我正在拼命尝试将狭窄单词表的单元格内的文本(包括 MSWord 的自动连字符功能生成的软连字符)复制到 Excel 或 Access。 当表格单元格中已存在软连字符时,它就可以工作。 取消注释代码行后,第一次在 MSWord 中运行附加代码:
Option Explicit
Sub CopyWithHyphens()
Dim oExc As Object, excWB As Object, excSheet As Object
Dim myStart As Long, myEnd As Long, CopyRange As Range
Const xlPasteValues = -4163
' when uncommenting the below lines, on my system, the softhyphens aren't available in the table cell until the Sub has finished,
' obviously auto-hyphenation cannot proceed during VBA processing?????
' Dim TestTable As Table
''prepare table
' With ActiveDocument
' .AutoHyphenation = True
' If .Tables.Count > 0 Then .Tables(.Tables.Count).Delete
' End With
' Set TestTable = ActiveDocument.Tables.Add(Range:=Selection.Range, NumRows:=1, NumColumns:= _
' 1, DefaultTableBehavior:=wdWord9TableBehavior, AutoFitBehavior:= _
' wdAutoFitFixed)
' With TestTable
' .ApplyStyleHeadingRows = True
' .ApplyStyleLastRow = False
' .ApplyStyleFirstColumn = True
' .ApplyStyleLastColumn = False
' .ApplyStyleRowBands = True
' .ApplyStyleColumnBands = False
' .AllowAutoFit = False
' With .Columns(1)
' .SetWidth CentimetersToPoints(1.999), wdAdjustNone
' End With
' With .Cell(1, 1).Range
' .Text = "This is a long text for demonstration of Autohypenation in a table cell"
' End With
' End With
'select string to copy from the Table,
'remove Cell-Text-End Marker (1 character)
With ActiveDocument
' .Paragraphs(1).Hyphenation = True
myStart = .Tables(1).Cell(1, 1).Range.Start
myEnd = .Tables(1).Cell(1, 1).Range.End - 1
Set CopyRange = .Range(myStart, myEnd)
End With
CopyRange.Copy 'copy the selelcted range, now including also the soft hyphens within the text
'open Excel
Set oExc = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
If Not oExc Is Nothing Then
Set excWB = oExc.Workbooks.Add
Set excSheet = excWB.worksheets(1)
oExc.Visible = True
excSheet.Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'paste the text of the reduced CopyRange to Excel
End If
Set oExc = Nothing
End Sub
注释掉之前未注释的代码行后再次运行代码。 第一次运行未注释的代码会传输没有软连字符的字符串,第二次运行重新注释的代码也会传输软连字符,这是预期的行为。
将数据存储在对象中,但不包括软连字符;使用 stringValue = range.text
使用 ConvertAutoHyphens 让我走上了正确的道路。至少在应用 ConvertAutoHyphens 后的中断模式下,变量 CopyRange 现在包括软连字符 (
),MSWord 用于条件连字符。
Copyrange 可以通过 Variant 传输到 Excel 或 Access