所以目前我有一个带有以下伪代码的 DFS
procedure DFS(Graph,source):
create a stack S
push source onto S
mark source
while S is not empty:
pop an item from S into v
for each edge e incident on v in Graph:
let w be the other end of e
if w is not marked:
mark w
push w onto S
procedure DFS(Graph,source, depth):
create a stack S
source.level = 0
push source onto S
mark source
while S is not empty:
pop an item from S into v
if v.level > depth
for each edge e incident on v in Graph:
let w be the other end of e
if w is not marked:
mark w
w.level = v.level + 1
push w onto S
将包含路径[root, source)中的节点。 (不包括 source
本身。)procedure DFS(Graph, source, depth):
if source is goal then
return success
S.push(null, source) // S is a close-list
while S is not empty then do
c, p := S.pop()
r := next(c, p) // return the next sibling of c
if r is null then
S.push(r, p)
if r is marked visited then // that already marked means it cannot be goal
if r is goal then
return success
if equal(depth(r), depth) then // here is what OP wants.
S.push(null, r)
return fail