
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在使用PingFederate Apache(Linux)Integration Kit 3.2来验证我的应用程序。应用程序正在运行,PingFederate可以设置标头和环境变量,但是Apache会忽略PingFederate对HTTP标头所做的更改。下面是我的apache错误日志的摘录

[Thu Aug 31 07:16:35.836754 2017] [:info] [pid 28376] Exposing of session information is enabled for all requests within a session
[Thu Aug 31 07:16:35.836757 2017] [:info] [pid 28376] Exposing session information into the environment variables and HTTP headers...
[Thu Aug 31 07:16:35.836763 2017] [:info] [pid 28376]  Setting environment variable: PF_AUTH_UID = .....
[Thu Aug 31 07:16:35.836766 2017] [:info] [pid 28376]  Setting the request HTTP header: PF_AUTH_UID = ....
[Thu Aug 31 07:16:35.836769 2017] [:info] [pid 28376]  Setting environment variable: PF_AUTH_SN = ...
[Thu Aug 31 07:16:35.836772 2017] [:info] [pid 28376]  Setting the request HTTP header: PF_AUTH_SN = ...
[Thu Aug 31 07:16:35.836837 2017] [:info] [pid 28376]  Total environment variables added: 12
[Thu Aug 31 07:16:35.836839 2017] [:info] [pid 28376]  Total HTTP request headers added: 12
[Thu Aug 31 07:16:35.836842 2017] [:info] [pid 28376] Releasing the dynamically allocated payload...
[Thu Aug 31 07:16:35.836844 2017] [:info] [pid 28376] Granting access to the requested resource
[Thu Aug 31 07:16:35.836846 2017] [:info] [pid 28376] Returning DECLINED to let Apache take its default actions for the modified request
[Thu Aug 31 07:16:35.836849 2017] [:info] [pid 28376] Exiting the Content handler
[Thu Aug 31 07:16:35.836851 2017] [:info] [pid 28376] Returning HTTP code -1 (DECLINED)


PingFederateFilter                  /.*
PingFederateFilter                  /cgi-bin/.*

PingFederateExposeSessionAttributesToEnvironmentVariables   yes
PingFederateExposeSessionAttributesToHttpHeaders            yes

PingFederateAuthnPrefix                PF_AUTH_


LoadModule access_compat_module modules/
LoadFile modules/
LoadModule pf_module modules/
PingFederateConfigurationFile conf/mod_pf.conf

<Directory "/var/www/cgi-bin">
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all

    AuthType PFApacheAgent
    Allow from all
    Require valid-user

Apache版本是Apache / 2.4.6(CentOS)

apache pingfederate

mod_pf“PingFederateStartPageUrl /.cmd=PingStartPage”中有一行。启用此行并在浏览器中输入以下URL。它将显示由PingFederate发送给Apache的Headers。如果您无法看到任何HTTP标头,则PingFederate不会发送属性。


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