VBA:运行2D Variant Array删除列的操作

问题描述 投票:-2回答:1


我现在想要做的是将此Dim matrix() As Variant作为变体。

我现在想循环抛出行,如果第二行column = "even"或第五行以"_tom"结尾,则删除该行。下方的数据集


1,  odd,    3,  27, today
2,  even,   6,  21, today_tom
3,  odd,    9,  28, today
4,  even,   12, 30, today
5,  odd,    15, 17, today_tom
6,  even,   18, 17, today
7,  odd,    21, 18, today
8,  even,   24, 9 , today_tom
9,  odd,    27, 24, today_tom
10, even,   30, 9,  today
11, odd,    33, 11, today
12, even,   36, 22, today
13, odd,    39, 8 , today
14, even,   42, 1 , today
15, odd,    45, 4 , today


Sub test()
    Dim matrix As Variant
    matrix = Range("A1:E15")
    Dim r As Long

    For r = LBound(matrix, 1) To UBound(matrix, 1)
        If matrix(r, 2).Value = "even" Then
        End If
        If Right(matrix(r, 2).Value, 4) = "_tom" Then
        End If
    Next r

End Sub

excel vba variant



Sub Restructure()
' Site: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59685516/vba-run-through-a-2d-variant-array-deleting-columns
    Dim matrix As Variant
    matrix = Sheet1.Range("A1:E15")
    'Maintain only array rows <> "even" or ending with "_tom"
    matrix = Application.Index(matrix, getRowNo(matrix), Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))

''optional: write to any target range    
'           Sheet1.Range("G1").Resize(UBound(matrix), UBound(matrix, 2)) = matrix
End Sub


Function getRowNo(arr) As Variant()
' Note: receives last column values of array two as 1-dim 1based array
' Purp: returns 2-dim 1-based array with row numbers if conditions met
    Dim i As Long, ii As Long, tmp()
    ReDim tmp(1 To 1, 1 To UBound(arr))     ' provide for temporary array
    For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
        If arr(i, 2) = "even" Or Right(arr(i, 5), 4) = "_tom" Then
        ' do nothing
            ii = ii + 1                     ' increment temp counter
            tmp(1, ii) = i                  ' enter row number of original column data
        End If
    Next i
    ReDim Preserve tmp(1 To 1, 1 To ii)     ' correct last dimension
    getRowNo = Application.Transpose(tmp)   ' return 2-dim array with rownumbers to be preserved
    Debug.Print Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(tmp)), "|"), UBound(getRowNo) & ", " & UBound(getRowNo, 2)

End Function

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