MotionLayout 动画无法与 Jetpack Compose 中的 LazyColumn 一起正常工作的问题

问题描述 投票:0回答:3

我正在尝试使用 Jetpack Compose 中的 androidx.constraintlayout.compose 版本 1.1.0-alpha09 库来实现带有滑动手势的 MotionLayout 动画。但是,我面临一个问题,即在 LayoutMation 内使用 LazyColumn 并在 LazyColumn 上滑动时,动画无法按预期工作。


fun HomeView(
    navController: NavController,
    viewModel: AuthViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {

    val context = LocalContext.current

    val motionScene = remember { context.resources.openRawResource(R.raw.home_main_scene).readBytes().decodeToString() }

    val tabIndex = remember { mutableStateOf(0) }

    val motionState = rememberMotionLayoutState()

    val systemUiController = rememberSystemUiController()

    SideEffect {
            color = LightColors.lightDebianColor,
            darkIcons = true
            color = PrimaryDebianColors.primary,

        motionScene = MotionScene(content = motionScene),
        motionLayoutState = motionState,
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    ) {
            modifier = Modifier.layoutId("hero"),
            contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
        ) {

            modifier = Modifier
                .padding(top = 16.dp, bottom = 8.dp)
        ) {
                selectedTabIndex = tabIndex.value,
                onClick = { tabIndex.value = it })

            modifier = Modifier
                .clip(RoundedCornerShape(topStart = 42.dp, topEnd = 42.dp)),
            color = LightColors.lightTealColor
        ) {
                modifier = Modifier.padding(horizontal = 16.dp, vertical = 24.dp),
                contentAlignment = Alignment.TopCenter
            ) {

            modifier = Modifier
                .clip(RoundedCornerShape(topStart = 42.dp, topEnd = 42.dp)),
            color = LightColors.lightDebianColor
        ) {
            FoodGridList(columns = 2)


  ConstraintSets: {
    start: {
      hero: {
        width: "spread",
        top: ["parent", "top"],
        start: ["parent", "start"],
        end: ["parent", "end"],
        translationY: 0,
        alpha: 1,
        scaleX: 1,
        scaleY: 1,
      content: {
        width: "spread",
        height: "spread",
        start: ["parent", "start"],
        end: ["parent", "end"],
        top: ["hero","bottom"],
        bottom: ["parent","bottom"],
    end: {
      hero: {
        width: "spread",
        top: ["parent", "top"],
        start: ["parent", "start"],
        end: ["parent", "end"],
        translationY: -50,
        alpha: 0,
        scaleX: 0.8,
        scaleY: 0.8,
      content: {
        width: "spread",
        height: "spread",
        start: ["parent", "start"],
        end: ["parent", "end"],
        top: ["parent","top"],
        bottom: ["parent","bottom"],
  Transitions: {
    default: {
      from: "start",
      to: "end",
      onSwipe: {
        anchor: "content",
        direction: "bottom",
        side: "top",

该问题似乎与 Jetpack Compose 如何优先考虑滚动事件和滑动事件有关。我尝试禁用和启用 LazyColumn 的 userScrollEnabled 属性,但它没有提供所需的行为。我想要实现的是一个动画,其中 LazyColumn 在动画完成之前不会滚动。动画完成后,如果用户继续滑动,LazyColumn 应恢复滚动。

我怀疑 LazyColumn 和 MotionLayout 之间的触摸事件被拦截或冲突,导致动画无法在 LazyColumn 中按预期工作。

我正在寻找有关如何正确处理 MotionLayout 和 LazyColumn 之间的交互以实现所需的动画行为的建议或见解。我希望 LazyColumn 在动画过程中暂停滚动,如果用户在动画完成后继续滑动,则恢复滚动。


android-jetpack-compose android-constraintlayout android-motionlayout android-jetpack-compose-lazy-column

不幸的是,这些解决方法意味着我们无法使用 onSwipe 选项(例如自动完成)。如果您想在折叠状态下优先考虑向下滚动(这是 xml 视图世界中的自然行为),那么您需要共享内部可滚动的滚动状态,并在nestedScrollConnection 中包含一个片段来检查它是否可以滚动后退。 请注意,标题完全折叠,即我的

