`lighthouse-ci` 中的分数是什么意思?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我们正在使用 lighthouse-ci 在 CircleCI 构建后在我们的网站上运行自动 Lighthouse 检查。我们的


  "ci": {
    "collect": {
      "url": [
        // Three URLs
      "numberOfRuns": 3

    "upload": {
      "target": "temporary-public-storage"

    "assert": {
      "assertions": {
        "categories:performance": ["warn", {"minScore": 0.4}],
        "categories:accessibility": ["error", {"minScore": 0.8}],
        "cumulative-layout-shift": ["error", {}],
        "first-contentful-paint": ["warn", {}],
        "first-meaningful-paint": ["warn", {}],
        "largest-contentful-paint": ["warn", {}],
        "speed-index": ["warn", {}],
        "interactive": ["warn", {}]

但是,我对在 CircleCI 输出中看到的结果感到困惑,例如:

  ✘  cumulative-layout-shift failure for minScore assertion
       Cumulative Layout Shift

        expected: >=0.9
           found: 0.89
      all values: 0.89, 0.22, 0.22

The Lighthouse docs 表示 0.1 或更低是累积布局偏移的良好分数。大概这个测试失败了,因为我们在三个不同的运行中得到了 0.89、0.22 和 0.22,而不是 0.1。但我不明白这里的


performance circleci lighthouse lighthouse-ci


CLS 指标有一个分数,其中 <= 0.1 is considered "good" and > 0.25 被认为“不好”(介于两者之间的其他所有内容都被认为“需要改进”)。

但是,Lighthouse 对所有审核的评分从


因此,Lighthouse 审核有两次“分数”,如本例所示:

        "cumulative-layout-shift": {
            "id": "cumulative-layout-shift",
            "title": "Cumulative Layout Shift",
            "description": "Cumulative Layout Shift measures the movement of visible elements within the viewport. [Learn more about the Cumulative Layout Shift metric](https://web.dev/articles/cls).",
            "score": 1,
            "scoreDisplayMode": "numeric",
            "numericValue": 0.004931168836415721,
            "numericUnit": "unitless",
            "displayValue": "0.005",
            "scoringOptions": {
                "p10": 0.1,
                "median": 0.25

在此示例中,CLS 分数(或 Lighthouse 为避免混淆而称其为“值”)为 0.005。但 Lighthouse 对此审核的“分数”是

(表明审核已通过,结果为 0.005 <= 0.1 and so the CLS score is "good").

您可以在此处看到在值和 Lighthouse 得分之间进行转换的代码,基于传递给该函数的

评分选项(分别为 0.1 和 0.25):

   * Computes a score between 0 and 1 based on the measured `value`. Score is determined by
   * considering a log-normal distribution governed by two control points (the 10th
   * percentile value and the median value) and represents the percentage of sites that are
   * greater than `value`.
   * Score characteristics:
   * - within [0, 1]
   * - rounded to two digits
   * - value must meet or beat a controlPoint value to meet or exceed its percentile score:
   *   - value > median will give a score < 0.5; value ≤ median will give a score ≥ 0.5.
   *   - value > p10 will give a score < 0.9; value ≤ p10 will give a score ≥ 0.9.
   * - values < p10 will get a slight boost so a score of 1 is achievable by a
   *   `value` other than those close to 0. Scores of > ~0.99524 end up rounded to 1.
   * @param {{median: number, p10: number}} controlPoints
   * @param {number} value
   * @return {number}
  static computeLogNormalScore(controlPoints, value) {
    return Util.computeLogNormalScore(controlPoints, value);

您可以看到此功能在此处的 CLS 灯塔审核中使用

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