(pObj)
    aParams(1) = pfnCallback
    If hThunk = 0 Then
        Dim lngTId As Long             '<<< ADD THIS LINE
        lngTId = GetCurrentThreadId()  '<<< ADD THIS LINE
'        hThunk = pvThunkGlobalData("InitAsyncSelectNotifyThunk" & App.ThreadID)  <<< COMMENT/DELETE THIS LINE
        hThunk = pvThunkGlobalData("InitAsyncSelectNotifyThunk" & lngTId)        '<<< ADD THIS LINE
    End If
        '--- for IDE protection
        Debug.Assert pvThunkIdeOwner(aParams(7))
        If aParams(7) <> 0 Then
            aParams(8) = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("user32"), "GetWindowLongA")
            aParams(9) = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("vba6"), "EbMode")
            aParams(10) = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("vba6"), "EbIsResetting")
        End If

       ' pvThunkGlobalData("InitAsyncSelectNotifyThunk" & App.ThreadID) = hThunk     <<< COMMENT/DELETE THIS LINE
        pvThunkGlobalData("InitAsyncSelectNotifyThunk" & lngTId) = hThunk           '<<< ADD THIS LINE
    End If
    lSize = CallWindowProc(hThunk, hWnd, 0, VarPtr(aParams(0)), VarPtr(InitAsyncSelectNotifyThunk))
    Debug.Assert lSize = THUNK_SIZE
End Function

代码修改就这样了。现在您需要访问 https://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?894683-RESOLVED-VB6-QUESTION-CDO-Email-Guide-and-STARTTLS,其中包含您将在运行时使用的代码(代码如下)。向下滚动到 2021 年 12 月 29 日中午 12:44 于

发布的帖子。该帖子包含三段代码。第一个用于 MITM SMTP 代理。在 Access 中创建一个名为

Option Explicit
DefObj A-Z
'Private Const MODULE_NAME As String = "cSmtpProxy"

' Public events

Event RecvFromClient(Data() As Byte)
Event RecvFromServer(Data() As Byte)

' Constants and member variables

Private m_sServerAddress        As String
Private m_lServerPort           As Long
Private WithEvents m_oListen    As cTlsSocket
Private WithEvents m_oClient    As cTlsSocket
Private WithEvents m_oServer    As cTlsSocket

' Properties

Public Property Get ServerAddress() As String
    ServerAddress = m_sServerAddress
End Property

Public Property Get ServerSocket() As cTlsSocket
    Set ServerSocket = m_oServer
End Property

Public Property Get ClientSocket() As cTlsSocket
    Set ClientSocket = m_oClient
End Property

' Methods

Public Function Init(sServerAddress As String, ByVal lServerPort As Long, ByVal lLocalPort As Long, Optional sLocalAddress As String) As Boolean
    m_sServerAddress = sServerAddress
    m_lServerPort = lServerPort
    Set m_oListen = New cTlsSocket
    If Not m_oListen.Create(lLocalPort, SocketAddress:=sLocalAddress) Then
        GoTo QH
    End If
    If Not m_oListen.Listen() Then
        GoTo QH
    End If
    '--- success
    Init = True
End Function

Private Sub pvInjectStartTls(sText As String)
    If Left$(sText, 5) <> "EHLO " Then
        GoTo QH
    End If
    If Not m_oServer.SyncSendText(sText) Then
        GoTo QH
    End If
    sText = m_oServer.SyncReceiveText()
    If LenB(sText) = 0 Then
        GoTo QH
    End If
    sText = "STARTTLS" & vbCrLf
    If Not m_oServer.SyncSendText(sText) Then
        GoTo QH
    End If
    sText = m_oServer.SyncReceiveText()
    If LenB(sText) = 0 Then
        GoTo QH
    End If
    If Not m_oServer.SyncStartTls(m_sServerAddress) Then
        GoTo QH
    End If
End Sub

' Socket events

Private Sub m_oListen_OnAccept()
    Set m_oServer = New cTlsSocket
    If Not m_oServer.Connect(m_sServerAddress, m_lServerPort, UseTls:=False) Then
        Set m_oServer = Nothing
        GoTo QH
    End If
    Set m_oClient = New cTlsSocket
    m_oListen.Accept m_oClient, UseTls:=False
End Sub

Private Sub m_oServer_OnReceive()
    Dim baBuffer()      As Byte
    If m_oServer.ReceiveArray(baBuffer) Then
        RaiseEvent RecvFromServer(baBuffer)
        m_oClient.SendArray baBuffer
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub m_oClient_OnReceive()
    Dim baBuffer()      As Byte
    If m_oClient.ReceiveArray(baBuffer) Then
        pvInjectStartTls StrConv(baBuffer, vbUnicode)
        RaiseEvent RecvFromClient(baBuffer)
        m_oServer.SendArray baBuffer
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub m_oClient_OnClose()
End Sub

第二个代码块显示了如何启动 SMTP 代理。在所示的示例中,它位于 Form_Load 事件中,尽管您可以将此代码放在您认为合适的任何位置(例如命令按钮):

Option Explicit

Private m_oProxy As cSmtpProxy

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set m_oProxy = New cSmtpProxy
    If Not m_oProxy.Init("smtp.gmail.com", 25, 10025) Then
        GoTo QH
    End If
End Sub

最后的代码块展示了如何使用 CDO 通过 GMail 创建和发送电子邮件。这非常符合新的 GMail 安全要求。您所需要的只是您的 GMail 帐户和您已经生成的应用程序密码:

Private Sub pvSendMail()
    Const CONFIG As String = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/"
    Dim oMsg As Object
    Set oMsg = CreateObject("CDO.message")
    With oMsg.Configuration.Fields
        .Item(CONFIG & "sendusing") = 2
        .Item(CONFIG & "smtpserver") = ""
        .Item(CONFIG & "smtpserverport") = 10025
        .Item(CONFIG & "smtpauthenticate") = 1
        .Item(CONFIG & "sendusername") = "***@gmail.com"
        .Item(CONFIG & "sendpassword") = "***"
    End With
    With oMsg
        .To = "***@saas.bg"
        .From = "***@gmail.com"
        .Subject = "the email subject"
        .TextBody = "the full message body goes here. you may want to create a variable to hold the text"
    End With
End Sub

我把这两个网站上的所有这些零碎的东西放在一起,它确实有效。是的,它很冗长,需要一些努力才能组合在一起,但它确实很有效。关键似乎是 CDO 具有隐藏的功能,可以启动 TLS,但仅在端口 25 上。此解决方案的所有功劳必须归于在两个网站上发布此信息的


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