= 0 但我认为如果您简单地正确定义
(即最大高度 - 最小高度),您可以避免使用

// Can put in utils file fun collapsingHeaderNestedScrollConnection( headerExpandedPx: MutableState<Float>, headerScrollMaxPx: Float, nestedCanScrollBack: State<Boolean> ): NestedScrollConnection = object : NestedScrollConnection { override fun onPreScroll(available: Offset, source: NestedScrollSource): Offset { val expandedPx = headerExpandedPx.value val allowNestedScrollBack = available.y > 0 && nestedCanScrollBack.value if (allowNestedScrollBack) { return Offset(0f, 0f) } val scrollBeyondMax = expandedPx + available.y > headerScrollMaxPx if (scrollBeyondMax) { headerExpandedPx.value = headerScrollMaxPx return Offset(0f, headerScrollMaxPx - expandedPx) } val scrollBeyondCollapsed = expandedPx + available.y < 0 if (scrollBeyondCollapsed) { headerExpandedPx.value = 0f return Offset(0f, -expandedPx) } // Else use all scroll to collapse/expand header (block nested scroll by consuming all y delta) headerExpandedPx.value += available.y return Offset(0f, available.y) } } @Composable fun MotionLayoutComposeView( items: List<NotificationSettingItem> ) { val scrollMaxPx = with(LocalDensity.current) { dimensionResource(id = R.dimen.collapsing_sweep_view_header_scroll_span_default) .roundToPx() .toFloat() } val headerExpandedPx = remember { mutableFloatStateOf(scrollMaxPx) } ManageNotificationsMotionLayout( headerExpandedPx = headerExpandedPx, headerScrollMaxPx = scrollMaxPx ) ... @Composable fun ManageNotificationsMotionLayout( headerExpandedPx: State<Float>, headerScrollMaxPx: Float, content: @Composable (MotionLayoutScope.() -> Unit) ) { val progress = 1 - headerExpandedPx.value / headerScrollMaxPx MotionLayout( progress = progress... // Inner scroll content composable scope... val settingsScrollState = rememberLazyListState() val canScrollBackState = remember { derivedStateOf { settingsScrollState.canScrollBackward } } val nestedScrollConnection = remember { collapsingHeaderNestedScrollConnection( headerExpandedPx = headerExpandedPx, headerScrollMaxPx = headerScrollMaxPx, nestedCanScrollBack = canScrollBackState ) } CompositionLocalProvider(LocalOverscrollConfiguration provides null) { LazyColumn( state = settingsScrollState, modifier = modifier.nestedScroll(nestedScrollConnection)...

您需要让滑动驱动motionLayout的进度。 这些连接需要是程序化的并且在组合上更加明确。 关键代码是 NestedScrollConnection 和包含 LazyColumn 的 Box:

val nestedScrollConnection = remember { object : NestedScrollConnection { override fun onPreScroll(available: Offset, source: NestedScrollSource): Offset { val height = toolbarHeight.value; if (height + available.y > maxPx) { toolbarHeight.value = maxPx return Offset(0f, maxPx - height) } if (height + available.y < minPx) { toolbarHeight.value = minPx return Offset(0f, minPx - height) } toolbarHeight.value += available.y return Offset(0f, available.y) } } } val progress = = 1 - (toolbarHeight.value - minPx) / (maxPx - minPx); MotionLayout( ... progress = progress ) Box( Modifier .nestedScroll(nestedScrollConnection)) { LazyColumn() { } } }

在 Jetpack Compose 中,您全权负责通过修改其


 参数来驱动 MotionLayout 的动画。

要使用 LazyColumn 在 Compose 中重新创建开箱即用的 RecyclerView 行为,我们需要做两件事:

  1. NestedScrollConnection接口。该接口提供了 onPreScroll
  2. 当滚动停止且工具栏未处于静止状态(折叠或展开)时对事件做出反应。使用
  3. LazyListState
这里是官方文档中“Motion Layout as Collapseing Toolbar for Lazy column”示例的稍加修改的代码:

