
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我已经编写了一些烹饪用具的使用代码,该代码将在 500 万人口(100 万个家庭)的早餐、午餐和晚餐时间运行。目的是绘制 24 小时内的电力需求。


function [monthlyEnergyMWhcook,powerConsumptionMWcook] = Cooking()
% Constants for appliances (Watts)
ovenPower = 3000; % Watts (household appliance)
grillPower = 6000; % Watts (household appliance)
kettlePower = 2200; % Watts (household appliance)
toasterPower = 850; % Watts (household appliance)
microwavePower = 800; % Watts (household appliance)

% Daily usage durations in minutes, converted to number of intervals
ovenDuration = ceil((132 / 60) * (241 / 24)); % 2 hours and 12 minutes
grillDuration = ceil((126 / 60) * (241 / 24)); % 2 hours and 6 minutes
kettleDuration = ceil((11 / 60) * (241 / 24)); % 11 minutes
toasterDuration = ceil((9 / 60) * (241 / 24)); % 9 minutes
microwaveDuration = ceil((11 / 60) * (241 / 24)); % 11 minutes

% Time vector for 24-hour period (241 time steps)
timeVec = linspace(0, 24, 241);

% Initialize power consumption array
powerConsumption = zeros(1, length(timeVec));

% Define key meal preparation start times
breakfastStart = find(timeVec >= 7, 1); % 7 AM
lunchStart = find(timeVec >= 12, 1); % 12 PM
dinnerStart = find(timeVec >= 18, 1); % 6 PM

% Number of households
households = 1000000;  % Example number of households

% Appliance usage during typical meal times
% Breakfast usage
powerConsumption(breakfastStart:breakfastStart+kettleDuration-1) = (kettlePower+toasterPower+microwavePower) * households;
% Lunch usage
powerConsumption(lunchStart:lunchStart+ovenDuration-1) = ovenPower * households;

% Dinner usage
powerConsumption(dinnerStart:dinnerStart+grillDuration-1) = grillPower * households;

% Convert power consumption to MW
powerConsumptionMWcook = powerConsumption / 1000000; % Convert Watts to kW and then to MW

% Calculate total daily energy in MWh
totalEnergyMWh = sum(powerConsumptionMWcook) * (6 / 60); % Convert MW to MWh, accounting for 6 minutes per interval

% Print the total daily energy consumption
fprintf('Total daily energy consumed by cooking: %.2f MWh\n', totalEnergyMWh);
%Plotting the 24-hour power consumption for cooking
plot(timeVec, powerConsumptionMWcook);
xlabel('Time (Hours)');
ylabel('Power Consumption (MW)');
title('24-Hour Cooking Power Consumption in MW');
grid on;
daysInMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];  % Days in each month

% Daily energy consumption in MWh (from previous calculation)
dailyEnergyMWh = sum(powerConsumptionMWcook) * (6 / 60); % Recalculated to ensure accuracy

% Initialize monthly energy consumption array
monthlyEnergyMWhcook = zeros(1, 12);

% Calculate monthly energy consumption
for i = 1:12
    monthlyEnergyMWhcook(i) = dailyEnergyMWh * daysInMonth(i);


问题是我的代码同时启动每个设备,这意味着例如将运行 12 分钟的数百万个水壶同时启动,因此它会产生不代表现实的巨大电力需求峰值。

有谁知道如何在早餐时间(例如 8 点到 9 点之间)让所有水壶完成 12 分钟的使用,但从不同的时间步骤开始?


This is the graph obtained from the code




我将不胜感激任何形式的帮助, 亲切的问候。

matlab graph constraints matlab-figure smoothing


实现随机偏移的步骤 定义使用时段:指定早餐、午餐和晚餐的时间时段(例如,早餐为上午 7:00–9:00)。 随机启动时间:使用随机分布(例如均匀分布或高斯分布)来确定每个设备在定义的窗口内启动的时间。 调整能源计算:确保使用的总能源与您的初始假设保持一致。


function [monthlyEnergyMWhcook, powerConsumptionMWcook] = Cooking()
% Constants for appliances (Watts)
ovenPower = 3000; % Watts
grillPower = 6000; % Watts
kettlePower = 2200; % Watts
toasterPower = 850; % Watts
microwavePower = 800; % Watts

% Time vector for 24-hour period (241 time steps, 6-minute intervals)
timeVec = linspace(0, 24, 241);
numIntervals = length(timeVec);

% Number of households
households = 1000000;

% Initialize power consumption array
powerConsumption = zeros(1, numIntervals);

% Define meal preparation windows in hours
breakfastStart = 7;
breakfastEnd = 9;
lunchStart = 12;
lunchEnd = 14;
dinnerStart = 18;
dinnerEnd = 20;

% Function to distribute appliance usage within a window
function consumption = distributeUsage(power, durationMinutes, startHour, endHour, households)
    durationIntervals = ceil((durationMinutes / 60) * (numIntervals / 24));
    windowStart = find(timeVec >= startHour, 1);
    windowEnd = find(timeVec >= endHour, 1);
    windowLength = windowEnd - windowStart;

    % Generate random start times for each household
    randomOffsets = randi([0, windowLength - durationIntervals], households, 1);
    consumption = zeros(1, numIntervals);

    for i = 1:households
        startIndex = windowStart + randomOffsets(i);
        endIndex = startIndex + durationIntervals - 1;
        consumption(startIndex:endIndex) = consumption(startIndex:endIndex) + power;

% Distribute usage for appliances
powerConsumption = powerConsumption + distributeUsage(kettlePower + toasterPower + microwavePower, 12, breakfastStart, breakfastEnd, households);
powerConsumption = powerConsumption + distributeUsage(ovenPower, 132, lunchStart, lunchEnd, households);
powerConsumption = powerConsumption + distributeUsage(grillPower, 126, dinnerStart, dinnerEnd, households);

% Convert power consumption to MW
powerConsumptionMWcook = powerConsumption / 1e6; % Watts to MW

% Calculate total daily energy in MWh
totalEnergyMWh = sum(powerConsumptionMWcook) * (6 / 60); % MW to MWh

% Print the total daily energy consumption
fprintf('Total daily energy consumed by cooking: %.2f MWh\n', totalEnergyMWh);

变更说明 随机启动时间:distributeUsage 在指定的时间窗口内分配设备使用情况,确保设备不会同时启动。 保持能源一致性:每个设备在其整个持续时间内运行,并且总能源保持准确。 改进的现实性:这种方法可以随着时间的推移平滑电力需求,避免不切实际的峰值并创建更自然的使用曲线。 生成的功耗图应该看起来更平滑,类似于每个用餐窗口内的高斯分布。如果您发现能源差异,请调整分配逻辑以更好地反映家庭行为。

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