我们正在开发一个从 mongoDB 获取数据的项目。我们创建了如下的存储库类
public interface CustomerRepository extends MongoRepository<Customer,String>{
List<Customer> customers = findByCustomerId(final String customerId);
我们希望添加跳过/偏移和限制参数作为 findByCustomerId 方法的一部分。其中 limit 用于定义返回的记录数,skip/offset 定义记录数,之后我们需要获取记录。
请帮助我们如何使用 MongoRepository 以最佳方式实现此功能。
public interface CustomerRepository extends MongoRepository<Customer,String>{
@Aggregation(pipeline = {
"{ '$match': { 'customerId' : ?0 } }",
"{ '$sort' : { 'customerId' : 1 } }",
"{ '$skip' : ?1 }",
"{ '$limit' : ?2 }"
List<Customer> findByCustomerId(final String customerId, int skip, int limit);
@Aggregation(pipeline = {
"{ '$match': { 'customerId' : ?0 } }",
"{ '$sort' : { 'customerId' : 1 } }",
"{ '$skip' : ?1 }"
Page<Customer> findCustomers(final String customerId, int skip, Pageable pageable);
参数,并从调用存储库方法的层提供 PageRequest
public interface CustomerRepository extends MongoRepository<Customer,String> {
Page<Customer> findByCustomerId(final String customerId, Pageable pageable);
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Call the repository method from a service
public class CustomerService {
private final CustomerRepository customerRepository;
public CustomerService(CustomerRepository customerRepository) {
this.customerRepository = customerRepository;
public List<Customer> getCustomers(String customerId, int skip, int limit) {
// application-specific handling of skip and limit arguments
int page = 1; // calculated based on skip and limit values
int size = 5; // calculated based on skip and limit values
Page<Customer> page = customerRepository.findByCustomerId(customerId,
PageRequest.of(page, size, Sort.Direction.ASC, "customerId"));
List<Customer> customers = page.getContent();
Here, the query method will retrieve 5 documents from the second
It skips the first 5 documents in the first page with page index 0.
This approach requires calculating the page to retrieve based on
the application's definition of limit/skip.
return Collections.unmodifiableList(customers);
聚合方法更有用。 如果结果仅限于几个文档,则查询方法可以返回
如果有很多文档,则可以修改查询方法以使用 Pageable
参数返回 Page<Customer>
请参阅 Spring Data 和 MongoDB 文档。
MongoDB 聚合 - https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/meta/aggregation-quick-reference/
自定义 Spring 数据存储库实现以及
- https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/mongodb/docs/3.2.10/api/org/springframework/data/mongodb/core/MongoTemplate.html
一个简单的用例是将自定义存储库与 Query 和 SimpleMongoRepository 类一起使用。
public interface CustomerRepository extends ResourceRepository<Customer, String> {
public interface ResourceRepository<T, I> extends MongoRepository<T, I> {
Page<T> findAll(Query query, Pageable pageable);
public class ResourceRepositoryImpl<T, I> extends SimpleMongoRepository<T, I> implements ResourceRepository<T, I> {
private MongoOperations mongoOperations;
private MongoEntityInformation entityInformation;
public ResourceRepositoryImpl(final MongoEntityInformation entityInformation, final MongoOperations mongoOperations) {
super(entityInformation, mongoOperations);
this.entityInformation = entityInformation;
this.mongoOperations = mongoOperations;
public Page<T> findAll(final Query query, final Pageable pageable) {
Assert.notNull(query, "Query must not be null!");
long total = mongoOperations.count(query, entityInformation.getJavaType(), entityInformation.getCollectionName());
List<T> content = mongoOperations.find(query.with(pageable), entityInformation.getJavaType(), entityInformation.getCollectionName());
return new PageImpl<T>(content,pageable,total);
public class CustomerService {
private final CustomerRepository repository;
* @param customerId
* @param limit the size of the page to be returned, must be greater than 0.
* @param page zero-based page index, must not be negative.
* @return Page of {@link Customer}
public Page<Customer> getCustomers(String customerId, int limit, int page) {
Query query = new Query();
return repository.findAll(query, PageRequest.of(page, limit, Sort.by(Sort.Direction.ASC, "customerId")));
public List<Customer> getCustomersList(String customerId, int limit, int page) {
Page<Customer> customerPage = getCustomers(customerId, limit, page);
return customerPage.getContent();
具体标准参考: https://dzone.com/articles/advanced-search-amp-filtering-api-using-spring-dat
我使用了带有 $skip 和 $limit 的聚合查询,它工作得很好,并且当您需要对查询结果的复杂部分进行分页时非常有用。对于更简单的查询,我使用带有 Query 对象的 spring mongo 模板。查询对象采用 Pageable 对象,您可以在其中使用排序选项定义页码和页面大小。
Criteria criterion = Criteria.where("field").is("value");//build your criteria here.
Query query = new Query(criterion);
Sort fieldSorting = Sort.by(Sort.Direction.DESC, "sortField"); // sort field
int pageNo = 1; //which page you want to fetch. NoOfPages = TotalRecords/PageZie
int pagesize = 10; // no of records per page
Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(pageNo, pagesize, fieldSorting); // define your page
mongoTemplate.find(query.with(pageable), Object.class); // provide appropriate DTO class to map.
对于 mongo DB 聚合选项 - https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/limit/ https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/skip/
限制查询结果的另一种(可能更简单)方法是在使用 MongoRepository 时在方法声明中添加过滤器。关键字 top 和 first 都可以用于实现此目标,还指定所需结果的数量(或者通过省略它,从而仅获得一个结果)。
下面的代码是一个示例,可在 MongoRepositories 的 docs.spring.io 文档中找到(链接如下)。
User findFirstByOrderByLastnameAsc();
User findTopByOrderByAgeDesc();
Page<User> queryFirst10ByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);
Slice<User> findTop3ByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);
List<User> findFirst10ByLastname(String lastname, Sort sort);
List<User> findTop10ByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);
您还可以对查询应用分页(更多详细信息,请参阅 文档)。
如果您的方法始终以相同的方式对结果进行排序,则可以通过在方法声明中使用 OrderBy 关键字进行排序,然后根据您的用例使用 Asc 或 Desc。
List<User> findFirst10ByLastnameOrderByAgeAsc(String lastname);
List<User> findFirst10ByLastnameOrderByAgeDesc(String lastname);
如果您想动态对结果进行排序,您可以在方法中使用 Sort 参数并提供。
List<User> findFirst10ByLastname(String lastname, Sort sort);
作为示例,在方法调用中提供 Sort.by(DESC, "age") 将定义 {age : -1 } 作为查询的排序。
我没有返回列表,而是尝试使用可选,并且它有效。 在此示例中,如果存在则返回最新记录:
public interface IoTTriggerDao extends MongoRepository<IotDECTrigger, String> {
@Query(value = """
{ 'dec._id' : ?0, 'active': false, 'runSingleTime': true },
{ 'processing' : false, 'ended': true}
""", sort = "{ 'activeFromDateEpoch' : -1 }")
Optional<IotDECTrigger> getDECSingleTimeFinishedTrigger(String decId);