package com.example.examplescomposemotionlayout import androidx.compose.animation.core.Animatable import androidx.compose.animation.core.EaseInOut import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween import import import import import import import import androidx.compose.material.Text import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable import androidx.compose.runtime.LaunchedEffect import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf import androidx.compose.runtime.remember import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberCoroutineScope import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshotFlow import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset import import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.NestedScrollConnection import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.NestedScrollSource import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.nestedScroll import androidx.compose.ui.layout.ContentScale import androidx.compose.ui.layout.layoutId import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity import androidx.compose.ui.res.painterResource import androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Preview import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp import androidx.compose.ui.unit.sp import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.Dimension import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.ExperimentalMotionApi import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.MotionLayout import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.MotionScene import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.distinctUntilChanged import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.filterNot import kotlinx.coroutines.launch @OptIn(ExperimentalMotionApi::class) @Preview(group = "scroll", device = "spec:shape=Normal,width=480,height=800,unit=dp,dpi=440") @Composable fun ToolBarLazyExampleDsl() { val big = 250.dp val small = 50.dp val scene = MotionScene { val title = createRefFor("title") val image = createRefFor("image") val icon = createRefFor("icon") val start1 = constraintSet { constrain(title) { bottom.linkTo(image.bottom) start.linkTo(image.start) } constrain(image) { width = Dimension.matchParent height = Dimension.value(big) top.linkTo( customColor("cover", Color(0x000000FF)) } constrain(icon) { top.linkTo(, 16.dp) start.linkTo(image.start, 16.dp) alpha = 0f } } val end1 = constraintSet { constrain(title) { bottom.linkTo(image.bottom) start.linkTo(icon.end) centerVerticallyTo(image) scaleX = 0.7f scaleY = 0.7f } constrain(image) { width = Dimension.matchParent height = Dimension.value(small) top.linkTo( customColor("cover", Color(0xFF0000FF)) } constrain(icon) { top.linkTo(, 16.dp) start.linkTo(image.start, 16.dp) } } transition(start1, end1, "default") {} } val maxHeightInPx = with(LocalDensity.current) { big.roundToPx().toFloat() } val minHeightInPx = with(LocalDensity.current) { small.roundToPx().toFloat() } var toolbarHeight by remember { mutableStateOf(maxHeightInPx) } val progress = remember { Animatable(initialValue = 0f) } val listState = rememberLazyListState() val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope() val nestedConnection = remember(listState) { object : NestedScrollConnection { override fun onPreScroll(available: Offset, source: NestedScrollSource): Offset { // If the list can scroll backward, then we need to allow it to consume the delta. // Otherwise, we consume it to update the toolbar height & progress. return if (listState.canScrollBackward) { Offset.Zero } else { consume(available) } } override fun onPostScroll(consumed: Offset, available: Offset, source: NestedScrollSource): Offset { // We need to handle the onPostScroll in order to consume the leftover delta after a user // flings a list from the bottom to the top so that the toolbar could expand automatically. return if (!listState.canScrollBackward && available.y > 0) { consume(available) } else { Offset.Zero } } private fun consume(available: Offset): Offset { val currentHeight = toolbarHeight return when { currentHeight + available.y > maxHeightInPx -> { onUpdateValues(maxHeightInPx) Offset(0f, maxHeightInPx - currentHeight) } currentHeight + available.y < minHeightInPx -> { onUpdateValues(minHeightInPx) Offset(0f, minHeightInPx - currentHeight) } else -> { onUpdateValues(toolbarHeight + available.y) Offset(0f, available.y) } } } private fun onUpdateValues(newToolbarHeight: Float) { toolbarHeight = newToolbarHeight val newProgress = calculateProgressGivenToolbarHeight( toolbarHeight = newToolbarHeight, minHeight = minHeightInPx, maxHeight = maxHeightInPx, ) coroutineScope.launch { progress.snapTo(newProgress) } } } } // Effect that takes care of listening when scrolling stops and if toolbar is not // at resting state, then it animates it to the closest state LaunchedEffect(Unit) { snapshotFlow { listState.isScrollInProgress } .distinctUntilChanged() .filterNot { isScrolling -> isScrolling } .collect { val currentProgress = progress.value if (currentProgress != 0f && currentProgress != 1f) { val newProgress = if (currentProgress < 0.5f) 0f else 1f // We calculate the duration here in a specific way to recreate 1 to 1 // RecyclerView's OnSwipe behavior val duration = calculateAutoTransitionDuration(currentProgress) launch { progress.animateTo( targetValue = newProgress, animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = duration, easing = EaseInOut), block = { // Also, when we are animating, we need to recalculate the // toolbarHeight as well to keep it in sync with the progress toolbarHeight = calculateToolbarHeightGivenProgress( progress = value, minHeight = minHeightInPx, maxHeight = maxHeightInPx, ) }, ) } } } } Column { MotionLayout( motionScene = scene, progress = progress.value, ) { Image( modifier = Modifier .layoutId("image") .background(customColor("image", "cover")), painter = painterResource(R.drawable.bridge), contentDescription = null, contentScale = ContentScale.Crop ) Image( modifier = Modifier.layoutId("icon"), painter = painterResource(, contentDescription = null ) Text( modifier = Modifier.layoutId("title"), text = "San Francisco", fontSize = 30.sp, color = Color.White ) } LazyColumn( modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .nestedScroll(nestedConnection), state = listState, ) { items(100) { Text(text = "item $it", modifier = Modifier.padding(4.dp)) } } } } private fun calculateToolbarHeightGivenProgress( progress: Float, minHeight: Float, maxHeight: Float, ): Float { return minHeight + (1 - progress) * (maxHeight - minHeight) } private fun calculateProgressGivenToolbarHeight( toolbarHeight: Float, minHeight: Float, maxHeight: Float, ): Float { return 1 - (toolbarHeight - minHeight) / (maxHeight - minHeight) } /** * Calculates a duration for the auto transition in the following way: * - for progress that is zero, the duration is minimal (0f -> min) * - for progress that is half way, the duration is maximal (0.5f -> max) * - for progress that is one, the duration is minimal (1f -> min) **/ private fun calculateAutoTransitionDuration(progress: Float): Int { val minDuration = 300 val maxDuration = 1200 return (minDuration + (maxDuration - minDuration) * 4 * progress * (1 - progress)).toInt() }

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