class RecipeWizard extends Component
use WithFileUploads;
public $form_step = 1;
public $dishCategories;
public $cuisines;
public $menus;
public $units;
// Fields Step 1
public $recipe_image;
public $recipe_name;
public $recipe_description;
public $recipe_category;
public $recipe_cuisine;
public $recipe_menu;
public $recipe_time;
public $recipe_servings;
// Fields Step 2
public $ingredients = [
public $ingredient = ['ingredient_name' => null, 'ingredient_quantity' => null, 'ingredient_unit' => null];
// Fields Step 3
public $guide_steps = [
['step_image' => null, 'step_text' => null],
public $guide_step = ['step_image' => null, 'step_text' => null];
public function mount()
$this->dishCategories = DishCategory::get();
$this->cuisines = Cuisine::get();
$this->menus = Menu::get();
$this->units = Unit::get();
public function next_step()
public function prev_step()
public function reset_recipe_image()
$this->recipe_image = null;
public function reset_step_image($index)
$this->guide_steps[$index]['step_image'] = null;
public function render()
return view('livewire.recipe-wizard');
public function add_ingredient()
$this->ingredients[] = $this->ingredient;
public function remove_ingredient($index)
// reshuffle indexes after deleting
$this->ingredients = array_values($this->ingredients);
if (empty($this->ingredients)){
$this->ingredients[] = $this->ingredient;
public function add_step()
$this->guide_steps[] = $this->guide_step;
public function remove_step($index)
// reshuffle indexes after deleting
$this->guide_steps = array_values($this->guide_steps);
if (empty($this->guide_steps)){
$this->guide_steps[] = $this->guide_step;
public function store()
if ($this->form_step == 3){
'guide_steps.*.step_image' => ['nullable', 'mimes:jpeg,png,webp'],
'guide_steps.*.step_text' => ['required','string', 'max:255'],
$ingredientsGrouped = collect($this->ingredients)
->groupBy('ingredient_name') // Group by ingredient name
->map(function ($group) {
return [
'ingredient_name' => $group->first()['ingredient_name'], // Take the first name
'ingredient_quantity' => $group->sum('ingredient_quantity'), // Sum quantities
'ingredient_unit' => $group->first()['ingredient_unit'], // Take the first unit
$finalIngredients = []; // Data to attach to pivot table
foreach ($ingredientsGrouped as $ingredientData){
// Check if the ingredient exists (get the existed one or create and save to database)
$ingredient = Ingredient::firstOrCreate(
['name' => trim($ingredientData['ingredient_name'])], // Match by name
// Prepare data for pivot table
$finalIngredients[] = [
'id' => $ingredient->id,
'quantity' => $ingredientData['ingredient_quantity'],
'unit_id' => $ingredientData['ingredient_unit'],
// Check if temp image exists then store
if ($this->recipe_image){
$recipe_image_path = $this->recipe_image->store('recipes-images', 'public');
$recipe_image_path = null;
// Create the recipe
$recipe_data = [
'name' => $this->recipe_name,
'description' => $this->recipe_description,
'image' => $recipe_image_path,
'cook_time' => $this->recipe_time,
'servings' => $this->recipe_servings,
'dish_category_id' => $this->recipe_category,
'cuisine_id' => $this->recipe_cuisine,
'menu_id' => $this->recipe_menu,
if ($recipe_data['image'] === null){
$recipe = Auth::user()->recipes()->create($recipe_data);
collect($finalIngredients)->mapWithKeys(function ($ingredient){
return [$ingredient['id'] => [
'quantity' => $ingredient['quantity'],
'unit_id' => $ingredient['unit_id'],
'created_at' => now(),
'updated_at' => now(),
$groupedSteps = collect($this->guide_steps)->map(function ($step, $index) use ($recipe){
return [
'recipe_id' => $recipe->id,
'step_number' => $index + 1,
'step_text' => trim($step['step_text']),
'step_image' => $step['step_image']
? $step['step_image']->store('guides-images', 'public')
: 'recipes-images/default/default_photo.png',
'created_at' => now(),
'updated_at' => now(),
session()->flash('recipe_created', 'Recipe created successfully!');
public function validateFields(){
if ($this->form_step == 1){
// Step 1 rules
'recipe_name' => ['required', 'string', 'unique:recipes,name', 'max:255'],
'recipe_description' => ['nullable', 'string', 'max:255'],
'recipe_category' => ['required'],
'recipe_cuisine' => ['required'],
'recipe_menu' => ['nullable'],
'recipe_time' => ['required', 'date_format:H:i', 'not_in:00:00'],
'recipe_servings' => ['required', 'integer', 'min:1', 'max:99'],
}else if ($this->form_step == 2){
// Step 2 rules
'ingredients' => ['required', 'array'],
'ingredients.*.ingredient_name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],
'ingredients.*.ingredient_quantity' => ['required', 'numeric', 'min:0.1', 'max:999.99', 'regex:/^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,2})?$/'],
'ingredients.*.ingredient_unit' => ['required'],
protected function messages()
return [
// Step 1 messages
'recipe_image.mimes' => 'The recipe image must be a file of type: jpeg, png, webp',
'recipe_name.required' => 'Recipe name is required',
'recipe_name.string' => 'Recipe name must be a string',
'recipe_name.unique:App\Models\Recipe, name' => 'This recipe name has already been taken',
'recipe_name.max' => 'This recipe name is too long',
'recipe_description.string' => 'Description must be a string',
'recipe_description.max' => 'Description is too long',
'recipe_category.required' => 'Required',
'recipe_cuisine.required' => 'Required',
'recipe_time.required' => 'Required',
'recipe_time.not_in' => 'Invalid format',
'recipe_servings.required' => 'Required',
// END Step 1 messages
// Step 2 messages
'ingredients.*.ingredient_name.required' => 'Required',
'ingredients.*.ingredient_name.string' => 'Invalid type',
'ingredients.*.ingredient_name.max' => 'Too long',
'ingredients.*.ingredient_quantity.required' => 'Required',
'ingredients.*.ingredient_quantity.decimal' => 'Invalid type',
'ingredients.*.ingredient_quantity.max' => 'Too big',
'ingredients.*.ingredient_quantity.min' => 'Too small',
'ingredients.*.ingredient_quantity.regex' => 'Invalid format',
'ingredients.*.ingredient_unit.required' => 'Required',
// END Step 2 messages
// Step 3 messages
'guide_steps.*.step_image.mimes' => 'The image must be a file of type: jpeg, png, webp',
'guide_steps.*.step_text.required' => 'Required',
'guide_steps.*.step_text.string' => 'Invalid type',
'guide_steps.*.step_text.max' => 'Text is too long',
// END Step 3 messages