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flutter dart flutter-animation


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// Rain layer. Uses three layers of particle systems, to create a parallax // rain effect. class Rain extends Node { Rain() { _addParticles(1.0); _addParticles(1.5); _addParticles(2.0); } List<ParticleSystem> _particles = <ParticleSystem>[]; void _addParticles(double distance) { ParticleSystem particles = new ParticleSystem( _sprites['raindrop.png'], transferMode: BlendMode.srcATop, posVar: const Offset(1300.0, 0.0), direction: 90.0, directionVar: 0.0, speed: 1000.0 / distance, speedVar: 100.0 / distance, startSize: 1.2 / distance, startSizeVar: 0.2 / distance, endSize: 1.2 / distance, endSizeVar: 0.2 / distance, life: 1.5 * distance, lifeVar: 1.0 * distance ); particles.position = const Offset(1024.0, -200.0); particles.rotation = 10.0; particles.opacity = 0.0; _particles.add(particles); addChild(particles); }


// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:ui' as ui show Image; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:spritewidget/spritewidget.dart'; import 'weather_button.dart'; // The image map hold all of our image assets. ImageMap _images; // The sprite sheet contains an image and a set of rectangles defining the // individual sprites. SpriteSheet _sprites; enum WeatherType { sun, rain, snow } class WeatherDemo extends StatefulWidget { WeatherDemo({ Key key }) : super(key: key); static const String routeName = '/weather'; @override _WeatherDemoState createState() => new _WeatherDemoState(); } class _WeatherDemoState extends State<WeatherDemo> { // This method loads all assets that are needed for the demo. Future<Null> _loadAssets(AssetBundle bundle) async { // Load images using an ImageMap _images = new ImageMap(bundle); await _images.load(<String>[ 'assets/clouds-0.png', 'assets/clouds-1.png', 'assets/ray.png', 'assets/sun.png', 'assets/weathersprites.png', 'assets/icon-sun.png', 'assets/icon-rain.png', 'assets/icon-snow.png' ]); // Load the sprite sheet, which contains snowflakes and rain drops. String json = await DefaultAssetBundle.of(context).loadString('assets/weathersprites.json'); _sprites = new SpriteSheet(_images['assets/weathersprites.png'], json); } @override void initState() { // Always call super.initState super.initState(); // Get our root asset bundle AssetBundle bundle = rootBundle; // Load all graphics, then set the state to assetsLoaded and create the // WeatherWorld sprite tree _loadAssets(bundle).then((_) { setState(() { assetsLoaded = true; weatherWorld = new WeatherWorld(); }); }); } bool assetsLoaded = false; // The weather world is our sprite tree that handles the weather // animations. WeatherWorld weatherWorld; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { // Until assets are loaded we are just displaying a blue screen. // If we were to load many more images, we might want to do some // loading animation here. if (!assetsLoaded) { return new Scaffold( appBar: new AppBar( title: new Text('Weather'), ), body: new Container( decoration: new BoxDecoration( color: const Color(0xff4aaafb), ), ), ); } // All assets are loaded, build the whole app with weather buttons // and the WeatherWorld. return new Scaffold( appBar: new AppBar( title: new Text('Weather') ), body: new Material( child: new Stack( children: <Widget>[ new SpriteWidget(weatherWorld), new Align( alignment: new FractionalOffset(0.5, 0.8), child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: <Widget>[ new WeatherButton( onPressed: () { setState(() { weatherWorld.weatherType = WeatherType.sun; }); }, selected: weatherWorld.weatherType == WeatherType.sun, icon: "assets/icon-sun.png", ), new WeatherButton( onPressed: () { setState(() { weatherWorld.weatherType = WeatherType.rain; }); }, selected: weatherWorld.weatherType == WeatherType.rain, icon: "assets/icon-rain.png", ), new WeatherButton( onPressed: () { setState(() { weatherWorld.weatherType = WeatherType.snow; }); }, selected: weatherWorld.weatherType == WeatherType.snow, icon: "assets/icon-snow.png", ), ], ), ), ], ), ), ); } } // For the different weathers we are displaying different gradient backgrounds, // these are the colors for top and bottom. const List<Color> _kBackgroundColorsTop = const <Color>[ const Color(0xff5ebbd5), const Color(0xff0b2734), const Color(0xffcbced7) ]; const List<Color> _kBackgroundColorsBottom = const <Color>[ const Color(0xff4aaafb), const Color(0xff4c5471), const Color(0xffe0e3ec) ]; // The WeatherWorld is our root node for our sprite tree. The size of the tree // will be scaled to fit into our SpriteWidget container. class WeatherWorld extends NodeWithSize { WeatherWorld() : super(const Size(2048.0, 2048.0)) { // Start by adding a background. _background = new GradientNode( this.size, _kBackgroundColorsTop[0], _kBackgroundColorsBottom[0], ); addChild(_background); // Then three layers of clouds, that will be scrolled in parallax. _cloudsSharp = new CloudLayer( image: _images['assets/clouds-0.png'], rotated: false, dark: false, loopTime: 20.0 ); addChild(_cloudsSharp); _cloudsDark = new CloudLayer( image: _images['assets/clouds-1.png'], rotated: true, dark: true, loopTime: 40.0 ); addChild(_cloudsDark); _cloudsSoft = new CloudLayer( image: _images['assets/clouds-1.png'], rotated: false, dark: false, loopTime: 60.0 ); addChild(_cloudsSoft); // Add the sun, rain, and snow (which we are going to fade in/out depending // on which weather are selected. _sun = new Sun(); _sun.position = const Offset(1024.0, 1024.0); _sun.scale = 1.5; addChild(_sun); _rain = new Rain(); addChild(_rain); _snow = new Snow(); addChild(_snow); } GradientNode _background; CloudLayer _cloudsSharp; CloudLayer _cloudsSoft; CloudLayer _cloudsDark; Sun _sun; Rain _rain; Snow _snow; WeatherType get weatherType => _weatherType; WeatherType _weatherType = WeatherType.sun; set weatherType(WeatherType weatherType) { if (weatherType == _weatherType) return; // Handle changes between weather types. _weatherType = weatherType; // Fade the background _background.motions.stopAll(); // Fade the background from one gradient to another. _background.motions.run(new MotionTween<Color>( (a) => _background.colorTop = a, _background.colorTop, _kBackgroundColorsTop[weatherType.index], 1.0 )); _background.motions.run(new MotionTween<Color>( (a) => _background.colorBottom = a, _background.colorBottom, _kBackgroundColorsBottom[weatherType.index], 1.0 )); // Activate/deactivate sun, rain, snow, and dark clouds. _cloudsDark.active = weatherType != WeatherType.sun; _sun.active = weatherType == WeatherType.sun; _rain.active = weatherType == WeatherType.rain; _snow.active = weatherType == WeatherType.snow; } @override void spriteBoxPerformedLayout() { // If the device is rotated or if the size of the SpriteWidget changes we // are adjusting the position of the sun. _sun.position = spriteBox.visibleArea.topLeft + const Offset(350.0, 180.0); } } // The GradientNode performs custom drawing to draw a gradient background. class GradientNode extends NodeWithSize { GradientNode(Size size, this.colorTop, this.colorBottom) : super(size); Color colorTop; Color colorBottom; @override void paint(Canvas canvas) { applyTransformForPivot(canvas); Rect rect = Offset.zero & size; Paint gradientPaint = new Paint()..shader = new LinearGradient( begin: FractionalOffset.topLeft, end: FractionalOffset.bottomLeft, colors: <Color>[colorTop, colorBottom], stops: <double>[0.0, 1.0] ).createShader(rect); canvas.drawRect(rect, gradientPaint); } } // Draws and animates a cloud layer using two sprites. class CloudLayer extends Node { CloudLayer({ ui.Image image, bool dark, bool rotated, double loopTime }) { // Creates and positions the two cloud sprites. _sprites.add(_createSprite(image, dark, rotated)); _sprites[0].position = const Offset(1024.0, 1024.0); addChild(_sprites[0]); _sprites.add(_createSprite(image, dark, rotated)); _sprites[1].position = const Offset(3072.0, 1024.0); addChild(_sprites[1]); // Animates the clouds across the screen. motions.run(new MotionRepeatForever( new MotionTween<Offset>( (a) => position = a, Offset.zero, const Offset(-2048.0, 0.0), loopTime) )); } List<Sprite> _sprites = <Sprite>[]; Sprite _createSprite(ui.Image image, bool dark, bool rotated) { Sprite sprite = new Sprite.fromImage(image); if (rotated) sprite.scaleX = -1.0; if (dark) { sprite.colorOverlay = const Color(0xff000000); sprite.opacity = 0.0; } return sprite; } set active(bool active) { // Toggle visibility of the cloud layer double opacity; if (active) opacity = 1.0; else opacity = 0.0; for (Sprite sprite in _sprites) { sprite.motions.stopAll(); sprite.motions.run(new MotionTween<double>( (a) => sprite.opacity = a, sprite.opacity, opacity, 1.0 )); } } } const double _kNumSunRays = 50.0; // Create an animated sun with rays class Sun extends Node { Sun() { // Create