class Matrix:
"""A matrices calculator for basic math actions
data(tuple of tuples): a Matrix- each line is a tuple in the major tuple """
def __init__(self, data):
if type(data) is not tuple:
raise ValueError("Invalid matrix")
for tup in data:
if len(tup) != len(data) or type(tup) is not tuple:
raise ValueError("Invalid matrix")
self.data = data
def unity(size):
""" unity method creates a matrix of zeros with a diagonal of ones
args: size(int)- the size of the matrix and lines.
returns: a matrix full of 0 and 1's diagonal
exceptions: ValueError for non-ints"""
if type(size) is int:
major_list = [[1 if i == index else 0 for i in range(size)] for index in range(size)]
sub_list = [tuple(lt) for lt in major_list]
# converts list of lists to type Matrix. lt are the inside lists
matrix_to_return = Matrix((tuple(sub_list)))
return matrix_to_return
raise ValueError("size must be an integer")