我创建了一个使用VBA生成Windows计划任务的进程。 该任务在指定的日期/时间启动 Excel 工作簿并执行其中包含的 VBA 宏。 该任务是一次性执行任务。 宏完成后,工作簿将保持打开状态。 该过程有效,但仅当电脑在指定的日期/时间没有休眠时才有效。 我的环境是Windows 11和Office 365。任务历史记录显示该任务确实执行,但如果PC处于睡眠状态,则永远不会打开excel工作簿。 我已将 wakeToRun 的参数设置为 true。 我已尝试此处显示的示例,该示例配置为安排任务以交互式令牌类型登录(3)。
我也尝试过输入密码(1)。 当使用类型 1 并指定我的 PC 登录名/密码时,任务会超时,并且即使 PC 未处于睡眠状态,也不会打开工作簿。这是注册任务的行:
Call rootFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition("Book1", taskDefinition, 6, , , 3)
如有任何建议,我们将不胜感激。 将示例代码粘贴到工作簿中并另存为 Book1。 定义两个命名范围,StartDt 和 StartTm,每个引用一个单独的单元格,该单元格将保存执行开始日期/时间。
Sub CreateVBSFile()
' only need to do this once
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Set fso = New FileSystemObject
Dim fileStream As TextStream
Set fileStream = fso.CreateTextFile(Environ("TEMP") & "\MyTestRun.vbs")
Dim sS As String
' use book1.xlsm as name for the workbook
sS = "ExcelFilePath = """ & ThisWorkbook.FullName & """"
fileStream.WriteLine sS
sS = "MacroPath = ""Module1.testHarness"""
fileStream.WriteLine sS
sS = "Set ExcelApp = CreateObject(""Excel.Application"")"
fileStream.WriteLine sS
sS = "ExcelApp.Visible = True"
fileStream.WriteLine sS
sS = "ExcelApp.DisplayAlerts = False"
fileStream.WriteLine sS
sS = "Set wb = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(ExcelFilePath)"
fileStream.WriteLine sS
sS = "ExcelApp.Run MacroPath"
fileStream.WriteLine sS
sS = "wb.Save"
fileStream.WriteLine sS
sS = "ExcelApp.DisplayAlerts = True"
fileStream.WriteLine sS
Set fileStream = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
End Sub
Sub createTheSchedule()
Cells(3, 3) = ""
'value the start time to be 10 minutes from now, or what ever time you need to test when sleeping
Range("StartTm") = Format(DateAdd("s", 600, Now), "hh:mm ampm")
Range("StartDt") = Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy")
Const TriggerTypeTime = 1
Const ActionTypeExec = 0
Dim service As Object
Set service = CreateObject("Schedule.service")
Call service.Connect
' Get a folder to create a task definition in.
Dim rootFolder
Set rootFolder = service.GetFolder("\")
Dim taskDefinition
Set taskDefinition = service.NewTask(0)
' creating the RegistrationInfo object.
Dim regInfo
Set refInfo = taskDefinition.RegistrationInfo
refInfo.Author = "Administrator"
' creating a TaskSettings object.
Dim settings
Set settings = taskDefinition.settings
settings.Enabled = True
settings.WakeToRun = True
settings.StartWhenAvailable = True
settings.Hidden = False
settings.idlesettings.RestartOnIdle = True
settings.idlesettings.StopOnIdleEnd = False
' Create a time-based trigger.
Dim triggers, trigger
Set triggers = taskDefinition.triggers
Set trigger = triggers.Create(TriggerTypeTime)
Dim startTime
Dim time
' set your start date time using values in the workbook
time = CDate(Range("StartDt")) + CDate(Range("StartTm"))
startTime = XmlTime(time)
trigger.StartBoundary = startTime
trigger.ExecutionTimeLimit = "PT5M" 'Five minutes
trigger.ID = "timeTriggerID"
trigger.Enabled = True
' Add an action to the task to run the workbook
Dim Action
Set Action = taskDefinition.Actions.Create(ActionTypeExec)
Action.Path = Environ("TEMP") & "\MyTestRun.vbs"
' Register (create) the task.
Call rootFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition("Book1", taskDefinition, 6, , , 3)
End Sub
Function XmlTime(t)
Dim cSecond, cMinute, CHour, cDay, cMonth, cYear
Dim tTime, tDate
cSecond = "00"
cMinute = "0" & Minute(t)
CHour = "0" & Hour(t)
cDay = "0" & Day(t)
cMonth = "0" & Month(t)
cYear = Year(t)
tTime = Right(CHour, 2) & ":" & Right(cMinute, 2) & _
":" & Right(cSecond, 2)
tDate = cYear & "-" & Right(cMonth, 2) & "-" & Right(cDay, 2)
XmlTime = tDate & "T" & tTime
End Function
Sub testHarness()
Cells(3, 3) = "This ran successfully at " & Format(Now(), "hh:mm:ss ampm")
End Sub
编辑: 我发现一篇文章解释说 Windows 2008 在创建程序/脚本值超过 30 个字符的计划任务时存在问题,并附有处理该问题的说明。 然后我注意到 VBA 脚本创建的计划任务将任务设置为针对 windows server 2008 配置。 我使用任务计划程序编辑器手动将该属性修改为 Windows 10
IT 现在将在 PC 睡眠时按预期运行。 但是,我找不到任何有关如何通过 VBA 设置该属性的文档,并且只能在创建任务后对其进行修改。 有人知道如何设置该属性吗?
将计划任务配置为在 Windows 10 中运行的设置是为 settings
添加一条语句settings.compatibility = 6
感谢 AI 给我指出了这个解决方案。