the sun _sun = new Sprite.fromImage(_images['assets/sun.png']); _sun.scale = 4.0; _sun.transferMode = BlendMode.plus; addChild(_sun); // Create rays _rays = <Ray>[]; for (int i = 0; i < _kNumSunRays; i += 1) { Ray ray = new Ray(); addChild(ray); _rays.add(ray); } } Sprite _sun; List<Ray> _rays; set active(bool active) { // Toggle visibility of the sun motions.stopAll(); double targetOpacity; if (!active) targetOpacity = 0.0; else targetOpacity = 1.0; motions.run( new MotionTween<double>( (a) => _sun.opacity = a, _sun.opacity, targetOpacity, 2.0 ) ); if (active) { for (Ray ray in _rays) { motions.run(new MotionSequence(<Motion>[ new MotionDelay(1.5), new MotionTween<double>( (a) => ray.opacity = a, ray.opacity, ray.maxOpacity, 1.5 ) ])); } } else { for (Ray ray in _rays) { motions.run(new MotionTween<double>( (a) => ray.opacity = a, ray.opacity, 0.0, 0.2 )); } } } } // An animated sun ray class Ray extends Sprite { double _rotationSpeed; double maxOpacity; Ray() : super.fromImage(_images['assets/ray.png']) { pivot = const Offset(0.0, 0.5); transferMode = BlendMode.plus; rotation = randomDouble() * 360.0; maxOpacity = randomDouble() * 0.2; opacity = maxOpacity; scaleX = 2.5 + randomDouble(); scaleY = 0.3; _rotationSpeed = randomSignedDouble() * 2.0; // Scale animation double scaleTime = randomSignedDouble() * 2.0 + 4.0; motions.run(new MotionRepeatForever( new MotionSequence(<Motion>[ new MotionTween<double>((a) => scaleX = a, scaleX, scaleX * 0.5, scaleTime), new MotionTween<double>((a) => scaleX = a, scaleX * 0.5, scaleX, scaleTime) ]) )); } @override void update(double dt) { rotation += dt * _rotationSpeed; } } // Rain layer. Uses three layers of particle systems, to create a parallax // rain effect. class Rain extends Node { Rain() { _addParticles(1.0); _addParticles(1.5); _addParticles(2.0); } List<ParticleSystem> _particles = <ParticleSystem>[]; void _addParticles(double distance) { ParticleSystem particles = new ParticleSystem( _sprites['raindrop.png'], transferMode: BlendMode.srcATop, posVar: const Offset(1300.0, 0.0), direction: 90.0, directionVar: 0.0, speed: 1000.0 / distance, speedVar: 100.0 / distance, startSize: 1.2 / distance, startSizeVar: 0.2 / distance, endSize: 1.2 / distance, endSizeVar: 0.2 / distance, life: 1.5 * distance, lifeVar: 1.0 * distance ); particles.position = const Offset(1024.0, -200.0); particles.rotation = 10.0; particles.opacity = 0.0; _particles.add(particles); addChild(particles); } set active(bool active) { motions.stopAll(); for (ParticleSystem system in _particles) { if (active) { motions.run( new MotionTween<double>( (a) => system.opacity = a, system.opacity, 1.0, 2.0 )); } else { motions.run( new MotionTween<double>( (a) => system.opacity = a, system.opacity, 0.0, 0.5 )); } } } } // Snow. Uses 9 particle systems to create a parallax effect of snow at // different distances. class Snow extends Node { Snow() { _addParticles(_sprites['flake-0.png'], 1.0); _addParticles(_sprites['flake-1.png'], 1.0); _addParticles(_sprites['flake-2.png'], 1.0); _addParticles(_sprites['flake-3.png'], 1.5); _addParticles(_sprites['flake-4.png'], 1.5); _addParticles(_sprites['flake-5.png'], 1.5); _addParticles(_sprites['flake-6.png'], 2.0); _addParticles(_sprites['flake-7.png'], 2.0); _addParticles(_sprites['flake-8.png'], 2.0); } List<ParticleSystem> _particles = <ParticleSystem>[]; void _addParticles(SpriteTexture texture, double distance) { ParticleSystem particles = new ParticleSystem( texture, transferMode: BlendMode.srcATop, posVar: const Offset(1300.0, 0.0), direction: 90.0, directionVar: 0.0, speed: 150.0 / distance, speedVar: 50.0 / distance, startSize: 1.0 / distance, startSizeVar: 0.3 / distance, endSize: 1.2 / distance, endSizeVar: 0.2 / distance, life: 20.0 * distance, lifeVar: 10.0 * distance, emissionRate: 2.0, startRotationVar: 360.0, endRotationVar: 360.0, radialAccelerationVar: 10.0 / distance, tangentialAccelerationVar: 10.0 / distance ); particles.position = const Offset(1024.0, -50.0); particles.opacity = 0.0; _particles.add(particles); addChild(particles); } set active(bool active) { motions.stopAll(); for (ParticleSystem system in _particles) { if (active) { motions.run( new MotionTween<double>((a) => system.opacity = a, system.opacity, 1.0, 2.0 )); } else { motions.run( new MotionTween<double>((a) => system.opacity = a, system.opacity, 0.0, 0.5 )); } } } }

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