
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


我本来会发送屏幕截图和代码...但是我从 proxy.json 获取代理并在我的 action.js 代码中使用它们,这就是它向我抛出错误的时候..任何人都知道我怎么能有机会任何我如何使用或管理使用带有 puppeteer Nodejs 的袜子5代理以及任何示例简单代码的示例

    const fs = require('fs');
    const path = require('path');
    const { Person } = require("../../../HUMAN MODEL/personality.js"); 
    // Ensure this path is correct
   //const Behavior = require("../../BEHAVIOR MODEL/actions.js"); // 
   Ensure this path is correct
  //const behavior = require("../../BEHAVIOR MODEL/yt_direct.js");
  const Behavior = require("../../../BEHAVIOR MODEL/yt_search.js");

  // Load proxy settings from proxy.json
  const proxyPath = 'E:\\WORK PLACE\\Traffic 
  Bot\\Devices\\Iphones\\iphone 15 pro max\\proxy.json';
  let proxySettings;

  try {
const proxyData = fs.readFileSync(proxyPath, 'utf-8');
proxySettings = JSON.parse(proxyData);

// Log the loaded proxy settings
console.log('Proxy settings loaded:', proxySettings);

// Validate required proxy fields
if (!proxySettings.proxyServer || !proxySettings.proxyUsername || !proxySettings.proxyPassword || !proxySettings.timezone) {
    throw new Error("Proxy settings missing required fields.");
 } catch (error) {
console.error('Error reading or validating proxy settings:', 

const modeled = {
"Account": {
    "fullname": "maarin",
    "email": "[email protected]", // Add your email here
    "password": "your_password" // Add your password here
"cookie": [],
"LocalStorage": [],
"cookieType": "Youtube",
"Device": {
    "resolution": {
        "width": 430,
        "height": 932
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/7.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 18_7; iPhone 15 Pro Max) AppleWebKit/533.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/432.0.8702.51 Mobile/15E148 Safari/804.17",
    "isMobile": true,
    "hasTouch": true,
    //"timezone": proxySettings.timezone,
    "deviceName": "Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max"
"Location": {
    "proxyType": proxySettings.proxyType,
    "proxyServer": proxySettings.proxyServer,
    "proxyUsername": proxySettings.proxyUsername,
    "proxyPassword": proxySettings.proxyPassword,
"memo": {
    "about": "I am a Female from Nigeria",
    "device": "I am currently using the Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max"

 async function runBot() {
  try {
    const teebot = new Person('maarin_cookies.json');

    // Configure the bot
    teebot.showBrowser(true); // Set headless to true/false as needed

    console.log("Starting bot life...");
    let teebotBrowserPage = await teebot.startLife(modeled);  

    console.log("Bot started successfully.");

    // Log in to Google
    await teebot.loginToGoogle();

    // Instantiate the Behavior class and perform actions
    const actions = new Behavior(teebotBrowserPage);
    await actions.directVisit();

    // Set a valid URL to visit
    const urlToVisit = "https://whatismyipaddress.com/";
    console.log("URL to visit:", urlToVisit);
    await actions.directVisit(urlToVisit);

    // Export human model data
    await teebot.exportHuman(modeled);

    // Close the browser
    await teebot.close();
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Error during bot execution:', error.message);



    const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
    const fs = require('fs');
   const path = require('path');

    // Ensure the directory for cookies exists
   async function ensureDirectory(dir) {
  if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
    fs.mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true });

  // Function to wait for a specified amount of time
 function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

 // Function to type text in a human-like manner
 async function humanLikeTyping(page, selector, text) {
await page.focus(selector);
for (const char of text) {
    await page.keyboard.type(char);
    await sleep(Math.random() * 200 + 100); // Random delay between 
100ms and 300ms

 class Person {
 constructor(cookiesFileName) {
    this.browser = null;
    this.page = null;
    this.account = {};
    this.device = {};
    this.location = {};
    this.cookiesFileName = cookiesFileName || 'cookies.json';
    this.cookiesDir = path.join(__dirname, 'cookies');
    this.headless = false; // Default to headless mode

  async startLife(modeled = {}) {
    await ensureDirectory(this.cookiesDir); // Ensure directory 

