JAVA - 将字符串数组 [a, b, c] 的内容传递到子数组中以获取数组长度

问题描述 投票:0回答:1



  1. 我创建了一个名为 DRO 的字符串数组,其中包含两个内容

    String[] DRO = {"DRO1", "DRO2"};

  2. DRO 中的每个数组元素也有其数组

    int[] DRO1 = {3,4,9,10, 11}; int[] DRO2 = {10,5,8,2};

  3. 创建一个循环来遍历组“DRO”。 在 group_name.length 我被困住了。 我无法让“DRO1”传入并读取“DRO1.length”。 相反,它显示我使用“DRO1.length();”。 例如,如果我使用“length() 而不是 .length”,它将返回“DRO1”的字符串长度 (4),而不是 DRO1 的数组编号 (5)。
    我想要实现的目标是传入“group_name.length”->“DRO1.length”并获取 DRO1 的数组长度为 5,以便通过另一个循环我可以对 DRO1 数组的内容求平均值,然后进行至 DRO2 这是我得到的,感谢您的帮助

    for (int x=0; x< DRO.length; x++)    // loop DRO groups
           String group_name = DRO[x];
           for (int i=0; i< group_name.length; i++)    // <== here is where I don't know how to get array DRO1 length.  
               System.out.printf("[Site %d] %-15s  - %s%n", site,"DRO", i);
               System.out.printf("value= %s\n", capData[i]);
               group_name_AVE= (group_name+ capData[i]);
               int array_num = group_name.length;
               if (i == array_num-1) {
                 group_name_AVE= (group_name_AVE/group_name.length)/12;
                 System.out.printf("[Site %d] %-15s  - %s%n", site,"group_name_AVE", group_name_AVE, "Mhz");
java arrays string string-length

执行此任务的一种方法是使用 int[][] 二维数组,例如:

// Two Dimensional Array - an int[][] array of int[] arrays:
int[][] dro = {
               {3, 4, 9, 10, 11},  // First int[] array at Row index 0;
               {10, 5, 8, 2}       // Second int[] array at Row index 1;
// StringBuilder - Used to build the current int[] array string:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); 
// An int variable to hold the total sum of elemental values
// in the current int[] array:
int arraySum; 
// Iterate through each int[][] array row (outer loop):
for (int x = 0; x < dro.length; x++) {
    arraySum = 0;  // Zero the summing variable to prep for new int[] array:
    // Iterate through each column of the current inner int[] array (inner loop):
    for (int i = 0; i < dro[x].length; i++) {
        // Retrieve the current element value:
        int arrayElementValue = dro[x][i]; 
        // If sb is not empty then append a comma/space to the string build:
        if (!sb.toString().isEmpty()) {
            sb.append(", ");
        // Append the current array element value to the string build:
        // Sum the current element value to the overall total: 
        arraySum += arrayElementValue;
        // Continue processing current array columns until inner loop is done...
    // Display information about the currently processed inner array:
    System.out.printf("Site #%d - %-15s%n", x+1, "DRO" + (x+1) + ":  [" + sb.toString() + "]");
    System.out.println("The array (DRO" + (x+1) + ") contains " + dro[x].length + " integer elements");
    System.out.println("with an average numerical value of:  "  + (arraySum / dro[x].length) + "Mhz." );
    // Empty the current string build in preparation for a New string build:
    // Continue outer loop until done...


Site #1 - DRO1:  [3, 4, 9, 10, 11]
The array (DRO1) contains 5 integer elements
with an average numerical value of:  7Mhz.

Site #2 - DRO2:  [10, 5, 8, 2]
The array (DRO2) contains 4 integer elements
with an average numerical value of:  6Mhz.
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