Jetpack Compose:“java.lang.IllegalStateException:软件渲染不支持硬件位图”

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 * Extends the [Modifier] to capture and save the composable content into a [Picture].
 * This function uses the [drawWithCache] to intercept the drawing process. It redirects
 * the drawing commands into a [Picture], which can be used later for operations like
 * creating a bitmap or drawing onto a canvas. This is particularly useful for capturing
 * a snapshot of the composable content without needing to display it on the screen.
 * @param picture The [Picture] instance where the composable content will be recorded.
 *                It acts as a recording canvas to capture the drawing commands.
 *                Make sure to initialize this [Picture] before passing it to the modifier.
 *                The content captured by this [Picture] can be used for various purposes,
 *                such as generating a bitmap for saving or sharing the content.
 * @param keys Optional array of keys that trigger recomposition and re-capture of the content
 *             when any of them changes. This is useful when you want to capture the content
 *             again due to changes in the state or data that affects the appearance or
 *             composition of the captured content. The capture process will be reinvoked
 *             upon any change in the values of these keys, ensuring the captured [Picture]
 *             is up to date. This mechanism is similar to the way keys are used in
 *             [LaunchedEffect] for controlling effects based on state changes.
 * Example usage:
 * ```
 * val picture = remember { Picture() }
 * Box(modifier = Modifier.captureDrawableContent(picture)) {
 *     Text("Hello, World!")
 * }
 * ```
 * Note: The capturing happens during the drawing phase of the composable. Therefore,
 * modifications to the [Picture] after the composable is drawn will not reflect in the
 * captured content. If you need to update the captured content, you should trigger a
 * recomposition with an updated [Picture] instance.
 * based on
public fun Modifier.captureDrawableContent(picture: Picture, vararg keys: Any?): Modifier = composed {
    val keyHash = keys.contentHashCode()

    remember(keyHash) {
        Modifier.drawWithCache {
            val width = size.width.toInt()
            val height = size.height.toInt()

            onDrawWithContent {
                val pictureCanvas = Canvas(picture.beginRecording(width, height))
                draw(this, layoutDirection, pictureCanvas, size) {
                    [email protected]()

                drawIntoCanvas { canvas -> canvas.nativeCanvas.drawPicture(picture) }


enter image description here

  • 搭载Android 8的设备。我尝试在 Android 7.1.1 上重现此错误,但没有成功,不存在此错误。


Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Software rendering doesn't support hardware bitmaps


draw(this, layoutDirection, pictureCanvas, size) {
                    [email protected]()

有人知道如何修复 Android 8 设备吗?

我希望找到一些方法在 Android Jetpack Compose 上无需硬件位图即可绘制内容

android bitmap android-jetpack-compose

我发现问题了。在我的应用程序中,我使用 Coil lib 来显示图片。 当我将

Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Software rendering doesn't support hardware bitmaps

为 Android 8 及更低版本添加


     model = ImageRequest.Builder(LocalContext.current)
         .allowHardware(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
     contentDescription = null
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