"Write a function 'rp' which takes, as an argument, a list 'lp' of pairs '(a . n)',
where 'a' is either a symbol or a number and 'n' is a natural number,
and which returns the list of all the lists, whose elements are the 'a's defined by
the pairs in 'lp', each one appearing exactly 'n' times."
例如:[[(rp '((a . 2) (b . 1))]] = '((a a b) (a b a) (b a a))
The list of permutations of an empty list, is a list containing an empty list.
The list of permutations of 3 elements a b c is a list containing the lists of all permutations of
a and b where, for each one, c has been inserted in all possible positions.
(define permut
(if(null? ls) '(())
(apply append
(map (lambda(l) (insert_perm (car ls) l))
(permut (cdr ls)))))))
(define insert_perm
(lambda(x ls)
(if(null? ls) (list (list x))
(cons (cons x ls)
(map (lambda(l) (cons (car ls) l))
(insert_perm x (cdr ls)))))))
; When your input is '((a 2) (b 1))
; Or something like that. it can be (a . 2) or vector('a 2)
; change input become normal list -> L = '(a a b)
; just use permutations -> (permutations input-L)
; If you don't want repeate just remove repeate. -> (remove-duplicates output-List)
; Done.