如何重复使用同一Livewire 3向导表单进行创建/更新

问题描述 投票:0回答:0
我可以使用'legacy_model_binding'=> true,但这是解决方法,而不是可持续的 - 选项。 当我需要重复使用一个组件中创建和更新配方的表单时(由于


  • 我还想指出,我的表单由3个部分组成,在步骤2和3中实现了动态表单字段逻辑。商店方法还包括用于创建成分的逻辑(如果数据库中都不存在)。
  • 有人对此有任何想法吗? (对不起,长期代码)
  • 代码
  • class RecipeWizard extends Component { use WithFileUploads; public $form_step = 1; public $dishCategories; public $cuisines; public $menus; public $units; // Fields Step 1 #[Validate] #[Rule(['nullable','mimes:jpeg,png,webp'])] public $recipe_image; public $recipe_name; public $recipe_description; public $recipe_category; public $recipe_cuisine; public $recipe_menu; public $recipe_time; public $recipe_servings; // Fields Step 2 public $ingredients = [ [] ]; public $ingredient = ['ingredient_name' => null, 'ingredient_quantity' => null, 'ingredient_unit' => null]; // Fields Step 3 public $guide_steps = [ ['step_image' => null, 'step_text' => null], ]; public $guide_step = ['step_image' => null, 'step_text' => null]; public function mount() { $this->dishCategories = DishCategory::get(); $this->cuisines = Cuisine::get(); $this->menus = Menu::get(); $this->units = Unit::get(); } public function next_step() { $this->resetErrorBag(); $this->validateFields(); $this->form_step++; } public function prev_step() { $this->form_step--; } public function reset_recipe_image() { $this->recipe_image = null; } public function reset_step_image($index) { $this->guide_steps[$index]['step_image'] = null; } public function render() { return view('livewire.recipe-wizard'); } public function add_ingredient() { $this->ingredients[] = $this->ingredient; } public function remove_ingredient($index) { unset($this->ingredients[$index]); // reshuffle indexes after deleting $this->ingredients = array_values($this->ingredients); if (empty($this->ingredients)){ $this->ingredients[] = $this->ingredient; } } public function add_step() { $this->guide_steps[] = $this->guide_step; } public function remove_step($index) { unset($this->guide_steps[$index]); // reshuffle indexes after deleting $this->guide_steps = array_values($this->guide_steps); if (empty($this->guide_steps)){ $this->guide_steps[] = $this->guide_step; } } public function store() { $this->resetErrorBag(); if ($this->form_step == 3){ $this->validate([ 'guide_steps.*.step_image' => ['nullable', 'mimes:jpeg,png,webp'], 'guide_steps.*.step_text' => ['required','string', 'max:255'], ]); } $ingredientsGrouped = collect($this->ingredients) ->groupBy('ingredient_name') // Group by ingredient name ->map(function ($group) { return [ 'ingredient_name' => $group->first()['ingredient_name'], // Take the first name 'ingredient_quantity' => $group->sum('ingredient_quantity'), // Sum quantities 'ingredient_unit' => $group->first()['ingredient_unit'], // Take the first unit ]; }); $finalIngredients = []; // Data to attach to pivot table foreach ($ingredientsGrouped as $ingredientData){ // Check if the ingredient exists (get the existed one or create and save to database) $ingredient = Ingredient::firstOrCreate( ['name' => trim($ingredientData['ingredient_name'])], // Match by name ); // Prepare data for pivot table $finalIngredients[] = [ 'id' => $ingredient->id, 'quantity' => $ingredientData['ingredient_quantity'], 'unit_id' => $ingredientData['ingredient_unit'], ]; } // Check if temp image exists then store if ($this->recipe_image){ $recipe_image_path = $this->recipe_image->store('recipes-images', 'public'); }else{ $recipe_image_path = null; } // Create the recipe $recipe_data = [ 'name' => $this->recipe_name, 'description' => $this->recipe_description, 'image' => $recipe_image_path, 'cook_time' => $this->recipe_time, 