对于每个 Google Drive Batch Request,我能够以纯文本格式将 100 个 Google Workspace 文档导出到我的服务器。我遵循了 Kanshi Tanaike 的优秀示例“使用 Google Apps 脚本批量请求进行高效文件管理”
但是,对于以 HTML(而不是纯文本)导出的 Google 文档,我不知道如何处理响应正文。 (顺便说一句,对于 HTML 导出,mime 类型是 application/zip)。
我希望有人能提供一些关于如何处理响应主体的基本信息。或者我可以遵循 Google Apps 脚本或 Elixir 中的示例?
我尝试使用批处理标记将响应主体拆分为 100 个请求(就像我对纯文本示例所做的那样)。我剩下的可能是一个或 100 个 zip 文件,但我尝试解压缩它们的所有内容都出现了错误。我认为我错误地拆分了 response.body。我不是经验丰富的程序员,也没有使用 zip 文件的经验。我什至尝试使用解压缩实用程序打开 split response.body 但没有成功。
请注意,我可以处理单个工作区文档导出的 response.body,在 HTML 中,而不是在批处理请求中,使用:
url = "https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/#{doc_id}/export?mimeType=application/zip"
这是因为响应非常清楚地是一组元组 {item_name, text_string) (对于 HTML 部分或文档,可以直接处理)或 {item_name, byte_sequence} (例如,文档中的图像).
Content-Type: application/http
Content-ID: response-1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Disposition: attachment
Content-Type: application/zip
Date: ###
Expires: ###
Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
Content-Length: 1000
### data ###
### data ###
是作为二进制数据的zip文件。在这种情况下,当使用 res.getContentText()
检索值时,响应值将转换为字符串值。由此,即使在检索二进制数据时,检索到的数据也被破坏。我想这就是你本期 but I everything I have tried to unzip them has given an error.
在这个答案中,我想提出一个简单的示例脚本来解码来自批处理请求的响应数据(在这种情况下,Google 文档文件导出为
请将以下脚本复制粘贴到Google Apps Script项目的脚本编辑器中,并设置好你的文件夹ID和文档ID。
并且,请在 Advanced Google 服务中启用 Drive API。
* Ref: https://tanaikech.github.io/2023/03/08/split-binary-data-with-search-data-using-google-apps-script/
* Split byteArray by a search data.
* @param {Array} baseData Input byteArray of base data.
* @param {Array} searchData Input byteArray of search data using split.
* @return {Array} An array including byteArray.
function splitByteArrayBySearchData_(baseData, searchData) {
if (!Array.isArray(baseData) || !Array.isArray(searchData)) {
throw new Error("Please give byte array.");
const search = searchData.join("");
const bLen = searchData.length;
const res = [];
let idx = 0;
do {
idx = baseData.findIndex((_, i, a) => [...Array(bLen)].map((_, j) => a[j + i]).join("") == search);
if (idx != -1) {
res.push(baseData.splice(0, idx));
baseData.splice(0, bLen);
} else {
} while (idx != -1);
return res;
* Ref: https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/developers-practitioners/efficient-file-management-using-batch-requests-google-apps-script
* Create a request body of batch requests and request it.
* @param {Object} object Object for creating request body of batch requests.
* @returns {Object} UrlFetchApp.HTTPResponse
function batchRequests_(object) {
const { batchPath, requests } = object;
const boundary = "sampleBoundary12345";
const lb = "\r\n";
const payload = requests.reduce((r, e, i, a) => {
r += `Content-Type: application/http${lb}`;
r += `Content-ID: ${i + 1}${lb}${lb}`;
r += `${e.method} ${e.endpoint}${lb}`;
r += e.requestBody ? `Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" ${lb}${lb}` : lb;
r += e.requestBody ? `${JSON.stringify(e.requestBody)}${lb}` : "";
r += `--${boundary}${i == a.length - 1 ? "--" : ""}${lb}`;
return r;
}, `--${boundary}${lb}`);
const params = {
muteHttpExceptions: true,
method: "post",
contentType: `multipart/mixed; boundary=${boundary}`,
headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() },
return UrlFetchApp.fetch(`https://www.googleapis.com/${batchPath}`, params);
// Please run this function.
function main() {
const folderId = "###"; // Please set folder ID you want to put the files.
// Please set your document Ids.
const documentIds = [
"### Document ID1 ###",
"### Document ID2 ###",
"### Document ID3 ###",
// Run batch requests.
const requests = documentIds.map((id) => ({
method: "GET",
endpoint: `https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/${id}/export?mimeType=application/zip`,
const object = { batchPath: "batch/drive/v3", requests };
const res = batchRequests_(object);
if (res.getResponseCode() != 200) {
throw new Error(res.getContentText());
// Parse data as binary data, and create the data as Blob.
const check = res.getContentText().match(/--batch.*/);
if (!check) {
throw new Error("Valid response value is not returned.");
const search = check[0];
const baseData = res.getContent();
const searchData = Utilities.newBlob(search).getBytes();
const res1 = splitByteArrayBySearchData_(baseData, searchData);
const blobs = res1.map((e, i) => {
const rrr = splitByteArrayBySearchData_(e, [13, 10, 13, 10]);
const data = rrr.pop();
const metadata = Utilities.newBlob(rrr.flat()).getDataAsString();
const dataSize = Number(metadata.match(/Content-Length:(.*)/)[1]);
return Utilities.newBlob(data.splice(0, dataSize)).setName(`sampleName${i + 1}.zip`);
// Create blobs as the files in Google Drive.
const folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);
blobs.forEach(b => {
if (b) {
console.log({ filename: b.getName(), fileSize: b.getBytes().length })
, sampleName2.zip
, sampleName3.zip
,,,.重要提示:我不确定这种方法是否可以用于 100 个批量请求。因为,当响应大小超过 50 MB 时,可能会发生错误。我很担心这个。因此,当您测试此脚本时,请使用少量示例 Google 文档来测试脚本。
I am at the moment only interested in the HTML part rather than images
。作为另一种方法,当 mimeType=application/zip
更改为 mimeType=text/html
时,似乎只有 HTML 数据作为字符串包含在响应值中。在这种情况下,响应数据可以解析为字符串。