hours = float(input("Please enter your hours worked: "))
if hours < 1 :
print("Please enter a value greater than 0 ")
#continue isn't working, figure out how to loop back to top instead
#temporary placeholder fix
hours= int(input("Please enter your hours worked: "))
#if a non-numerical value is entered
print("Please enter a numerical value greater than 0")
#temporary placeholder fix
hours= int(input("Please enter your hours worked: "))
我尝试使用 continue 语句,但它不适用于此代码。如果输入失败 if 语句或触发 except 语句,如何获取代码再次要求用户输入?我对此真的很陌生。
你可以试试这个方法吗? While循环将继续直到大于0
hours = float(input("Please enter your hours worked: "))
while hours< 1 :
print("Please enter a value greater than 0 ")
#continue isn't working, figure out how to loop back to top instead
#temporary placeholder fix
hours= int(input("Please enter your hours worked: "))
#if a non-numerical value is entered
print("error occured")