我想生成所有可能的 ["x","y","z",1,2,3] 列表,并按升序排列。 “x”、“y”和“z”可以是任何实数,因此它们的顺序可以是任意的。然而,正如 1<2<3, 1 must be before 2 and 2 must be before 3. So, for example, the permutation ["x", 1, "y", "z", 2, 3] should be generated, but the permutation ["x", 1, "y", "z", 3, 2] should not be generated.
for p in itertools.permutations(["x","y","z",1,2,3]):
if permutation_satisfies_the_constraint(p):
yield p
但是效率非常低,因为它会产生许多不需要的排列 (6个元素的排列总数为6!=720,但合法排列总数为6!/3!=120)。
仅生成满足 1,2,3 约束的排列的有效方法是什么?
一种方法是重新表达无约束集(在您的情况下为 x,y,z)的排列选择及其在输出中的位置选择中的问题。
是您的 x、y、z,ordered_list
是您的 1,2,3:
import itertools
from typing import Generator
def f(free_list: list[str], ordered_list: list[float]) -> Generator[tuple[str|float, ...], None, None]:
assert len(set(free_list)) == len(free_list), "free_list should have unique elements"
assert all(x < y for x,y in zip(ordered_list[:-1], ordered_list[1:])), "ordered_list should be strictly increasing"
out_len: int = len(free_list) + len(ordered_list)
# Choosing a permutation of free_list
for free_list_permutation in itertools.permutations(range(len(free_list))):
# Choosing its place in the output
for free_list_index_in_out in itertools.combinations(range(out_len), len(free_list)):
out: list[str | float] = []
# Inserting ordered_list and free_list at their place
n_free_list_inserted: int = 0
for i in range(out_len):
if i in free_list_index_in_out:
n_free_list_inserted += 1
out.append(ordered_list[i - n_free_list_inserted])
yield tuple(out)
result = list(f(["x", "y", "z"], [1,2,3]))
assert len(result) == 120
assert len(result) == len(set(result)) # Checking uniqueness of results
for element in result:
assert len(element) == len(set(element)) # Checking uniqueness in one result
only_ints = [x for x in result if isinstance(x, int)]
assert sorted(only_ints) == only_ints # Checking ordering