[a, b, d]
[a, b, e]
[a, c, f]
[a, c, g]
[a, c, h]
/ \
b c
/ \ / | \
d e f g h
我一直在寻找一个好的工具来实现这一目标,但到目前为止还没有找到任何东西。我查看了 https://pypi.org/project/treebuilder/ 和 https://www.jstree.com/ 但都不满足这些要求。我想我会自己写,但想看看是否有人有任何聪明的解决方案、建议或关于如何做到这一点的意见。我猜这类事情的最佳解决方案将是用 Python 或 JavaScript 编写的东西,因此标记这些语言,但我对任何语言的解决方案持开放态度
因此,我们可以首先使用对象属性(Python 中的字典键)构建这样的树数据结构,就像在 attempts 中所做的那样,但没有“词尾”概念。
这是 JavaScript 中的实现:
class TrieNode {
static PADDING = 2 // Space between horiztonally adjacent node labels
addPath([key, ...path]) {
if (key === undefined) return;
if (!Object.hasOwn(this, key)) this[key] = new TrieNode;
toString() {
const prefixAll = (lines, count) => lines.forEach((line, i) => lines[i] = " ".repeat(count) + line);
function buildLines(node) {
let lines = [];
for (const [key, child] of Object.entries(node)) {
let childLines = buildLines(child);
let width = childLines.reduce((acc, {length}) => Math.max(acc, length), 0);
// Ensure there is enough width to fit the key
if (key.length > width) {
prefixAll(childLines, (key.length - width) >> 1)
width = key.length;
// Determine position for key
const i = (1 + childLines[0]?.search(/[┤├┼│┴]/)) || (key.length + 1) >> 1;
// Add line with the key and a line with a temporary edge on top of this key
childLines.unshift("┬".padStart(i), key.padStart(i + (key.length >> 1)));
// Accumuate this subtree with previous sibling subtrees:
// Calcuate horizontal offset of this subtree
let x = Math.max(...childLines.slice(0, lines.length).map((line, i) =>
lines[i].length + TrieNode.PADDING - (line + ".").search(/\S/)
if (x < 0) { // Make room at left side of partial tree if needed
prefixAll(lines, -x);
x = 0;
// Merge next subtree at the right side of the partial tree
childLines.forEach((line, i) =>
lines[i] = line.replace(/^\s*/, m => (lines[i] ?? "").padEnd(x + m.length))
// Connect the subtrees with a horizontal branch, towards a single upward branch
if (!lines.length) return lines;
let top = lines[0];
const i = (top.length - 1 + top.indexOf("┬")) >> 1;
top = top.replace(/(?<=┬)\s+(?=┬)/g, m => "─".repeat(m.length))
.replace("┬", "┌")
.replace(/┌$/, "│")
.replace(/┬$/, "┐");
lines[0] = top.slice(0, i) + "┤├┼│┴"["┐┌┬│─".indexOf(top[i])] + top.slice(i + 1);
return lines;
const lines = buildLines(this);
if (lines[0].includes("│")) lines.shift(); // If top-level has just one node
return lines.join("\n");
let trie = new TrieNode();
let paths = [
["aaa", "cccccc", "ffff","ooooo"],
["aaa", "cccccc", "ffff","ppppp", "qqqqq"],
["aaa", "cccccc", "ffff","ppppp", "rrrrrr"],
["aaa", "cccccc", "ffff","ppppp", "ssssss"],
["aaa", "cccccc", "gggggg"],
["aaa", "cccccc", "hhh"],
["aaa", "bbbb", "ddd"],
["aaa", "bbbb", "eeeee", "iiiiiii"],
["aaa", "bbbb", "eeeee", "jjj", "s", "tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt"],
["aaa", "bbbb", "eeeee", "kkk"],
["aaa", "bbbb", "eeeee", "lll"],
["aaa", "bbbb", "eeeee", "mmm"],
// Load the paths into the trie:
for (const path of paths) trie.addPath(path);
请看看这个很棒的工具 https://eniac00.github.io/btv/