我正在使用包 spatie/laravel-slack-slash-command 并且下面的代码工作正常,除了这种情况,如果用户不输入任何参数,则会捕获错误,因为有一个 Exceptions\InvalidInput.php 类包,我只是想知道如何格式化此错误或如何覆盖像这样输出的 getResponse() 方法,谢谢!
public function getResponse(Request $request): Response
return parent::getResponse($request)
if (empty($slack_request))
return $this->respondToSlack("Argument Missing")
->setText("You must provide two digits between 00 and 13 after ex : /tasks day {00}")
namespace App\SlashCommandHandlers;
use Spatie\SlashCommand\Attachment;
use Spatie\SlashCommand\AttachmentField;
use Spatie\SlashCommand\Handlers\SignatureHandler;
use Spatie\SlashCommand\Request;
use Spatie\SlashCommand\Response;
use App\Models\Retry42\Project;
class Projects extends SignatureHandler
protected $signature = 'tasks day {day}';
public function handle(Request $request): Response
$slack_request = $this->getArgument('day');
if (empty($slack_request))
return $this->respondToSlack("Argument Missing")
->setText("You must provide two digits between 00 and 13 after ex : /tasks day {00}")
if(!preg_match("/^(0[0-9]|1[0-3])$/", $slack_request))
return $this->respondToSlack("Invalid argument, two digits between 00 and 13")
->setText("Project day must be two digits between 00 and 13")
$day = $slack_request;
$project = 'Day '.$day;
$project = Project::where('name', '=', $project)->firstOrFail();
$tasks = $project->tasks->toArray();
if (!count($tasks)) {
return $this->respondToSlack("Sorry we could not get you any tasks for Day {$day}")
->setText("Try another day!")
$attachmentFields = collect($tasks)->reduce(function (array $attachmentFields, array $task) {
$value = $task['description'] ?? '';
if($task['visible'] == 1)
$attachmentFields[] = AttachmentField::create('Name', $task['name'])->displaySideBySide();
$attachmentFields[] = AttachmentField::create('Description', $value)->displaySideBySide();
return $attachmentFields;
}, []);
return $this->respondToSlack("Here are the tasks for Day {$day}")
我试过按照建议编辑 SignatureHandler.php 从 $foo 到这个
public function getArgument($foo = null)
if($foo == null) return [];
return $this->input->getArgument($foo);
if (empty($slack_request))
return $this->respondToSlack("Argument Missing")
->setText("You must provide two digits between 00 and 13 after ex : /tasks day {00}")
找到如何通过修改 SignatureHandler.php 中的 validate() 方法来获得我期望的结果,注释抛出异常返回而不是一个空数组,并检查 handle 方法中现在是否有效。谢谢您的帮助。虽然这不是最好的方法,但这是完成我想要的最快方法。
public function validate()
try {
} catch (RuntimeException $exception) {
//throw new InvalidInput($exception->getMessage(), $this, $exception);
return [];