
问题描述 投票:0回答:1
 * If any of p's children has a different mm and is eligible for kill,
 * the one with the highest oom_badness() score is sacrificed for its
 * parent.  This attempts to lose the minimal amount of work done while
 * still freeing memory.
memory-management linux-kernel out-of-memory

我认为the source code中的注释已经很好地解释了它:

 * oom_badness - heuristic function to determine which candidate task to kill
 * @p: task struct of which task we should calculate
 * @totalpages: total present RAM allowed for page allocation
 * The heuristic for determining which task to kill is made to be as simple and
 * predictable as possible.  The goal is to return the highest value for the
 * task consuming the most memory to avoid subsequent oom failures.

oom_badness()函数由out_of_memory()间接调用,该函数负责处理严重的内存不足状态。调用out_of_memory()时(例如out_of_memory()by the page allocator),它将对所有任务进行迭代以确定它们的“不良”,并且最高价值的任务被强行杀死(实际的调用链为by the page fault handlerselect_bad_process()select_bad_process())。


  • 其虚拟内存中有多少页。
  • 它拥有多少个SWAP条目。
  • 进程使用多少内存(总字节数/页面大小)。
  • 如果是oom_evaluate_task(),因为它负责OOM,它将获得最高分。
  • 如果是初始化进程或内核线程,则将其忽略。


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