##### This is the section that I use to Create the Arrays
## This piece of code works
# If you want to have the sites Hardcoded, use this line
## I can't get this to work
# $ADSites= Get-ADReplicationSite -Filter * | select Description
# Below is a list of Variables that are hard coded. I'm going to convert this to an import of a CSV file
##### Now we do stuff
#### The form keeps asking me to add details so I'm adding details
# Populate Combobox 2 When Combobox 1 changes
$combobox2.Items.Clear() # Clear the list
$combobox2.Text = $null # Clear the current entry
# Refresh ComboBox 1 changes
Switch ($ComboBox1.Text) {
$ADSiteS01 | ForEach {
# Refresh ComboBox 1 changes
$ADSiteS02 | ForEach {
# Refresh ComboBox 1 changes
$ADSiteS03 | ForEach {
$labelClub.Text = $combobox1.Text + "-" + $combobox2.Text + "-" + $textBoxFPS.Text
$labelClub.Text = $combobox1.Text + "-" + $combobox2.Text + "-" + $textBoxFPS.Text
$labelClub.Text = $combobox1.Text + "-" + $combobox2.Text + "-" + $textBoxFPS.Text