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CASE 4 接受用户的输入,然后应用我使用过的导数函数,但它没有按预期工作,我认为错误在于指针的使用。有人可以修复吗?



#include <math.h>
#define MAX 100

void display_polynomial(int* terms, double coefficient[], int* degree);
void derivative_polynomial(int* terms, double coefficient[], int degree[]);
void integration(int* terms, double coefficient[], int degree[]);
void input_of_polynomials(int* terms, double coefficient[], int degree[]);
void quadratic_equation();
void derivative_divide();
double function_divide(double coefficient_fx[], int degree_fx, double coefficient_gx[], int degree_gx, double xd);
double derivative_divide_functions(double coefficient_fx[], int degree_fx, double coefficient_gx[], int degree_gx, double xd);

int main(void)

    double x;
    double degree_;

    int choice;
    int terms;
    int degree[100];
    double coefficient[100];

    int term_fx, term_gx;
    double coefficient_fx1[MAX], coefficient_gx1[MAX];
    int degree_fx1[MAX], degree_gx2[MAX];

    double  xd;
    double coefficient_fx[MAX + 1], coefficient_gx[MAX + 1];
    int degree_fx, degree_gx;

    printf("|\t\t        Polynomial Operations                                                                           |\n");
    printf("|\t\t        Choose an Operation:                                                                            |\n");
    printf("| 1. Calculate Derivative                                                                                    |\n");
    printf("| 2. Perform Integration                                                                                     |\n");
    printf("| 3. Solve Quadratic Equation                                                                                |\n");
    printf("| 4. Calculate Derivative of Type f(x) / g(x)                                                                |\n");
    printf("  Your Choice: ");

    scanf_s("%d", &choice);

    switch (choice)
    case 1:

        input_of_polynomials(&terms, coefficient, degree);
        printf("f(x)= ");
        display_polynomial(&terms, coefficient, degree);
        derivative_polynomial(&terms, coefficient, degree);
    case 2:
        input_of_polynomials(&terms, coefficient, degree);;
        printf("f(x)= ");
        display_polynomial(&terms, coefficient, degree);
        printf("\n\nIntegral = ");
        integration(&terms, coefficient, degree);
    case 3:
    case 4:
    {printf("Enter Value of X: ");
    double x;
    scanf_s("%lf", &x);

    // Input for the first polynomial (f(x))
    int term_fx;
    double coefficient_fx[MAX];
    int degree_fx[MAX];
    input_of_polynomials(&term_fx, coefficient_fx, degree_fx);

    // Input for the second polynomial (g(x))
    int term_gx;
    double coefficient_gx[MAX];
    int degree_gx[MAX];
    input_of_polynomials(&term_gx, coefficient_gx, degree_gx);

    // Display the input polynomials
    printf("f(x)/g(x) = \n\n");
    display_polynomial(&term_fx, coefficient_fx, degree_fx);
    display_polynomial(&term_gx, coefficient_gx, degree_gx);

    // Calculate the derivative using derivative_divide_functions
    double derivative_result = derivative_divide_functions(coefficient_fx, degree_fx[0], coefficient_gx, degree_gx[0], x);
    printf("Derivative of (f(x) / g(x)) at x = %.2lf is %.2lf\n", x, derivative_result);


        printf("Invalid Input \n");


void display_polynomial(int* terms, double coefficient[], int degree[])
    for (int i = 0; i < *terms; i++)
        if (*(coefficient + i) == 0)
        else if (*(coefficient + i) > 0)
            if (i != 0)
                printf(" + ");
        else if (*(coefficient + i) < 0)
            printf(" - ");

        if (*(degree + i) == 0)
            printf("%.1lf", fabs(*(coefficient + i)));
        else if (*(degree + i) == 1)
            if (fabs(*(coefficient + i)) != 1)
                printf("%.1lf", fabs(*(coefficient + i)));
            printf("%.1lf", fabs(*(coefficient + i)));
            printf("x^%d", *(degree + i));


void derivative_polynomial(int* terms, double coefficient[], int degree[])
    for (int i = 0;i < *terms;i++)
        *(coefficient + i) = *(coefficient + i) * *(degree + i);
        *(degree + i) = *(degree + i) - 1;