'servings' => $this->recipe_servings, 'dish_category_id' => $this->recipe_category, 'cuisine_id' => $this->recipe_cuisine, 'menu_id' => $this->recipe_menu, ]; if ($recipe_data['image'] === null){ unset($recipe_data['image']); } $recipe = Auth::user()->recipes()->create($recipe_data); $recipe->ingredients()->attach( collect($finalIngredients)->mapWithKeys(function ($ingredient){ return [$ingredient['id'] => [ 'quantity' => $ingredient['quantity'], 'unit_id' => $ingredient['unit_id'], 'created_at' => now(), 'updated_at' => now(), ]]; })->toArray() ); $groupedSteps = collect($this->guide_steps)->map(function ($step, $index) use ($recipe){ return [ 'recipe_id' => $recipe->id, 'step_number' => $index + 1, 'step_text' => trim($step['step_text']), 'step_image' => $step['step_image'] ? $step['step_image']->store('guides-images', 'public') : 'recipes-images/default/default_photo.png', 'created_at' => now(), 'updated_at' => now(), ]; })->toArray(); GuideStep::insert($groupedSteps); session()->flash('recipe_created', 'Recipe created successfully!'); $this->redirect('/recipes/create'); } public function validateFields(){ if ($this->form_step == 1){ $this->validate([ // Step 1 rules 'recipe_name' => ['required', 'string', 'unique:recipes,name', 'max:255'], 'recipe_description' => ['nullable', 'string', 'max:255'], 'recipe_category' => ['required'], 'recipe_cuisine' => ['required'], 'recipe_menu' => ['nullable'], 'recipe_time' => ['required', 'date_format:H:i', 'not_in:00:00'], 'recipe_servings' => ['required', 'integer', 'min:1', 'max:99'], ]); }else if ($this->form_step == 2){ $this->validate([ // Step 2 rules 'ingredients' => ['required', 'array'], 'ingredients.*.ingredient_name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'], 'ingredients.*.ingredient_quantity' => ['required', 'numeric', 'min:0.1', 'max:999.99', 'regex:/^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,2})?$/'], 'ingredients.*.ingredient_unit' => ['required'], ]); } } protected function messages() { return [ // Step 1 messages 'recipe_image.mimes' => 'The recipe image must be a file of type: jpeg, png, webp', 'recipe_name.required' => 'Recipe name is required', 'recipe_name.string' => 'Recipe name must be a string', 'recipe_name.unique:App\Models\Recipe, name' => 'This recipe name has already been taken', 'recipe_name.max' => 'This recipe name is too long', 'recipe_description.string' => 'Description must be a string', 'recipe_description.max' => 'Description is too long', 'recipe_category.required' => 'Required', 'recipe_cuisine.required' => 'Required', 'recipe_time.required' => 'Required', 'recipe_time.not_in' => 'Invalid format', 'recipe_servings.required' => 'Required', // END Step 1 messages // Step 2 messages 'ingredients.*.ingredient_name.required' => 'Required', 'ingredients.*.ingredient_name.string' => 'Invalid type', 'ingredients.*.ingredient_name.max' => 'Too long', 'ingredients.*.ingredient_quantity.required' => 'Required', 'ingredients.*.ingredient_quantity.decimal' => 'Invalid type', 'ingredients.*.ingredient_quantity.max' => 'Too big', 'ingredients.*.ingredient_quantity.min' => 'Too small', 'ingredients.*.ingredient_quantity.regex' => 'Invalid format', 'ingredients.*.ingredient_unit.required' => 'Required', // END Step 2 messages // Step 3 messages 'guide_steps.*.step_image.mimes' => 'The image must be a file of type: jpeg, png, webp', 'guide_steps.*.step_text.required' => 'Required', 'guide_steps.*.step_text.string' => 'Invalid type', 'guide_steps.*.step_text.max' => 'Text is too long', // END Step 3 messages ]; } }




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