本地 Git 存储库在从 fork 拉取后被锁定

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我第一次尝试从 github 拉取 Unreal Engine 5 存储库(特别是 ue5-main 分支,即“dev”分支)。我创建了一个名为 katianie-ue5-main 的本地分支,但每当我尝试构建该项目时,我都会在 Visual Studio 中收到错误,指出对所有文件的访问被拒绝。看起来所有文件都在 Windows 资源管理器中设置为只读。

有没有办法解锁文件夹或者是否有使用 Git Desktop 签出的概念? 我尝试手动取消勾选锁定文件夹的只读,但这不起作用。

这是我的 Git 桌面的样子: Git Desktop Screenshot

Windows 资源管理器中的存储库已被锁定,如下所示: Windows Explorer Read Only

Git 状态:

Refresh index: 100% (178229/178229), done.
On branch katianie-ue5-main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/katianie-ue5-main'.

Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
deleted:    Engine/Binaries/Linux/UnrealBuildAccelerator/.dockerignore
deleted:    Engine/Binaries/Linux/UnrealBuildAccelerator/Dockerfile
deleted:    Engine/Extras/VirtualProduction/FlutterLiveLinkVCAM/assets/eula.html
deleted:    Engine/Source/ThirdParty/ShaderConductor/ShaderConductor/External/DirectXShaderCompiler/utils/git/code-format-helper.py
deleted:    Engine/Source/ThirdParty/ShaderConductor/ShaderConductor/External/DirectXShaderCompiler/utils/git/code-format-save-diff.py
deleted:    Engine/Source/ThirdParty/ShaderConductor/ShaderConductor/External/DirectXShaderCompiler/utils/git/requirements_formatting.txt

Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

git 分支-av

* katianie-ue5-main                           ca4d8114db32 [PCG] Add warning when trying to import an alembic file with no point cloud data or no points.
  release                                     16dc333db3d6 5.4.1 release
  ue5-main                                    ca4d8114db32 [PCG] Add warning when trying to import an alembic file with no point cloud data or no points.
  remotes/origin/4.0                          dd065b230564 Engine source for 4.0.2 (4.0 branch up to CL 2034640)
  remotes/origin/4.1                          9b460da0ad7f Code snapshot for CL 2061508
  remotes/origin/4.10                         82c6eea53830 Rebuilt binaries for promoted changelist 2872498.
  remotes/origin/4.11                         c0df86062ad4 Back-port fix for mismatched argument errors compiling precompiled headers in VS2015 update 3.
  remotes/origin/4.12                         fd7794c48b37 Updating path for Rocket builds in 4.12 branch in case we do another hotfix release.
  remotes/origin/4.13                         aaf118e0c108 fix for FramePacer on iOS #rb none #lockdown nick.penwarden #jira UE-37704
  remotes/origin/4.14                         6957dd274b94 [Localization Update] Project: Engine Target: Keywords
  remotes/origin/4.15                         12d23e7ac4c2 Branch snapshot for CL 3451409
  remotes/origin/4.16                         37ca478f5aa3 Localization Automation
  remotes/origin/4.17                         db813ce277df Localization Automation
  remotes/origin/4.18                         de25f76316ed Copy xbox one mip corruption fix from dev-console CLs 3801550 and 3768615.
  remotes/origin/4.19                         ea87f4fb26ff License Check-in for WebCamAndVideo
  remotes/origin/4.2                          4225a79ca5ea Updated README.MD for 4.2.1 release
  remotes/origin/4.20                         5c73d9fb0afb Localization Automation
  remotes/origin/4.21                         7acbae1c8d17 Branch snapshot for CL 4972232
  remotes/origin/4.22                         8fb368305d69 Localization Automation
  remotes/origin/4.23                         87f8792983fb Localization Automation
  remotes/origin/4.24                         5502af308632 Branch snapshot for CL 11596182
  remotes/origin/4.25                         cede3321b23e Branch snapshot for CL 14826844
  remotes/origin/4.25-plus                    2d1aaeede678 Branch snapshot for CL 16138940
windows git github git-fork

我能够解决这个问题,我认为问题是我将 UnrealEngine 文件夹放在了 Program Files 中。除此之外,我还更改了高级部分中的用户权限设置。以下是修复方法:

  1. 删除存储库并将其放在程序文件或受保护的位置之外的位置。我只使用“D:\LocalUnrealEngine”作为位置。
  2. 右键单击该文件夹,转到属性,然后转到安全性,然后单击高级。
  3. 在窗口顶部,您将看到“所有者”,单击其右侧的更改。
  4. 在“输入对象名称”框中,输入“用户”,然后单击“检查名称”。
  5. 单击“确定”,然后在窗口中勾选“替换子容器和对象的所有者”框,同时勾选“用该对象的可继承权限条目替换所有子对象权限条目”框,然后单击“应用”,然后单击“确定”。
  6. 在原始属性窗口中,取消选中“只读”,然后单击“应用”,然后单击“确定”。

在此之后我能够构建 UE5.sln。

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