    display_polynomial(terms, coefficient, degree);
void integration(int* terms, float coefficient[], int degree[])
    for (int i = 0;i < *terms;i++)
        *(degree + i) = *(degree + i) + 1;
        *(coefficient + i) = *(coefficient + i) / *(degree + i);

    display_polynomial(terms, coefficient, degree);
    printf(" + C \n");

void input_of_polynomials(int* terms, double coefficient[], int degree[]) {
    printf("Enter Number of Terms in the polynomial: ");
    scanf_s("%d", terms);

    for (int i = 0; i < *terms; i++) {
        printf("Enter Co-Efficient of Term %d: ", i + 1);
        scanf_s("%lf", &coefficient[i]);

        printf("Enter Degree of Term %d: ", i + 1);
        scanf_s("%d", &degree[i]);

void quadratic_equation()
    double root1, root2;
    double a, b, c;

    printf("     QUADRATIC ROOTS CALCULATOR   \n\n");

    printf("Enter the Co-Efficient of x^2 (a) \n");
    scanf_s("%lf", &a);
    printf("Enter the Co-Efficient of x (b) \n");
    scanf_s("%lf", &b);
    printf("Enter the Constanct (c) \n");
    scanf_s("%lf", &c);

    double d = sqrt((b * b - (4 * a * c)));

    if (d == 0)
        printf("\t\t Roots Are Real And Equal\n");

        root1 = root2 = -(b / 2 * a);
        printf("Roots of the Equation\t  ( %.1lfx^2 + %.1lfx + %.1lf ) Are :\n\t Root 1 : %.1lf \n\t Root 2 : %.1lf", a, b, c, root1, root2);
    else if (d > 0)

        root1 = (-b + d) / (2 * a);
        root2 = (-b - d) / (2 * a);
        printf("Roots Are Real and Distinct \n");
        printf(" Roots of the Equation %.1lfx^2 + %.1lfx + %.1lf Are :\n\t Root 1 : %.1lf \tRoot2 :   %.1lf", a, b, c, root1, root2);

        printf("Roots Are Imaginary\n");


void derivative_divide() {
    printf("Function of Type f(x) / g(x)\n");

    int term_fx;
    double coefficient_fx[MAX];
    int degree_fx[MAX];

    input_of_polynomials(&term_fx, coefficient_fx, degree_fx);

    int term_gx;
    double coefficient_gx[MAX];
    int degree_gx[MAX];

    input_of_polynomials(&term_gx, coefficient_gx, degree_gx);

    printf("Function is:\n");
    display_polynomial(&term_fx, coefficient_fx, degree_fx);
    display_polynomial(&term_gx, coefficient_gx, degree_gx);

    // Calculate and display the derivative
    double x_value;
    printf("Enter the value of x for the derivative: ");
    scanf_s("%lf", &x_value);

    double derivative_result = derivative_divide_functions(coefficient_fx, degree_fx[0], coefficient_gx, degree_gx[0], x_value);
    printf("Derivative of (f(x) / g(x)) at x = %.2lf is %.2lf\n", x_value, derivative_result);

double function_divide(double coefficient_fx[], int degree_fx, double coefficient_gx[], int degree_gx, double xd) {
    double result_fx = 0.0, result_gx = 0.0;

    // Calculate f(x)
    for (int i = degree_fx; i >= 0; i--) {
        result_fx += coefficient_fx[i] * pow(xd, i);

    // Calculate g(x)
    for (int i = degree_gx; i >= 0; i--) {
        result_gx += coefficient_gx[i] * pow(xd, i);

    double result_divide_function = result_fx / result_gx;
    return result_divide_function;

double derivative_divide_functions(double coefficient_fx[], int degree_fx, double coefficient_gx[], int degree_gx, double xd) {
    double const h = 1.0e-6;

    // Calculate f(x + h)
    double fx_plus_h = function_divide(coefficient_fx, degree_fx, coefficient_gx, degree_gx, xd + h);

    // Calculate f(x)
    double fx = function_divide(coefficient_fx, degree_fx, coefficient_gx, degree_gx, xd);

    // Calculate the derivative
    double derivative = (fx_plus_h - fx) / h;

    return derivative;

c pointers derivative



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