    // Debugging log for the modeled object
    console.log("Modeled object received in startLife:", 
  JSON.stringify(modeled, null, 2));

    if (!modeled.Location || !modeled.Location.proxyUsername || 
   !modeled.Location.proxyPassword || !modeled.Location.proxyServer) 
        console.error("Missing proxy configuration in the modeled 
   object:", JSON.stringify(modeled.Location, null, 2));
        throw new Error('Missing proxy configuration in the modeled 

    console.log("Proxy configuration exists. Proceeding with 
  Puppeteer launch...");

    const proxyUrl =`socks5://${modeled.Location.proxyUsername}:${modeled.Location.proxyPassword}@${modeled.Location.proxyServer}`;

    this.browser = await puppeteer.launch({
        headless: this.headless,
        timeout: 60000, // Increase timeout to 60 seconds
        args: [
            `--proxy-server=${proxyUrl}`, // Use the proxy URL
            `--window-size=${this.device.resolution.width || 1200},${this.device.resolution.height || 800}`,

    console.log("Puppeteer launched successfully.");

    this.page = await this.browser.newPage();
    await this.page.setBypassCSP(true);

    await this.page.setViewport({
        width: this.device.resolution?.width || 1200,
        height: this.device.resolution?.height || 800,
        isMobile: this.device.isMobile || false,
        hasTouch: this.device.hasTouch || false,

    if (this.device.userAgent) {
        console.log("Setting user agent:", this.device.userAgent);
        await this.page.setUserAgent(this.device.userAgent);

    // Set timezone
    if (this.device.timezone) {
        console.log("Emulating timezone:", this.device.timezone);
        await this.page.emulateTimezone(this.device.timezone);

    // Load cookies if they exist
    console.log("Loading cookies...");
    await this.loadCookies();
    console.log("Cookies loaded.");

    return this.page;

async loginToGoogle() {
    try {
        console.log('Entering email...');
        await humanLikeTyping(this.page, 'input[type="email"]', this.account.email);
        await this.page.click('#identifierNext');
        await sleep(3000);

        console.log('Entering password...');
        await this.page.waitForSelector('input[type="password"]', { visible: true });
        await humanLikeTyping(this.page, 'input[type="password"]', this.account.password);
        await this.page.click('#passwordNext');
        await this.page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle2' });

        console.log(`${this.account.email} logged in successfully.`);
        await this.saveCookies();
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error logging in:', error);

modelAccount(account) {
    console.log("Modeling account:", account);
    this.account = account;

modelDevice(device) {
    console.log("Modeling device:", device);
    this.device = device;

modelLocation(location) {
    console.log("Modeling location with proxy settings:", location);
    this.location = location;
    if (location.proxyServer) {
        const proxyUrl = `socks5://${location.proxyUsername}:${location.proxyPassword}@${location.proxyServer}`;
        process.env.HTTP_PROXY = proxyUrl;
        process.env.HTTPS_PROXY = proxyUrl;

modelcookie(cookies) {
    console.log("Modeling cookies:", cookies);
    this.cookies = cookies;

showBrowser(show) {
    console.log(`Setting headless mode to: ${!show}`);
    this.headless = !show;

async exportHuman(modeled) {
    fs.writeFileSync('humanModel.json', JSON.stringify(modeled, null, 2));
    console.log("Human model exported.");

async saveCookies() {
    try {
        if (this.page) {
            const cookies = await this.page.cookies();
            const cookiesPath = path.join(this.cookiesDir, this.cookiesFileName);
            fs.writeFileSync(cookiesPath, JSON.stringify(cookies, null, 2));
            console.log(`Cookies saved to ${cookiesPath}.`);
        } else {
            console.error('Cannot save cookies, page is closed.');
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error saving cookies:', error);

async loadCookies() {
    try {
        const cookiesPath = path.join(this.cookiesDir, this.cookiesFileName);
        if (fs.existsSync(cookiesPath)) {
            const cookies = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(cookiesPath));
            await this.page.setCookie(...cookies);
            console.log(`Cookies loaded from ${cookiesPath}.`);
        } else {
            console.log('No cookies file found.');
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error loading cookies:', error);

async close() {
    try {
        await this.saveCookies();
        if (this.browser) {
            await this.browser.close();
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error closing browser:', error);

module.exports = { Person };

现在这是我的 proxyjson 文件:

"proxyType": "socks5",
"proxyServer": "socks5://8888:8",
"proxyUsername": "my username",
"proxyPassword": "my pass word",
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
node.js proxy puppeteer socks5

根据 Chrome 文档中的 代理支持,您只需使用


但是,Chrome 不支持通过


Chrome 没有实现这一点,并且不会使用代理设置中嵌入的任何凭据。


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