我想在 woocommerce 标签存档页面(例如 website.com/product-tag/jesse-marsh/)上显示面包屑。
面包屑目前在 woocommerce 产品和类别页面上可见。我不知道在哪里添加代码才能使面包屑在标签存档页面上可见。
add_filter('woocommerce_get_breadcrumb', 'change_woocommerce_breadcrumb', 10, 2);
function change_woocommerce_breadcrumb($crumbs, $breadcrumb)
//$crumbs[0] would be the home url or shop url
//crumbs[1] would be the current tag (tags are non-hirarchical)
//$crumbs[1][0] would be the tag url, which should be empty as we are already on the tag page
//crumbs[1][1] would be the tag name
//use var_dump($crumbs); to see your structure of the crumbs
if (is_product_tag()) {
$tag = get_queried_object();
$tag_name = $tag->name;
$crumbs[1][0] = $tag_name;
//you could also do something like this:
//$crumbs[1][0] = sprintf(_e('The name of the tag is %s','yourtextdomain'),$tag_name);
return $crumbs;
我必须编辑 woocommerce 插件:
* Product tag trail.
private function add_crumbs_product_tag() {
$current_term = $GLOBALS['wp_query']->get_queried_object();
//$this->add_crumb( sprintf( __( 'Products tagged “%s”', 'woocommerce' ), $current_term->name ) );
$this->add_crumb( sprintf('%s', $current_term->name ) );