我无法在 Python 3.11 X86 上安装 matplotlib。我收到一条错误消息:
error: Failed to download any of the following: ['https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/freetype/freetype2/2.6.1/freetype-2.6.1.tar.gz',
Please download one of these urls and extract it into 'build/' at the top-level of the source repository.
[end of output]
注意:此错误源自子进程,可能不是 pip 的问题。
ERROR: Failed building wheel for matplotlib
ERROR: Could not build wheels for matplotlib, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects
pip install matplotlib
看起来有人在这里遇到了类似的问题:Error attempts to install matplotlib in Windows
标志:pip install matplotlib --pre
看起来可能是当前最新版本的 matplotlib 不支持 python3.10,这可能是导致问题的原因。