我想我必须使用String goAgainResponse来使之不存在无限循环,但我不知道该代码是什么样的。我应该通过添加4-4/3 + 4/5-4/7 + 4/9等来近似pi。将这些术语与我要求用户输入的数字加起来一样多。
int term;
int counter = 1;
double piCalc=0.0;
String goAgainResponse = null;
boolean goAgain = false;
Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);
/* NOTE you may not declare any additional variables */
System.out.println("This program will approximate Pi based on the following series:");
System.out.println("4 - 4/3 + 4/5 - 4/7 + 4/9 - ...");
System.out.println("Enter the term number to which you would like to approximate Pi");
term = kb.nextInt();
while(term <= 9)
System.out.print("Please enter a number greater than 9:");
term = kb.nextInt();
while(term > 9)
term += 1;
piCalc = 4/(2 * term - 1);
System.out.print("Would you like to try again (yes/no)? ");
boolean goAgain = false;