在下面的代码中,我正在绘制一个堆积区域图。由于某种原因,图中仅显示了 5 条迹线中的 4 条。请帮我弄清楚如何显示最终的痕迹。
<div id = "plot33"></div>
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.js"></script>
let txhousing
d3.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/main/data-raw/tx-housing.csv", function(data){
txhousing = data
// Filter cities as specified in the R code
var selectedCities = ["Austin", "Houston", "Dallas", "San Antonio", "Fort Worth"];
var filteredData = txhousing.filter(data => selectedCities.includes(data.city));
// Convert sales to numbers
filteredData.forEach(data => {
data.sales = parseInt(data.sales, 10);
// Group and sum by city and year
var groupedData = {};
filteredData.forEach(data => {
let key = data.city + '_' + data.year;
if (!groupedData[key]) {
groupedData[key] = {
city: data.city,
year: data.year,
sales: 0
groupedData[key].sales += data.sales;
var finalDataArray = Object.values(groupedData);
var citiesGrouped = {};
selectedCities.forEach(city => {
citiesGrouped[city] = finalDataArray.filter(data => data.city === city);
// Multiple austin by 2 to make it stand out more
if (citiesGrouped.Austin) {
citiesGrouped.Austin.forEach(entry => {
entry.sales *= 2;
这是绘图代码,仅显示 5 条迹线中的 4 条:
// Create an array to store the traces
var traces = [];
let urbanThemeYellow = "#fabd36"
let urbanThemeBlue = "#2e95cf"
let urbanThemeGray = "#d1d1d1"
let urbanThemePurple = "#e83b8a"
let urbanThemeBlack = "#000000"
// Add a trace for each city
selectedCities.forEach((city, index) => {
let cityData = citiesGrouped[city];
let trace = {
x: cityData.map(data => data.year),
y: cityData.map(data => data.sales),
fill: 'tozeroy',
type: 'scatter',
mode: 'none',
name: city
switch (city) {
case 'Austin':
trace.fillcolor = urbanThemeBlue;
trace.line = {color: urbanThemeBlue};
case 'Dallas':
trace.fillcolor = urbanThemeYellow;
trace.line = {color: urbanThemeYellow};
case 'Fort Worth':
trace.fillcolor = urbanThemeGray;
trace.line = {color: urbanThemeGray};
case 'Houston':
trace.fillcolor = urbanThemePurple;
trace.line = {color: urbanThemePurple};
case 'San Antonio':
trace.fillcolor = '#FF6347'; // Replace with appropriate color if available
trace.line = {color: '#FF6347'};
// Define the layout
var layout = {
showlegend: true, // Show legend
legend: { "orientation": "h", y: -0.2 }, // Horizontal legend below the plot
xaxis: {
title: 'Year',
tickvals: Array.from({length: 16}, (_, i) => 2000 + i),
yaxis: {
title: 'Home sales',
rangemode: 'tozero'
// Plot the graph
Plotly.newPlot('plot33', traces, layout);
fill: 'tozeroy'
设置,因此它们不是堆叠的,而是 overlaid :y 不相加(如果我们注释掉开关块或使用非完全不透明的颜色,我们可以看到痕迹被覆盖)。
,同一组中的迹线将填充到该组的下一条迹线。默认情况下,堆叠还会使用 fill
(如果 "tonexty"
是水平的,则使用 "tonextx"
)打开 orientation
let trace = {
x: cityData.map(data => data.year),
y: cityData.map(data => data.sales),
fill: 'tonexty',
stackgroup: 'one',
type: 'scatter',
mode: 'none',
name: city