canvas实用程序在文件中绘制实时更改。我编写了一个简单的代码来查找文件中的差异并使用.c create line $oldx $oldy $newx $newy
#PROGRAM 2 : Print something when a file is changed
#package require Tk
#graph prep
set width 100
set height 100
canvas .c -width $width -height $height -background white
pack .c
#bind .c <Configure> {
# bind .c <Configure> {}
# .c xview scroll 0 unit
# set t 0
#set t 0
#.c create line $t 239 [expr $t + 5] 239 -fill gray
.c create line 0 12 1 13
#Initial reading
set filename "data.txt"
#puts $filename
if [file exists $filename] {
#puts "file exits!"
set accessTime [file mtime $filename]
#puts $accessTime
#opening file
set a [open $filename]
set lines [split [read -nonewline $a] "\n"]
close $a; # Saves a few bytes :-)
#puts [llength $lines]
#printing file
set oldx 0
set oldy [lindex $lines 0]
for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $lines]} {incr i} {
#puts "$i : [lindex $lines $i]"
set newx $i
set newy [lindex $lines $i]
.c create line $oldx $oldy $newx $newy
set oldx $newx
set oldy $newy
## after 10000
## #looping to detect change
while 1 {
if [file exists $filename] {
after 1000
# check if new access time
set nAccessTime [file mtime $filename]
if {$accessTime != $nAccessTime} {
#puts $nAccessTime
#puts "found new"
#update access time
set accessTime $nAccessTime
#read new lines
set a [open $filename]
set lines [split [read -nonewline $a] "\n"]
close $a; # Saves a few bytes :-)
#puts [llength $lines]
for {} {$i < [llength $lines]} {incr i} {
#puts "$i : [lindex $lines $i]"
set newx $i
set newy [lindex $lines $i]
.c create line $oldx $oldy $newx $newy
set oldx $newx
set oldy $newy
after 1000
after 1000 {set update_ready yes}
vwait update_ready
after 1000
到目前为止,更好的是重写代码,以便它处理计时器回调中的更改。这对你的代码来说是相当重要的手术...除非你有Tcl 8.6,否则你可以使用协程来轻松完成:
package require Tcl 8.6; # <<<< GOOD STYLE
package require Tk; # <<<< GOOD STYLE
set width 100
set height 100
canvas .c -width $width -height $height -background white
pack .c
.c create line 0 12 1 13
#Initial reading
set filename "data.txt"
#puts $filename
if [file exists $filename] {
#puts "file exits!"
set accessTime [file mtime $filename]
#puts $accessTime
#opening file
set a [open $filename]
set lines [split [read -nonewline $a] "\n"]
close $a; # Saves a few bytes :-)
#puts [llength $lines]
#printing file
set oldx 0
set oldy [lindex $lines 0]
for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $lines]} {incr i} {
#puts "$i : [lindex $lines $i]"
set newx $i
set newy [lindex $lines $i]
.c create line $oldx $oldy $newx $newy
set oldx $newx
set oldy $newy
## #looping to detect change
coroutine mainloop apply {{} { # <<< CHANGED LINE
global i filename accessTime oldx oldy
while 1 {
after 1000 [info coroutine]; # <<< CHANGED LINE
yield; # <<< CHANGED LINE
if {[file exists $filename]} {
# check if new access time
set nAccessTime [file mtime $filename]
if {$accessTime != $nAccessTime} {
#puts $nAccessTime
#puts "found new"
#update access time
set accessTime $nAccessTime
#read new lines
set a [open $filename]
set lines [split [read -nonewline $a] "\n"]
close $a; # Saves a few bytes :-)
#puts [llength $lines]
for {} {$i < [llength $lines]} {incr i} {
#puts "$i : [lindex $lines $i]"
set newx $i
set newy [lindex $lines $i]
.c create line $oldx $oldy $newx $newy
set oldx $newx
set oldy $newy