我正在无头树莓派(牛眼)上使用nano中的lidssd1306。目标是允许通过 oled 显示屏上的编码器选择来执行 C 程序。
由于某种原因,在 Nano 中编辑文件时,
和 ctrl+shift+v
无法在文件/选项卡之间复制文本。 Ctl+6
按文件中的预期工作。我曾以为我的紧凑型无线键盘是罪魁祸首,但这种可能性已经被排除,我的连接方法也被排除了。来自另一个 PI 的 SSH,来自 win10 桌面的 ExtraPuTTY,甚至本地。
set mouse
bind ^X, ^C, ^V
和 ctrl+shift+v
在终端中正常工作,我一直使用 cat
来显示文件并复制我想要的行。从那里我可以使用 ctrl+shift+v
将文本粘贴到 Nano 编辑器中。我可能可以使用 awk
RasPi 靶心
ExtraPuTTY 0.29_RC2
答案是nano不支持人民币。有趣的是,它们支持按钮 4 和 5。也许有一天我会自己编写代码,我会将其添加到列表中...
来自 nano src 文件中的 winio.c:
/* Handle any mouse event that may have occurred. We currently handle
* releases/clicks of the first mouse button. If allow_shortcuts is
* TRUE, releasing/clicking on a visible shortcut will put back the
* keystroke associated with that shortcut. If ncurses supports them,
* we also handle presses of the fourth mouse button (upward rolls of
* the mouse wheel) by putting back keystrokes to move up, and presses
* of the fifth mouse button (downward rolls of the mouse wheel) by
* putting back keystrokes to move down. We also store the coordinates
* of a mouse event that needs further handling in mouse_x and mouse_y.
* Return -1 on error, 0 if the mouse event needs to be handled, 1 if it's
* been handled by putting back keystrokes, or 2 if it's been ignored. */
int get_mouseinput(int *mouse_y, int *mouse_x, bool allow_shortcuts)
bool in_middle, in_footer;
MEVENT event;
/* First, get the actual mouse event. */
if (getmouse(&event) == ERR)
return -1;
in_middle = wenclose(midwin, event.y, event.x);
in_footer = wenclose(footwin, event.y, event.x);
/* Copy (and possibly adjust) the coordinates of the mouse event. */
*mouse_x = event.x - (in_middle ? margin : 0);
*mouse_y = event.y;
/* Handle releases/clicks of the first mouse button. */
if (event.bstate & (BUTTON1_RELEASED | BUTTON1_CLICKED)) {
/* If we're allowing shortcuts, and the current shortcut list is
* being displayed on the last two lines of the screen, and the
* first mouse button was released on/clicked inside it, we need
* to figure out which shortcut was released on/clicked and put
* back the equivalent keystroke(s) for it. */
if (allow_shortcuts && !ISSET(NO_HELP) && in_footer) {
int width;
/* The width of each shortcut item, except the last two. */
int index;
/* The calculated index of the clicked item. */
size_t number;
/* The number of shortcut items that get displayed. */
/* Shift the coordinates to be relative to the bottom window. */
wmouse_trafo(footwin, mouse_y, mouse_x, FALSE);
/* Clicks on the status bar are handled elsewhere, so
* restore the untranslated mouse-event coordinates. */
if (*mouse_y == 0) {
*mouse_x = event.x;
*mouse_y = event.y;
return 0;
/* Determine how many shortcuts are being shown. */
number = shown_entries_for(currmenu);
/* Calculate the clickable width of each menu item. */
if (number < 5)
width = COLS / 2;
width = COLS / ((number + 1) / 2);
/* Calculate the one-based index in the shortcut list. */
index = (*mouse_x / width) * 2 + *mouse_y;
/* Adjust the index if we hit the last two wider ones. */
if ((index > number) && (*mouse_x % width < COLS % width))
index -= 2;
/* Ignore clicks beyond the last shortcut. */
if (index > number)
return 2;
/* Search through the list of functions to determine which
* shortcut in the current menu the user clicked on; then
* put the corresponding keystroke into the keyboard buffer. */
for (funcstruct *f = allfuncs; f != NULL; f = f->next) {
if ((f->menus & currmenu) == 0)
if (first_sc_for(currmenu, f->func) == NULL)
if (--index == 0) {
const keystruct *shortcut = first_sc_for(currmenu, f->func);
if (0x20 <= shortcut->keycode && shortcut->keycode <= 0x7E)
return 1;
} else
/* Clicks outside of the bottom window are handled elsewhere. */
return 0;
/* Handle "presses" of the fourth and fifth mouse buttons
* (upward and downward rolls of the mouse wheel). */
else if (event.bstate & (BUTTON4_PRESSED | BUTTON5_PRESSED)) {
if (in_footer)
/* Shift the coordinates to be relative to the bottom window. */
wmouse_trafo(footwin, mouse_y, mouse_x, FALSE);
if (in_middle || (in_footer && *mouse_y == 0)) {
int keycode = (event.bstate & BUTTON4_PRESSED) ? KEY_UP : KEY_DOWN;
/* One roll of the mouse wheel should move three lines. */
for (int count = 3; count > 0; count--)
return 1;
} else
/* Ignore "presses" of the fourth and fifth mouse buttons
* that aren't on the edit window or the status bar. */
return 2;
/* Ignore all other mouse events. */
return 2;
#endif /* ENABLE_MOUSE */
假设nano在xterm上运行,只需常规的xterm键绑定即可轻松将系统剪贴板粘贴到nano中,例如通过Ctrl-Shift-V,即绕过nano的内部复制粘贴机制。所以那里没有问题。要从 nano 复制粘贴到另一个 nano 或其他任何地方,请将其放入 nanorc 中:
bind M-i "{execute}|xsel -ib{enter}{undo}" main
M-i 是 Alt-i(在我的键盘和许多其他键盘中)。使用 Alt 或 Ctrl (^i) 或 Shift-Alt (Sh-M-i) 放置任何未使用的键。如果使用的话,首先进入(进入nanoc):
unbind M-i main
bind ^A "{anchor}{firstline}{mark}{lastline}" all
bind Sh-M-A "{anchor}" all
bind M-1 "{prevanchor}" all
bind M-2 "{nextanchor}" all
bind Sh-M-U "{nextword}{mark}{prevword}{execute}|sed 's/.*/\U&/'{enter}" main
bind Sh-M-L "{nextword}{mark}{prevword}{execute}|sed 's/.*/\L&/'{enter}" main