
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


"The version of flat file destination is not compatible with this version of the dataflow"

当尝试从目录中执行SSIS程序包时,该程序包在Visual Studio中可以很好地执行。我已经尝试在目录中以32位模式和64位模式运行它。



║ Message Type ║ Action       ║ Message             ║ Message                                                                         ║ Message       ║ Subcomponent                    ║ Execution Path            ║
║              ║              ║   Time              ║                                                                                 ║   Source Name ║   Name                          ║                           ║
║ OnError      ║ View Context ║ 4-7-2020 5:05:23 PM ║ Export to Excel:Error: There were errors during                                 ║ Export        ║                                 ║ \Package1\Export to Excel ║
║              ║              ║                     ║   task validation.                                                              ║   to Excel    ║                                 ║                           ║
║              ║              ║                     ║                                                                                 ║               ║                                 ║                           ║
║ OnError      ║ View Context ║ 4-7-2020 5:05:23 PM ║ Export to Excel:Error: One or more component                                    ║ Export        ║ SSIS.Pipeline                   ║ \Package1\Export to Excel ║
║              ║              ║                     ║   failed validation.                                                            ║   to Excel    ║                                 ║                           ║
║              ║              ║                     ║                                                                                 ║               ║                                 ║                           ║
║ OnError      ║ View Context ║ 4-7-2020 5:05:23 PM ║ Export to Excel:Error: Flat File Destination                                    ║ Export        ║ SSIS.Pipeline                   ║ \Package1\Export to Excel ║
║              ║              ║                     ║   failed validation and returned error code 0xC0048021.                         ║   to Excel    ║                                 ║                           ║
║              ║              ║                     ║                                                                                 ║               ║                                 ║                           ║
║ OnError      ║ View Context ║ 4-7-2020 5:05:23 PM ║ Export to Excel:Error: The component is                                         ║ Export        ║ Flat File Destination [2]       ║ \Package1\Export to Excel ║
║              ║              ║                     ║   missing, not registered, not upgradeable, or missing required interfaces. The ║   to Excel    ║                                 ║                           ║
║              ║              ║                     ║   contact information for this component is "Flat File                          ║               ║                                 ║                           ║
║              ║              ║                     ║   Destination;Microsoft Corporation; Microsoft SQL Server; (C) Microsoft        ║               ║                                 ║                           ║
║              ║              ║                     ║   Corporation; All Rights Reserved;                                             ║               ║                                 ║                           ║
║              ║              ║                     ║;1".                                      ║               ║                                 ║                           ║
║              ║              ║                     ║                                                                                 ║               ║                                 ║                           ║
║ OnError      ║ View Context ║ 4-7-2020 5:05:23 PM ║ Export to Excel:Error: The version of Flat File                                 ║ Export        ║ SSIS.Pipeline                   ║ \Package1\Export to Excel ║
║              ║              ║                     ║   Destination, clsid {0667D728-1E5F-4BB6-863D-B29D3F405706} is not compatible   ║   to Excel    ║                                 ║                           ║
║              ║              ║                     ║   with this version of the DataFlow.                                            ║               ║                                 ║                           ║
║              ║              ║                     ║                                                                                 ║               ║                                 ║                           ║
║ OnError      ║ View Context ║ 4-7-2020 5:05:23 PM ║ Export to Excel:Error: The version of Flat File                                 ║ Export        ║ Export to Excel (SSIS.Pipeline) ║ \Package1\Export to Excel ║
║              ║              ║                     ║   Destination is not compatible with this version of the DataFlow.              ║   to Excel    ║                                 ║                           ║
║              ║              ║                     ║                                                                                 ║               ║                                 ║                           ║

请让我知道我可以添加的其他信息。我在服务器中运行了其他软件包,因此SSIS目录有效。而这个特定的程序包可以从Visual Studio使用,但不能在目录中使用。发生故障的组件是具有到平面文件目标的OLEDB连接的数据流:

enter image description here

使用基本的平面文件连接管理器:enter image description here

更新:我发现如果我从Visual Studio进行部署,则当我在SSMS中执行该程序包时,该程序包就可以工作了。问题是我需要导入该软件包,因为它将被安装在未与Visual Studio连接的第三方服务器中。我正在尝试在我的计算机上复制此文件(服务器在我的计算机中),并且它可以与从VS进行部署一起使用,但在导入时不起作用。这是执行导入文件时出现的错误(上面的表也显示了该错误):enter image description here

sql-server visual-studio ssis ssms etl

我遇到了同样的问题,因为当我使用SQL 2017时,该项目针对SQL2019。我在VS项目属性中将其更改为SQL 2017,并且可以正常工作!

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