
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

问题是当我拖动图像并希望将其拖到较低的帆布时,它会落后于下部的轴,并且不会在下部的轴上显示此图像。 请让我知道问题是什么,必须发生补救措施。 预先感谢


from tkinter import * from PIL import Image, ImageTk def on_drag(event): """ Moves the image inside cw1 """ x, y = event.x, event.y cw1.coords(image_id, x, y) def on_drop(event): global image_id x, y = event.x, event.y abs_x = cw1.winfo_rootx() + x abs_y = cw1.winfo_rooty() + y cw2_x = cw2.winfo_rootx() cw2_y = cw2.winfo_rooty() cw2_width = cw2.winfo_width() cw2_height = cw2.winfo_height() if cw2_x <= abs_x <= cw2_x + cw2_width and cw2_y <= abs_y <= cw2_y + cw2_height: cw1.delete(image_id) new_x = abs_x - cw2_x new_y = abs_y - cw2_y image_id = cw2.create_image(new_x, new_y, image=image1, tags='image1Tag') win = Tk() win.geometry("650x650") win.title("Draggable Image Between Canvases") cw1 = Canvas(win, width=350, height=350, bg="khaki2") cw1.pack(fill="both", expand=True) cw2 = Canvas(win, width=350, height=350, bg="salmon") cw2.pack(fill="both", expand=True) image1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open("plot.png").resize((100, 100), Image.Resampling.BICUBIC)) image_id = cw1.create_image(150, 150, image=image1, tags='image1Tag') cw1.tag_bind(image_id, "<B1-Motion>", on_drag) cw1.tag_bind(image_id, "<ButtonRelease-1>", on_drop) win.mainloop()

python tkinter canvas screen move

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