Google Apps脚本在下面的电子表格中运行,除了发送邀请函外,一切正常。使用 sendInvites:true
事件在日历中创建,客人被添加,但没有发送电子邮件。我已经尝试过不使用 var advancedArgs
if (eventImported != EVENT_IMPORTED && title != "") { // Prevents importing duplicates
var cal = CalendarApp.openByName('calendarname');
var advancedArgs = {description: details, location: cust, guests:guestlist, sendInvites:true};
cal.createEvent("10% Complete-->"+title, startDate, endDate, {description: details, location: cust, guests:guestlist, sendInvites:true});
sheet.getRange(startcolumn + i, 9).setValue(EVENT_IMPORTED);
你能不能告诉我们你是如何得到你的客人名单的? 文件 ?
function testcal(){
var cal = CalendarApp.getDefaultCalendar()
var advancedArgs = {description: 'details', location: 'here', guests:'[email protected]', sendInvites:true};// change the email adress to a valid one that you have access to (but not your email adress of course !
var startDate = new Date();// now
var endDate = new Date(startDate.setHours(10));// at 10 AM, change this according to time of the day when you (eventually) test it
cal.createEvent("test to delete", startDate, endDate, advancedArgs);
Utilities. sleep(30000);
我发现 没有活动邀请函发到我的邮箱 自己的电子邮件地址 虽然活动被添加到我的日历中)。但活动邀请却正确地发送给了其他客人。
尝试:var advancedArgs = {description: details, location: cust, guests:guestlist, sendInvites: "TRUE"}。