这个 IEEE754 到无符号整数 8 标准化的 numpy 函数的 Keras 3 版本是什么?

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使用 Keras 3

api,这个标准化函数的 Keras 3 版本是什么?

def ieee754_to_uint8(x, axis=-1):
  Normalize a tensor using IEEE 754 logic and map it to uint8 values.

      x (tensor): A Keras tensor of shape (batch_size, seq_len).
      axis (int): Axis along which to normalize.

      A Keras tensor with dtype uint8, returning the same shape as input x.
  # Find the maximum absolute value in x
  m = np.max(np.abs(x), axis=axis, keepdims=True)
  m[m==0] = 1

  y = (2**7 - 1 * (x > 0)) * x / m
  return (y.astype(int) + 128).astype(np.uint8)
python keras
def ieee754_to_uint8(x, axis=-1):
  Normalize a tensor using IEEE 754 logic and map it to uint8 values using Keras 3 ops.

      x (Tensor): A Keras tensor of shape (batch_size, seq_len).
      axis (int): Axis along which to normalize.

      A Keras tensor with dtype uint8, returning the same shape as input x.
  # Find the maximum absolute value along the given axis
  m = ops.max(ops.abs(x), axis=axis, keepdims=True)
  m = ops.where(m == 0, ops.ones_like(m), m)  # Prevent division by zero

  # Perform normalization
  y = (2**7 - 1 * ops.cast(x > 0, dtype="float32")) * x / m

  # Convert to uint8
  y = ops.cast(ops.round(y + 128), dtype="uint8")
  return ydef ieee754_to_uint8(x, axis=-1):
  Normalize a tensor using IEEE 754 logic and map it to uint8 values using Keras 3 ops.

      x (Tensor): A Keras tensor of shape (batch_size, seq_len).
      axis (int): Axis along which to normalize.

      A Keras tensor with dtype uint8, returning the same shape as input x.
  # Find the maximum absolute value along the given axis
  m = ops.max(ops.abs(x), axis=axis, keepdims=True)
  m = ops.where(m == 0, ops.ones_like(m), m)  # Prevent division by zero

  # Perform normalization
  y = (2**7 - 1 * ops.cast(x > 0, dtype="float32")) * x / m

  # Convert to uint8
  y = ops.cast(ops.round(y + 128), dtype="uint8")
  return y
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